Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 633: Spending heavily

Some high-level executives reported their own affairs, and then left after receiving the tasks arranged by Zheng Shan.

In the end, only Moore was left with a few decision-makers.

"I don\'t know how many people will go bankrupt this time." Moore said with emotion.

"Are you soft-hearted?" the person on the side teased.

Moore laughed and said: "How is it possible, if I were soft-hearted, I wouldn\'t be in this line of work."

This is just Moore\'s emotion for a while, and this is also when he realizes how many people will lose their lives when the stock market crash completely breaks out.

Not everyone is comfortable with going from a millionaire to a pauper overnight, or even a huge debt.

"All we can do now is to take care of ourselves, and we don\'t need to worry about the rest. In addition, this is not something we can stop."

"Even without us, this thing will still happen, and they will still become penniless." Zheng Shan said slowly.

Moore quickly explained: "Boss, I\'m not so vulnerable, it\'s just a moment of emotion."

He couldn\'t let Zheng Shan think he was weak, otherwise his position might not be stable.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much, just let them go to work first.

After everyone left, Zheng Shan looked at the three of them, especially Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui, and asked, "How is it? How do you feel?"

Zheng Weijun gave a wry smile, "I\'m dazed right now, I feel like I\'m a fool here."

In fact, there is one more thing that Zheng Weijun didn\'t say. He was a little unfamiliar with Zheng Shan here.

Zheng Weijun couldn\'t believe it. In front of so many people who were obviously upper class, he scolded Fang Qiu, and the person who pointed the country was his younger brother.

In the eyes of Zheng Weijun, the former Zheng Shan was actually similar to most people. At most, he was rich.

I didn\'t see what happened to Zheng Shan, but at this time he saw a different Zheng Shan, which made him a little dazed for a while.

Zheng Kui didn\'t feel much about this kind of feeling, but he just felt that today\'s Zheng Shan was particularly imposing.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "This is the first time you have come into contact with these, so naturally you don\'t understand it very well, but when the taxi company becomes bigger in the future, it will be necessary.

You can\'t do everything by yourself. Look at me. Basically, I come here a few times a year, but my control over the company has not weakened in the slightest.

And the operation of the company is also very good, although there will be some problems, but because I rarely come here, I can deal with these problems with ruthlessness. "

"Of course, I\'m not asking you to imitate me. I also have certain disadvantages, that is, I have a lack of detailed grasp of the company."

Zheng Shan wanted to talk to Zheng Weijun about this for a long time. Now Zheng Weijun is busy in the taxi company every day.

Even Lin Meihua was like this, she didn\'t have any free time at all.

Now taking this opportunity, Zheng Shan is also persuading.

Zheng Weijun just nodded. Zheng Shan had told him these words before, but at that time, he really didn\'t feel much.

It\'s just that Zheng Shan brought him over to see this time, and he had some other feelings in person.

Zheng Shan didn\'t ask any more questions, and turned to Zheng Kui.

Zheng Kui scratched his head, and finally said, "It looks amazing."

"That\'s it?"

"That\'s it!"

Zheng Shan was speechless and didn\'t bother to say anything to him. Anyway, I brought them here this time, mainly to let them experience the cruelty of the capital market. As for the rest, I\'ll talk about it later.

Perhaps in a few more years, when the domestic business scale grows, they will slowly feel the pressure.

Zhao Wen thought about it a lot, and without waiting for Zheng Shan to ask, he took the initiative to say, "You mean the U.S. stock market is about to collapse?"

Zheng Shan nodded and said: "My prediction is indeed like this, and the time will not be too far away, it should be in the last few months."

He didn\'t hide Zhao Wen either, he knew that Zhao Wen\'s mouth was very strict, and he would never say things that shouldn\'t be said.

"In this way, then..." Zhao Wen couldn\'t continue.

He is no longer a young man who doesn\'t understand anything, and he also has his own insights into the capital market.

At the same time, I understand that once Zheng Shan\'s prediction comes true and the U.S. stock market crashes, the impact will be huge.

But at the same time, Zheng Shan, who made predictions in advance and has tens of billions of funds in his hands, will definitely gain huge benefits from it.

Of course, Zhao Wen\'s greatest feeling is still warmth. Zheng Shan didn\'t hide such a thing from him. He really regarded him as a brother, even if Zheng Shan became the richest man, even if Zheng Shan left the United States for such a long time , Zheng Shan still recognizes his brother.

Zheng Shan said a few words to them, and then said: "Leave first, we will all be here in the next few months, Zhao Wen, you can come over at any time if you have time."

"Okay, then I won\'t be polite to you. It\'s a great honor to be able to participate in such an event that may go down in history!" Zhao Wen said.

Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui don\'t quite know what will happen to the US stock market crash, but Zhao Wen is very clear.

So he knew how big this thing was.

And Zheng Shan\'s current identity is here, let\'s put it this way, as long as Zhao Wen publicizes Zheng Shan\'s prediction, it may even trigger the collapse of the US stock market in advance!

Therefore, Zhao Wen is very excited in his heart, and is excited to be trusted by Zheng Shan!

When they got home, Zheng Weijun and the others still didn\'t come back to their senses. Anyway, they just sat on the sofa in a daze.

Until the six girls come back.

Seeing their bodies covered in large and small bags, Zheng Weijun suddenly woke up.

"How much will it cost?" Zheng Weijun asked subconsciously.

This sentence made Lin Meihua and Yuan Xiaohua wake up from their shopping frenzy~www.novelhall.com~ They looked at each other and didn\'t speak, because they didn\'t know either.

"Xiuxiu, how much did it cost? We\'ll give it to you." Lin Meihua felt a little guilty when she said this. Although she didn\'t know how much, she knew a lot.

At the beginning, Lin Meihua dared to buy such expensive things, but she was induced by the fifth, and the attitude of the fifth was to swipe the card directly, and then buy, buy, buy.

In the end, the result is that no one is looking at the price.

The old fifth said with a smile: "sister-in-law, no need, the third brother said that he will pay for all this."

Zheng Shan also smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, you can just have fun shopping, family, what money are you talking about?"

Lin Meihua was still a little embarrassed, but Zheng Shan said so, and she knew that Zheng Shan was definitely not short of this money, so she didn\'t mention it again.

Yuan Xiaohua is also the same, somewhat embarrassed in her heart. Fortunately, with the fifth and Yan Lele, they soon entered the unboxing session, and her mood suddenly improved.