Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 625: cost

"Swallow\'s side will let your brothers worry more." Before leaving, Zheng Jianshe said to the three Zheng Shan brothers.

For his daughter, now he has some feelings of indebtedness, and when he thinks of what he did in the past, it is even more so.

But as a father, he couldn\'t bear to apologize to his daughter, so he could only hold on.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Second uncle, don\'t worry, no one dares to bully Yanzi in the capital, there are us."

"Yes, Er Uncle, I won\'t say more about other things. It\'s still the same sentence. Whoever dares to bully Sister Xiaoyan, I will definitely let him go." Zheng Kui still looked careless.

The assurances of the three Zheng Shan brothers reassured Zheng Jianshe a lot. In fact, it was precisely because Zheng Shan and the others were in the capital that he would let Zheng Yan stay in the capital. It was the most important thing to have someone help when something went wrong.

After sending Zheng Jianshe and the others away, the three Zheng Shan brothers also went back.

However, Zheng Shan didn\'t have time to rest here, because Robert of Goldman Sachs had been waiting for a long time.

Robert has been in the capital for about three days, but during these three days, Zheng Shan has not seen him directly because of something at home.

Zheng Shan knew the purpose of this man\'s coming to the capital. Of course, his actions in the United States could not be concealed from institutions like Goldman Sachs.

They may be lacking in some aspects, but in terms of financial news, they have always been unmatched, and they can know a little bit of trouble.

In addition, Zheng Shan has always been a key client of Goldman Sachs, and Robert became a decision-making level of Goldman Sachs because of Zheng Shan.

In addition, Robert actually has an inexplicable confidence in Zheng Shan, so he is staring at Zheng Shan\'s every move a lot of the time.

Or in other words, he is staring at Xishui Group\'s every move.

Just like Zheng Shan\'s actions this time, don\'t you know about Merrill? Of course they knew and even guessed some situations, but they trusted their judgment more.

In fact, this is also the correct approach of top investment banks like Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch. After all, it is better to trust their own professional teams rather than trusting an outsider.

But Robert is different from them. Robert has tasted the sweetness many times, so here he is.


Brother Xia Lai looked at Robert, who was the same as clocking in to work, and said speechlessly, "Mr. Robert, don\'t you have your own business?"

Robert spread his hands and said, "Beautiful Miss Xia, it\'s my business that I\'m here."

"In addition, when will Mr. Zheng Shan have time?"

Brother Xia Lai said helplessly: "I don\'t know yet, but there are some things in the boss\'s house that need to be dealt with."

"Please ask Miss Xia for more help." Robert kept his posture low.

He even took out a gift box, "This is a necklace I saw when I was in the United States. When I saw this necklace, I knew it belonged to you, Miss Xia."

This compliment comes when you open your mouth.

Brother Xia Lai was also confused by him, "I\'ve accepted your kindness, and I won\'t accept anything."

"This is just a mutual gift between friends. I believe that Mr. Zheng Shan will not think about it too much. He doesn\'t seem to be such a stingy person." Robert insisted.

At this moment, Zheng Shan\'s voice came over, "Why do I hear people say I\'m stingy?"

Robert was shocked when he heard the words, he turned around quickly, and saw Zheng Shan coming, the surprised expression on his face was not fake at all.

"Wow, dear Zheng, you finally appeared." Robert exaggeratedly stepped forward and hugged.

Zheng Shan reported to him perfunctorily, and then said: "Listen to what you mean, it\'s as if I disappeared."

"No, no, that\'s not what I meant."

The two of them were old acquaintances, and they walked into the office while talking and laughing. Zheng Shan asked Xia Lai\'s brother to prepare some tea.

"I heard that you have been waiting for me here for three days. What is it that makes you so anxious?" Zheng Shan asked knowingly.

Robert didn\'t care, but retorted with a serious look: "It\'s four days, today is the fourth day!"

Zheng Shan said speechlessly: "Okay, okay, four days, what\'s the matter?"

Robert laughed, then turned serious, "I believe you should know what I\'m here for. The movement on Xishui Investment is not too small."

"This is our company\'s own business, why? Are these things also within the jurisdiction of your Goldman Sachs?" Zheng Shandao.

Robert hurriedly said, "No, no, no, I believe you have misunderstood. The purpose of my visit is to cooperate."

"Cooperation?" Zheng Shan didn\'t seem to understand.

Seeing this, Robert felt a little helpless, but still said: "Yes, the reason why Xishui Investment has made such a big move, I believe the main purpose is the US stock market. Did you predict anything?"

Robert\'s eyes lit up when he said this.

What happened in Japan before has made Goldman Sachs a lot of money, especially now that it continues to make money.

For the U.S. stock market, it would be a lie to say that no one feels any abnormality, but everyone does. It is the character of most people to follow the crowd.

The other thing is the stock market. Unless it is manipulated behind the scenes, no one can be sure.

So Robert came to find Zheng Shan just to ask for Zheng Shan\'s opinion.

Zheng Shan is not one to let go so easily, he waved his hand directly and said, "You think too much, how can I have this ability, this is purely my personal behavior."

"Mr. Zheng, we are partners who have been working together for so long, and we have been very happy working together for so long. Why don\'t we work together this time?" Robert began to persuade him painstakingly~www.novelhall .com~ Zheng Shandao: "But I have also given you generous rewards for these cooperation. Do you think I am taking advantage of you for nothing?"

"No, no, we just thought that since the cooperation is so smooth, then we can work together in the future." Robert said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Yes, you can tell me all your Goldman Sachs predictions about the stock market."

Zheng Shan\'s words made Robert choked for a moment, but he also understood what Zheng Shan meant, and it was purely a dream to get any news from him without any basis.

Of course Robert also knew that, just as a businessman, he was also treacherous in nature and wanted to get the greatest news at the least cost.

If you can get some news from Zheng Shan without any cost, just with a little emotion, then you will make a profit.

Zheng Shan looked at Robert with a smile. If he wants to cooperate and news, he should show some sincerity, or pay some price!