Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 624: let go

Even if Zheng Yan\'s matter is settled like this, a meal can be regarded as a happy guest and host.

Zheng Shan sent people over again.

"This is a house of our family. You live here temporarily, and there are usually no people. It just so happens that my uncle and aunt live here and can help us clean it up. Uncle and aunt also know that this house will be damaged if it is not lived for a long time." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Zheng Shan knew that the people from the Peng family had not waited for a place to live. Before, Zheng Yan and the others arranged to stay in a small hotel, but Zheng Shan helped arrange it in this house.

The house is not very good. It\'s a very ordinary yard, and the surrounding area is full of people. The sanitation of the environment is not very good.

But this is the best for the Peng family. If they really arrange that kind of good house, it is estimated that they are not used to living in it.

Mom and Dad Peng also knew that Zheng Shan was being polite, but he didn\'t reject the kindness. After all, the house had indeed been unoccupied for a long time.

"It\'s too much trouble for you to come here this time." Dad Peng said.

Zheng Shan said: "We are all a family from now on, there is no need to be so polite."

After saying a word, Zheng Shan said: "Okay, my uncle and aunt are tired after sitting in the truck for so long, so I won\'t bother you any more. Uncle and aunt have a rest first, and let me know if there is anything missing."

After speaking, he left here. Zheng Yan left with him. On the way, Zheng Yan said gratefully, "Thank you, brother."

"Thank me for what?" Zheng Shan asked.

"If you didn\'t speak up today, I don\'t think it would be so easy." Zheng Yan said.

Zheng Shan glanced at Zheng Yan and sighed: "Yanzi, you are really wrong about this. No matter what happens today, as long as you don\'t change your mind, then things will be fine."

"I also know that you still have some resentment towards the second uncle and the others, but you also need to know that the second uncle has changed a lot over the years. At least now you know that what happened before was their fault."

"Don\'t look at what the second uncle said today is a bit unpleasant, but this is what he should say and do as a father."

Speaking of Zheng Shan\'s tone, he gradually became solemn, "You may not feel it now, but you have to know that after you get married, I won\'t be able to interfere in many things, whether it\'s your second uncle or your brother."

"Not much else to say, just talk about your sister Lan. Now she often quarrels with Wen Jie. In fact, I sometimes stand by my sister\'s side, but so what? I can only persuade, not make trouble. To the point of being completely inexorable, all we can do is persuade.”

Looking at Zheng Yan who was silent, Zheng Shan didn\'t stop his mouth, but continued: "The same is true for you in the future, Second Uncle and the others will be able to help you very little in the future, he doesn\'t want you to suffer from your in-law\'s side.

So everything he does today is for your consideration, so that when you are in your in-law\'s house in the future, you can be looked at by your in-law\'s family. "

This is actually the case in this era. Many people see a lot of the situation on the side of the woman\'s family.

Once the mother-in-law\'s side is easy to bully, then if something happens, the woman will not have a good time on her husband\'s side.

What Zheng Shan said is also to want Zheng Yan to open up his heart, and the past will pass.

Zheng Yan didn\'t speak, just nodded sullenly.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much. He cut the matter apart and analyzed it clearly. Zheng Yan would figure it out by himself.

Back at home, the second aunt took Zheng Yan and began to whisper.

At the Peng family\'s side, there was also a chat, and Peng Yue\'s two younger brothers, Peng Bing and Peng Guo, were jumping around excitedly.

Peng\'s father and Peng\'s mother were calmer, and said to their son, "Why didn\'t you tell us about the situation of Yanzi\'s house in advance?"

"It was Yanzi who told me not to talk about it, and that was his cousin. Although their family\'s situation is better, they are also from the countryside." Peng Yue said.

Dad Peng sighed and said, "No matter what, Yanzi is a good girl, you should cherish it and treat others well in the future.

We don\'t have much ability either. From now on, you can live your own life well, and you don\'t need to worry about us here. "

Peng Yue said quickly: "Dad, don\'t worry, Yanzi and I have discussed it. In the future, let Xiaobing and Xiaoguo do some small business, and we will give them money here."

"How can this work? Swallow..."

"Dad, I have already agreed with Yanzi, and you can rest assured that no matter what, we will live a good life for ourselves. You don\'t have to worry about us." Peng Yue said.


On Zheng Shan\'s side, at night, the second aunt took Zheng Yan\'s hand and said some sweet words.

"In the past, your father and I did things wrong. You can blame us or not, but you are going to get married in the future. We can\'t help you much. Live a good life in the future." Second Aunt Momo Said with tears.

Zheng Yan was silent for a moment and said, "Mom, I don\'t blame you."

"Well, I know that you are a good girl. Our father can\'t do much. When you get married, we will give you 20,000 yuan. You\'d better keep this money yourself. When you have the money, take it out again." said the second aunt.

Zheng Yan said quickly: "Mom, no, I have money."

She didn\'t expect that her parents would be able to give out so much money all of a sudden, and she still gave it to her daughter who was about to get married. The key was not her hometown. To be honest, this was really beyond Zheng Yan\'s expectations.

The second aunt said softly, "This is the biggest thing your dad and I can do. Don\'t blame mom for some things."

"Mom, I really don\'t blame you." Zheng Yan started to cry when she was told.

The mother and daughter talked for a while, and the second aunt finally said: "The same sentence, the 20,000 yuan is for yourself, and it is also the last capital for you. In case of any difficulties, I will take this money out. , and there is no need to have too many conflicts with the Xiao Peng family for money in the future."

Basically, parents will give this money to their daughters, UU reading www. uukanshu.com as long as the family is a little richer, to put it bluntly, it is actually the money at the bottom of the box.

If life is not good in the future, the money will be of great use.


Peng Yue\'s parents stayed here for two days. On the third day, they invited people from the Zheng family to have a meal, and then left the capital.

The matter was settled like this, the two sides didn\'t need any engagement or anything, and they were ready to get married directly. It was too far away from each other.

As for the wedding, it is still held in Peng Yue\'s hometown, and the time is set for next year.

This time was set by Zheng Jianshe. To put it bluntly, I still plan to give Zheng Yan some time to get used to it. If it is not suitable, Zheng Yan will also have the opportunity to go back on it.

After sending the people away, Zheng Jianshe didn\'t stay here any longer. He just played for one more day, and then he went home. There are still many things in the house. Just a few pigs raised in the house let the two of them go. Mouth kept talking.