Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 635: friendship

After Zheng Shan sat down again, he raised a finger and said lightly: "Now you can only agree to all my requirements, otherwise everything will be avoided, and you only need to abide by the contract in the future."

He was really too lazy to argue with these people, and he had been intimidating one by one for too long, thinking that there was no other way but to rely on them.

"That\'s fine." Robert also cheered up.

In fact, they had already agreed before, but this time Zheng Shan\'s prediction was too scary, and they subconsciously wanted to find the biggest support.

Want Zheng Shan to promise something for them.

But how is it possible, Zheng Shan is not the kind of small company, let them handle these big capitals.

Even if Zheng Shan made some gambling agreements with them before, it was based on many foundations.

If Zheng Shan really started from scratch, he would not be willing to take too many risks, and he would have accepted capital from the very beginning.

Then it\'s really not good at this time.

But Zheng Shan only allowed capital to enter and expand his basic market after he became stronger.

In this way, the capital wants to control the Xishui Group through various means like other companies, which is like a dream.

After a cleaning by Zheng Shan, these capitals are one by one in the Xishui Supermarket Group, as honest as little sheep.

No one dared to move the mind of the internal power of Xishui Supermarket.

The rights they have now are normal rights, and beyond that, there is nothing.

In particular, the operation rights and decision-making rights, the two most important rights, have always been firmly in Zheng Shan\'s hands.

This is still a listed group company of Xishui Supermarket. If it is Xishui Investment, it is completely Zheng Shan\'s words.

In addition, Zheng Shan has confidence this time, so there is no need to compromise with these big capitals.

Zheng Shan also laughed when he heard Robert\'s happy answer, "Look at how good this is, if it drags on, I really doubt your integrity and strength, and if you don\'t know what to do, you have to change your partner. already."

"Haha, Mr. Zheng, don\'t doubt our strength, and we, Goldman Sachs, have always been your most loyal partners, and this will never change." Robert\'s lie came as soon as he opened his mouth.

Zheng Shan just snorted disdainfully, and then didn\'t bother to care about anything.

forever partner?

No matter how stupid Zheng Shan was, he couldn\'t believe what he said.

"Okay, since I agreed, let\'s sign the contract, and prepare some premise work by the way." Zheng Shan said.

Robert said: "Mr. Zheng, how should the specific actions be arranged?"

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "You discuss this with Moore and the others. As for the main action time, I will inform you in advance. Of course, you can do as I say, but you can also follow your own ideas. , as long as you don\'t blame me for not reminding you afterwards."

After speaking, Zheng Shan left immediately. The tougher his attitude is now, the easier it is for Goldman Sachs to give in.

Robert wanted to say something, but seeing Zheng Shan\'s attitude, he couldn\'t open his mouth for a while, so he could only talk to Moore and the others in detail.

Zheng Shan returned to the office to deal with some documents, and at noon, he saw Zheng Weijun and the others coming back.

Although Xishui Investment only occupies the top five floors of the building, there are many employees and various departments.

What Zheng Shan has been pursuing is the refinement of personnel responsibilities, so the number of employees has expanded a lot over the years.

"Compared with you, I\'m like a small workshop, no, it\'s not even a small workshop." Zheng Weijun sighed.

I didn\'t take a closer look before, I just listened to the one-day meeting. After taking a closer look today, Zheng Weijun felt the difference more and more.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "The domestic business is not yet developed, and in a few years, it will become similar to the one here."

"I hope so." Zheng Weijun said.

In fact, Zheng Weijun\'s biggest feeling today is not how good the place is or how advanced the management is.

Zheng Weijun\'s biggest feeling is that Zheng Shan can leave these behind and choose to return to China.

Putting himself in his shoes, Zheng Weijun himself is not sure, and when he has these, he is reluctant to return to China.

Although these things still belong to Zheng Shan, and after Zheng Shan returned to China, even the remote commander still developed very well.

But the domestic conditions are too far from here, and it is not unreasonable that the United States in the 1980s was sought after by countless people.

In this way, Zheng Shan still chose to go back to his relatives, which is the greatest feeling of Zheng Weijun.

Zhao Wen said at this time: "I have asked my relatives and friends to sell all the stocks and so on. It is their own business to listen to them or not."

"Would you like to put your money on my side to try?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

He doesn\'t mind playing with Zhao Wen once, this time is also a very good opportunity.

Zhao Wen listened to Zheng Shan\'s words and said it was false to say that he was not excited, but he quickly refused, or he also considered this issue.

"Forget it, I can\'t handle windfalls like this, and if I put this money on your side, it\'s purely to take advantage of it, it\'s not necessary." Zhao Wen waved his hand.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much after hearing the words, Zhao Wen also had his own ideas, and he actually understood a little bit.

He started his own business from Zhao Wen. Although the process was extremely difficult, he never asked Zheng Shan to open his mouth.

Doesn\'t Zhao Wen know that as long as Zheng Shan helps, his entrepreneurial road will be reduced in difficulty by geometric multiples?

Of course he knew, but what he wanted more was to maintain pure friendship with Zheng Shan, not to become a vassal.

That\'s not what Zhao Wen wants.

It is very simple to say that money is money, and friendship is friendship, but 99% of people will completely deteriorate when money is mixed in friendship.

So Zhao Wen is willing to accept Zheng Shan\'s kindness, but he is unwilling to accept Zheng Shan\'s \'alms~www.novelhall.com~ Of course, this is not a real charity, but Zhao Wen is reluctant.

"Go out for a walk in the afternoon? When you came last time, you didn\'t have a good time, right?" Zhao Wen changed the subject and asked the two Zheng Weijun beside him.

Zheng Weijun thought about it and said, "Okay, then I will trouble you, Xiaowen."

"Hey, eldest brother, you\'ll see what you said. Zheng Shan and I are good friends, and you are my eldest brother. This is what I should do." Zhao Wen said.

"You guys go shopping in the afternoon, I won\'t accompany you, there are a lot of things to do." Zheng Shan said.

Zhao Wendao: "Don\'t worry, you will definitely bring back eldest brother and Dakui safely."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "I\'m relieved about this, but I\'m not worried about where you take them. Just don\'t go to the red light district."

"Am I that kind of person?"

"Ha ha!"