Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 632: $0 billion

Zhao Wen left after having a meal here. Zheng Shan and the others were tired after having been on the plane for so long.

Because it was the first time for Lin Meihua and Yuan Xiaohua to come here, they were not quite used to it.

Fortunately, with the fifth and the other four girls here, it is finally better.

The next day, Zheng Shan brought the three of Zheng Weijun to Xishui Investment. Zhao Wen still had some knowledge. Although it was his first time here, there was nothing unusual.

However, Zheng Kui and Zheng Weijun were just extremely curious, and at the same time, their hearts were full of shock, which was a world of difference from their own company.

Zheng Kui and Zheng Weijun originally thought that their company was actually very good. To be honest, there must be companies in the whole country that are doing better than them, but there are definitely not many.

So the two were still a little confident, but when they saw Xishui\'s investment, they instantly felt the difference.

Not to mention the external decoration of the company, the employees who work here, just looking at it makes them feel ashamed.

Coupled with the busy but orderly appearance here, the two of them were a little cautious for a while and did not dare to speak loudly.

Zheng Shan glanced at it and said nothing.

When they got to the top floor, Zheng Shan first came to the office and asked the three of them to find a place to sit down, and then asked Brother Xia Lai to inform Moore that they had a meeting.

Zheng Shan looked at the three with a smile: "How is it? Do you feel anything?"

Zheng Kui, who has always been carefree, said a little embarrassed at this time: "Brother, is this really your company?"

"Of course, this investment company completely belongs to me." Zheng Shandao.

"The people here seem to be very powerful." Zheng Kui said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s not looking at them, it\'s just that they are really powerful. Let\'s put it this way, if you pick out any one person at random, they are all from top universities in Europe and America, and their grades in school are all excellent, otherwise they won\'t be at all. I\'m not eligible to enter this company."

Zheng Kui and Zheng Weijun stopped talking, let alone top students from top universities in their company, there were very few secondary school students.

Of course, there are many reasons for this, the most important one being the special situation in China.

But this also made the two of them not know what to say for a while, and this time it brought them too much shock.

This is also the first time they have seen Zheng Shan\'s business map, although it is only one aspect.

In the past at home, although I knew that Zheng Shan had many companies in the country and I had seen it twice, I was not shocked by this visit.

"You will bring me to the meeting with me, just listen and not talk, just get to know it. Of course, after you go back, don\'t copy me completely, it\'s different." Zheng Shan reminded.

At this time, Zheng Kui and the two just nodded in a trance, not knowing for a while whether they heard or not.

Zhao Wen pointed to himself in amazement and said, "Am I going too?"

His relationship with Zheng Shan is good, but it is definitely not as good as a brother like Zheng Kui.

Zheng Shan looked at him with a smile and said, "Of course, I have a lot of experience in the past. I heard that you have been doing well recently, but you definitely lack some experience in big companies. This time, I will consider it as a study."

Seeing that Zheng Shan said so, Zhao Wen has never been a person who likes to tangle, and said directly: "Then I will not be polite to you."

"Two brothers, there is no need to be so polite." Zheng Shan said.

After the preparation was over there, Zheng Shan took the three to the conference room together. Moore and the others were stunned when they saw Zheng Kui and others.

Of course Moore knew brothers Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui, and even Zhao Wen, but he didn\'t expect that Zheng Shan would bring them here at such an important meeting.

However, Xishui Investment was originally Zheng Shan\'s own, and no one could stop him from doing what he wanted.

So when I saw Zheng Shan, I didn\'t mean to introduce the three people, and everyone regarded it as invisible.

"Tell me about the specific situation." Zheng Shan said.

Moore nodded and said, "Let me start by saying, now that our cash reserves have reached 5.6 billion US dollars, we have already spent about a billion US dollars on the stock market."

"That said, we\'ve raised almost $6.6 billion in cash over that time."

Zheng Shan nodded, the money was within his expectation, "Where\'s the Xishui Supermarket Group?"

"There are also three billion dollars over there, but it has not been allocated to our group for the time being." Moore replied.

In this way, Zheng Shanguang has raised tens of billions of dollars in funds, which is simply an astronomical figure.

At this time, Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui were more like listening to the scriptures, their faces were full of confusion!

Ten billion dollars?

Is this all from Zheng Shan?

And it\'s still cash?

They are also business people, and naturally they know the difference between assets and cash.

Of course, the amount of money that Zheng Shan can raise is more than that, but his stall is here, and Zheng Shan\'s stall is very large.

These stalls will bring him huge benefits in the future, but now they all need financial support.

Therefore, Zheng Shan also needs to consider these stalls. He can\'t remove these stalls for this time, as it will not be worth the loss.

Compared with the nearly 10 trillion US stock market, 10 billion US dollars is naturally nothing.

But that\'s under normal circumstances, and the current 10 billion can do a lot.

After talking about the capital aspect, I started to talk about the current situation of the US stock market.

"The stock market is still booming, but with your reminder, boss, we carefully analyzed various data and found some problems."

"Since the golden age of the U.S. economy, the U.S. stock market has been going up all the way, basically for five decades.

Before this, the various economies of the United States can support this~www.novelhall.com~ trade has unique advantages. "

"But with the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, there was an economic crisis that caused a surge in inflation and a surge in unemployment..."

Some things that people didn\'t care about before, or that were not related to each other, were now linked together.

The more this is, the more they feel that their boss\'s prediction is very reliable, and at the same time, there is a sense of urgency in their hearts.

The meeting was held until the evening, and even the meals were eaten in the conference room.

Zheng Kui should have been very impatient with such a scene. His character itself is not someone who can sit still, not to mention everything these people said, he couldn\'t understand, even if someone was translating.

But I don\'t know why, Zheng Kui not only didn\'t want to leave irritably this time, but sat there honestly.

He always felt that he was participating in a very big thing, and at the same time, such meetings also brought him some other ideas.