Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 634: curse

"Why did you go today?" Lin Meihua asked when she was sleeping at night.

Zheng Weijun smiled bitterly and said, "I don\'t know either."

"Huh?" Lin Meihua looked at him puzzled, what does it mean to not know, do you still have amnesia?

Zheng Weijun explained: "I went to a company where my junior year was here this morning, attended a meeting, and heard something that I didn\'t understand."

"What\'s the matter? Tell me." Lin Meihua was interested.

Zheng Weijun explained his situation today in detail, and he also had some thoughts deep in his heart, but it was a little cloudy and foggy, and he felt that he couldn\'t see clearly.

So he also hopes to get some inspiration from his daughter-in-law.

But after Lin Meihua listened to him, the whole person was stupid. Now Lin Meihua\'s mind was full of the number of 10 billion US dollars, and she didn\'t listen to the rest.

As for what the stock market crash or the like, she didn\'t understand even more.

The number of 100 million is very far away for Lin Meihua, but she did not expect that her brother-in-law would be able to come up with tens of billions of dollars!

Rich to the enemy country!

This is Lin Meihua\'s only thought now.

She also knew that Zheng Shan was rich, not just her, but the whole family and many others, but no one knew that Zheng Shan was so rich!

Even when the news of the richest man came, they never thought that they had so much money!

When Lin Meihua came back to her senses, she only had one sentence, "Do whatever Dashan asks you to do."

"You......I......, I\'m too lazy to talk to you." Seeing her like this, Zheng Weijun also knew that there was nothing to communicate with her.

But Zheng Weijun\'s heart is full of pride, this is his younger brother!

Although Lin Meihua is his daughter-in-law, Zheng Weijun can still be proud in front of Lin Meihua.


Yuan Xiaohua also obviously knew what happened yesterday, so after getting up in the morning, she was always in a trance.

Compared with Lin Meihua, Yuan Xiaohua knew less about Zheng Shan, so she was naturally more shocked and surprised.

Zheng Shan didn\'t care about this, and continued to take Zheng Kui and the others to Xishui Investment Company that day, but the rest of the people didn\'t want to go shopping, but stayed at home in a daze.

As soon as Zheng Shan and the others arrived at the company, Brother Xia Lai came over and said, "Boss, Robert and the others have arrived, and they have been arranged in the conference room."

Zheng Shan nodded and said, "I see. You take my brother and the others around the company and introduce the role of each department."

This is to familiarize them with the management model of Xishui Investment, which is of course completely different from their company, but it can also be used for reference.

The most important thing is the management of the company\'s employees, which is the top priority.

Zheng Shan came to the conference room. At this time, Moore and the others were talking with Robert.

"How is it? Has it been decided yet?" Zheng Shan asked as soon as he came in.

Robert said: "Looking at your appearance, you are sure that we will not regret it. Are you so sure?"

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "I don\'t care what you decide, as long as you don\'t tell me the result of my prediction, then everything will be fine.

And if you don\'t participate, you can lend me money. This is a good thing for me, and it is also a good thing for you. At least you don\'t have to take risks, right? "

"There is no need to take risks, but the benefits are also much smaller." Robert sighed.

This time they also discussed for many days in a row. To be honest, many people were shocked by Zheng Shan\'s conclusion.

They don\'t want to believe it. After all, the 50-year bull market has made these people blindly believe in the adjustment ability of the US stock market.

They are willing to believe that there will be a volatility in the US stock market, which is acceptable even if it is larger, and it is also within their consideration.

But they are unwilling to believe that the U.S. stock market has completely collapsed because of this, and the impact of this is huge.

The collapse of the U.S. stock market is not just about affecting the stock market, it affects all aspects of things.

In fact, it is understandable to think about it. The United States has experienced a continuous bull market for 50 years. Now even Japan, a stock market that has only risen for a few years, is already full of endless hope for the stock market at this time.

All Japanese people, even some big capitals, will not think that the Japanese stock market and economy will collapse in a short period of time.

Even most people believe that the Japanese stock market will continue to rise and never stop.

This is not a joke, but in this era, at this time, there are not a few people who have such thoughts.

Goldman Sachs has also vaguely noticed some situations after various discussions, various modeling analyses, and aggregating all the data.

"Well, we promise all your conditions, but you also need to give us a guarantee." Robert said solemnly.

Zheng Shan sneered, "Are you dreaming and not awake? Let me give you a guarantee?"

"I don\'t know who came up with this idea. I can only say it\'s naive. If you can\'t have fun, then don\'t follow it, okay?"

"Isn\'t it good to take out the money honestly and earn some interest money?"

"Anyway, even if I lose everything this time, I still have enough capital to pay your loan and interest."

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s full of ridicule, Robert\'s face was full of helplessness. Of course he knew that when he said this, he would definitely be ridiculed.

Even Robert himself had ridiculed it at the high-level meeting, but it was a collective decision. To test Zheng Shan\'s attitude, he could only do it.

Zheng Shan looked at the time, it was only two minutes before he came in, "Okay, the delay of two minutes is enough, Moore, let\'s see you off."

Saying that, Zheng Shan got up and was about to leave~www.novelhall.com~ Robert was in a hurry, "Don\'t go, Mr. Zheng, isn\'t business just asking you to exchange prices with me? You don\'t need to be in such a hurry."

Zheng Shan sneered: "Do you think of me as a fool, or do you think you Goldman Sachs can really control everything? What? Do you want me to take the entire company to Goldman Sachs for nothing?"

"A bunch of idiots."

At the end of the day, Zheng Shan scolded him directly. He was so desperate that he wanted to take advantage of it. He really thought that Zheng Shan would not be able to do anything without their money.

Don\'t say that Zheng Shan is not short of money, but is short of money. For such conditions, he is also based on the idea of ​​how far he goes.

Robert said helplessly: "I know our proposal is a bit too much, but this is also..."

"It\'s nothing, but if you want to cooperate, show your sincerity. If you\'re not sincere, get out early." Zheng Shan looked impatient.

Robert was choked, but he could only endure it, and he needed to be accompanied by a smiling face.