Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 623: bride price

Peng Yue\'s parents were down-to-earth peasants, and the clothes they wore were obviously the best in the family, but even so, they still had to mend.

No matter whether it is Zheng Jianshe or Zheng Shan, there is no strange performance, and they are very enthusiastic.

Although Zheng Jianshe is rich now, he also knows that he is completely dependent on his nephew to get up. If there is no nephew, his current situation should not be any better than that of Peng Yue\'s parents, so he has no other ideas at all. .

Peng\'s father and Peng\'s original nervousness and some low self-esteem dissipated a lot in an instant, especially when he saw that his in-laws did not despise him and others because of their shabby clothes, he was relieved.

Although Peng Yue wrote to say that the people he was looking for were also from the countryside, but now it looks like they don\'t look like rural people, they are more urban people than city people.

A little brief introduction, after getting to know each other, we are ready to get on the bus.

Zheng Shan drove Peng Yue\'s family to the hotel, and with Zheng Shan, six people sat in one car. It seemed a little uncomfortable to let them sit in other cars, so he simply put them in one car.

"Brother, you see we\'ve all soiled your car, I\'m sorry." Dad Peng said embarrassedly.

When they saw the car just now, the four of them hesitated subconsciously. This is a small car, and there are not many of them in the entire county.

Dad Peng spoke in dialect, and Zheng Shan didn\'t quite understand what he heard. Fortunately, there was Peng Yue\'s translation on the side, so he understood the meaning.

Zheng Shan immediately said: "Uncle, you will kill me now, the car is for people to sit in, maybe we will be relatives in the future, and you are also my elder. If this word spreads out, everyone will say that I am Zheng Shan. There\'s no more etiquette."

"No, no, that\'s not what I meant." Dad Peng waved his hand quickly.

To be honest, there is only anxiety in their hearts now, and the conditions in the home of the object their son is looking for are beyond their imagination.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "I know that uncle doesn\'t mean that, it\'s alright, uncle is more casual, if you are so polite, it will make me a little nervous."

Peng Yue also said on the side: "Mom and Dad, Brother Shan is very good, don\'t be nervous."

Peng Yue\'s two younger brothers were all **** at this time, huddled in the back row with their parents, but their eyes were very bright and excited.

This is the first time for them to go out of the county seat. Before, the furthest one was only to their own county seat, but now they have come to the capital.

In addition, they also took a private car. After going back, they can brag for a long time. There are several people in the village and even in the county who have made cars.


The car soon arrived at the hotel, and it was still Mingfeng Building.

When seeing the decoration of Mingfeng Building, Peng\'s father and Peng\'s mother were obviously stunned, and touched his pocket nervously.

Zheng Shan saw this scene and said with a smile: "Uncle and aunt, please come in. Our wife is half a landlord. We will arrange it today. I hope you don\'t dislike it."

"No, no, I... No... This should be invited by our man." Dad Peng said quickly.

But he felt that when he said this, he had no confidence at all. With such a good decoration, how much does a meal cost?

Zheng Shan said: "Uncle, this is not a matter of the man and the woman. In our family, men and women are the same, and we are landlords, so we should do our best as landlords."

In fact, Zheng Shan thought so at the beginning. Shouldn\'t the parents of the two parties be the man\'s treat?

But Zheng Jianguo and the others said that where to eat in his hometown is the one who treats guests. Of course, this is not absolute.

Zheng Shan went in with a few people and went directly into the box, and soon Zheng Jianshe and the others also arrived.

Everyone was a little cautious at first, but slowly, it got better.

"Since the two children have set their sights on each other, then we, the parents, will not say much. We just hope that the two children can live happily in the future." Zheng Jianshe said.

In fact, when he asked the parents of both sides to meet, Zheng Jianshe also understood that this matter was almost settled.

Unless you want to break up with your daughter again, and then obstruct it.

But it doesn\'t make any sense to do so. Although the person I am looking for is definitely much better than Peng now, it is not certain what it will look like in the future.

And the person she was looking for was definitely not as happy as the one Zheng Yan was looking for herself.

So Zheng Jianshe has been prepared from the very beginning.

Peng Yue was immediately excited when he heard this, stood up directly, raised his glass and said, "Thank you uncle, uncle rest assured, I will take good care of Xiaoyan, and I will never let him suffer any grievances."

Zheng Jianshe looked at Peng Yue, picked up the wine glass, but didn\'t drink it, instead he said solemnly: "I won\'t say much about the rest, I live my life by myself, and it\'s normal to be noisy and noisy. , how can there be no noise, but you have to remember that I gave you my daughter, not to be wronged."

"I know." Peng Yue said firmly.

Zheng Jianshe took a deep breath and then drank.

At this time, Dad Peng said a little unnaturally: "Then what, Brother Zheng, how much do you think our dowry should be?"

When Dad Peng came, he already had some preparations in his heart, and he also brought all the money in the family.

But at this moment, he felt that the money he had brought might not be enough.

Zheng Jianshe said: "It doesn\'t matter how much the betrothal gift is, as long as the heart is there, and the money will be directly given to the couple at that time, we will not leave a penny."

"In addition, you can rest assured that our dowry will never be less."

The words said, not only did not make Peng\'s father and Peng\'s mother relaxed, but became more and more nervous~www.novelhall.com~ They really have no money, but they don\'t want to embarrass their son.

Zheng Shan sighed helplessly when he saw Zheng Yan winking at himself. He really looked down on you and me.

However, Zheng Shan still spoke, "Uncle and auntie, how about this betrothal gift based on six hundred and sixty-six dollars? Is it a six-sixth grand order?

The dowry on our side is also given so much, and the money will be used for the lives of their young couple in the future. "

Although six hundred and sixty-six yuan is still a lot for Mom and Dad Peng, it is finally acceptable, or it gives them a bottom line.

"Xingxingxing, it\'s this little gift that makes my daughter feel wronged." Peng Ma said quickly.

Before Zheng Jianshe spoke, Zheng Yan said directly: "Auntie, I\'m not wronged. In fact, as long as I can be with Peng Yue, it doesn\'t matter who has more money or less."

Zheng Jianshe looked at his daughter and was speechless, but in the end he didn\'t say anything and agreed.