Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 618: Meet

Zheng Yan left Zheng Shan\'s house and first returned to the dormitory assigned by the unit.

Originally, Zheng Shan was going to give a house directly. After all, he was his younger sister, and he still needed to take care of him.

But Zheng Yan refused. In her opinion, she had already endured too much kindness from the Zheng Shan family, and she couldn\'t be more cheeky to ask for this or that.

Even if Zheng Shan just wanted to live with her, she didn\'t want to, and the unit had a dormitory. Although the conditions were not particularly good, it was not bad.

Anyway, it is much better than her university dormitory.

After tidying up a little, Zheng Yan came to her boyfriend\'s dormitory. At this time, Peng Yue was restless and kept looking at the door. When he saw Zheng Yan coming, he immediately went down to greet him.

"How\'s it going?" Peng Yue asked nervously.

Seeing him like this, Zheng Yan said amusingly, "Didn\'t you say you\'re not nervous?"

A friend heard from Zheng Yan before that this time she just went to see her cousin who was here, so she didn\'t feel anything.

After all, marriage matters, only parents and elders can make decisions. Cousin or something is probably just a reference.

But when he heard Zheng Yan talk about this cousin\'s status at home, Peng Yue became restless.

"It\'s not that what you said is too serious. As long as your cousin doesn\'t agree, it\'s useless for your father to agree. As long as your cousin agrees, no one will stop you. Can you not be nervous?" Peng Yue said.

Zheng Yan said: "What I said is the truth."

Peng Yue still didn\'t understand, "Why does your cousin have so much power to speak? Your dad has to listen to him. Isn\'t it very difficult to get along with?"

"What are you talking about, my brother has a good temper, but my brother is very capable. The reason why our family is like this now is because of my brother\'s help. Otherwise, I would not even have a chance to go to school." Zheng Yan was unhappy said.

Seeing this, Peng Yue immediately said: "I said something wrong, I\'m sorry, but I don\'t quite understand it."

"Okay, you don\'t need to understand, you just need to meet my brother tomorrow and make my brother satisfied, then you don\'t need to worry about the next thing." Zheng Yan said.

Seeing what Zheng Yan said so firmly, Peng Yue still didn\'t quite understand it, but it was no longer important.

"So, as long as I get your cousin, then there will be no problem with your parents?" Peng Yue said happily.

Zheng Yan said with a smile: "Don\'t have so much confidence, and you can handle my brother, then don\'t be so nervous that you can\'t speak."

"Okay, I\'m here to tell you that tomorrow we\'ll find a restaurant and invite my brother to dinner, and then my cousin will come along too." Zheng Yan said.

Peng Yue thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Then how about we go to Mingfeng Building? I still have some money in my hand, enough for a meal."

Peng Yue\'s wages are basically sent home. Fortunately, he basically eats in the cafeteria of his unit.

I leave a little money every month, and I take Zheng Yan out to eat and drink.

Zheng Yan thought about it and said, "Do you have enough money? Should I give you some?"

"No, no, it\'s enough." Peng Yue quickly waved his hand and said, normally, Zheng Yan buys some clothes, he doesn\'t care, but for such a thing, he still needs his girlfriend to pay, he really does such a thing not come out.

"Okay, prepare a little, and I\'ll take you there tomorrow." Zheng Yan said.

Peng Yue said quickly: "Tell me more about your cousin. Don\'t know when I offended your cousin. I don\'t know what\'s going on."

Zheng Yan said: "My brother has no taboos, as long as he speaks well, by the way, don\'t lie in front of my brother, my brother is very accurate."

What Zheng Yan said actually meant that Zheng Shan could investigate whether what Peng Yue said was true or not.

"Why am I panicking?" Peng Yue said puzzled.

"It\'s about the situation in your home. Let me tell you one thing. My brother has no concept of more money and less money. Anyway, he is not as rich as he is." Although Zheng Yan reminded her, her tone was full of pride.

Although Peng Yue didn\'t believe Zheng Yan\'s big words, he also knew that he couldn\'t confront his girlfriend at this time.

In addition, the meaning of Zheng Yan\'s words is very obvious. This cousin is not someone who is short of money.


At about 10:30 the next morning, the fifth looked at Zheng Shan wearing the same old clothes, and said with disgust, "Can\'t you be more fashionable? Can you dress better?"

Zheng Shan looked at himself, "Don\'t I look good? I think it\'s pretty good. It\'s very comfortable to wear."

"Besides, are you talking about fashion with me? Don\'t you know that your brother and my clothing company have already led the trend in Europe and America?"

"What I say is fashion is fashion."

Seeing his elder brother\'s proud appearance, the fifth pouted, not bothering to argue with him.

The two bickered with each other along the way, and soon came to a Mingfeng Building.

Last night, Zheng Yan called and told the address. Zheng Shan and the two arrived early, and the appointment time was eleven o\'clock.

When Zheng Shan arrived at this place, it was only about ten forty-five, but at this time Zheng Yan and Peng Yue were already waiting at the door.

Zheng Shan looked at the man standing beside Zheng Yan and nodded slightly. Peng Yue was quite tall, about 1.8 meters.

And the national character face, although it has been shaved, it can be clearly seen that it has a beard.

It looks a bit old, but the first impression is quite good.

How can I describe it? It\'s like watching a TV series. At first glance, this person is a decent person. That\'s almost the feeling.

Of course, Zheng Shan is not at the point of judging people by their appearance, but the first impression is good.

Seeing Zheng Shan and the others coming, Zheng Yan took Peng Yue\'s hand and immediately greeted him. Peng Yue looked at Zheng Shan, who was a little taller than him. He was quiet and gentle, not as \'fierce\' as he imagined.

In Peng Yue\'s imagination, Zheng Shan looks like the kind that is not easy to mess with at first glance.

After all, in Zheng Yan\'s narration, Zheng Shan is very prestige in the old Zheng family, and the first thought to Peng Yue is that this person should be quite powerful.

In fact, Zheng Yan didn\'t make it clear. Maybe Zheng Shan resigned for too long, so Zheng Yan forgot to tell Peng Yue that Zheng Shan used to be a university teacher.

"Are you Peng Yue? Hello, my name is Zheng Shan, and I\'m Zheng Yan\'s cousin." Zheng Shan smiled and stretched out his hand.

Peng Yue quickly grabbed Zheng Shan\'s hand with both hands and said, "Hello, brother, I\'m Peng Yue."

Zheng Shan looked up at the house number, and said with a smile, "It seems like it will cost you money today."

"It\'s nothing, as long as you eat well, brother." Peng Yue would still say some good things.

"Brother, let\'s go and sit first." Zheng Yan said quickly.

Zheng Shan nodded, then walked in, casually found a seat by the window and sat down, and by the way signaled the fifth to stop staring at people.