Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 617: Boy friend

Zheng Yan finally stayed in Beijing to work after graduation.

At the beginning, the biggest reason why Zheng Shan was able to convince the second uncle was that after Zheng Yan graduated, he would be a cadre when he returned to his hometown.

The second uncle didn\'t want to study for Zheng Yan at first, but he promised his in-laws, but Zheng Yan himself didn\'t want to.

But if it wasn\'t for Zheng Shan\'s return, and the rioting on the fifth\'s side, Zheng Yan couldn\'t change anything.

But now Zheng Yan\'s life trajectory has completely changed.

After graduating from university, Zheng Yan wanted to go back to her hometown. In fact, she didn\'t care whether she went back to her hometown or not. Although she said that she wanted to stay here, she promised to go back.

So Zheng Yan is mentally prepared.

But when she really graduated and she expressed her willingness to come back, the second uncle himself was not happy.

If you can be in the capital, why should you go back to your hometown?

Although I say this, I can\'t see each other a few times a year, but it\'s better to be in the capital in my hometown, and I still have face when I talk about it.

The most important thing is that there is no one to take care of you in the capital. With the Zheng Shan family here, you don\'t have to worry about no one helping you when you encounter something.

So in the end, Zheng Yan stayed in the capital to work.

And Zheng Yan\'s job doesn\'t need Zheng Shan to worry about it. College students are rushing to get jobs if they are short of jobs.

Zheng Yan\'s grades in school are also very good, and naturally there is no shortage of jobs.

Strange to say, it seems that the girls in the Old Zheng family are doing well in school, but the boys are basically not good.

Even Zheng Shan\'s grades weren\'t much better.


When Zheng Yan heard what Zheng Shan said about her, she immediately said with a smile: "How can you, I just want to come and see you."

"Come on, you only came here once or twice when the fifth is back. Now that you come here suddenly, there must be something wrong. Tell me, what\'s the matter." Zheng Shan didn\'t even look at her.

Zheng Yan also became honest and said in a low voice, "I made a boyfriend and want to bring it over to show you."

Zheng Shan sat up straight, "This is a good thing, how old is your boyfriend? Where do you work? What do you do at home?"

The three questions in a row made Zheng Yan a little at a loss as to where to answer.

"Brother, why are you like an elder asking so many questions?" Zheng Yan said coquettishly.

Zheng Shandao: "Don\'t I care about you? By the way, are you ready to meet your parents? Didn\'t you tell the second uncle and them?"

"Not yet. I\'m thinking of telling my parents and my mother after it\'s confirmed." Zheng Yan said.

"What? You\'re still afraid that the second uncle and the others will not agree." Zheng Shan said amusingly.

Zheng Yan shook her head and said, "No, I wasn\'t sure if I could make it to the end, so I didn\'t think about telling the family first."

"Okay, it seems that you are sure now, let\'s talk about the specific situation." Zheng Shandao.

In fact, Zheng Yan came here this time mainly to get Zheng Shan\'s support, because the conditions in her boyfriend\'s home were not good.

Don\'t look at her father Zheng Jianshe is still in the countryside now, but his spirit is not low. Most people really don\'t look down on him now.

Now the girls from Lao Zheng\'s family are all rushing to get them outside, not to mention Zheng Yan, a college student, just any girl from Lao Zheng\'s family. As long as they reach the age, those who come to propose marriage can step over the threshold.

There\'s no way, who makes the old Zheng family so awesome!

As long as you marry a girl from the Lao Zheng family, then you can have a relationship with the Lao Zheng family. If you take care of it a little, your life will not be bad.

Zheng Yan also knew about these situations, so she thought about talking to Zheng Shan first, as long as she could get Zheng Shan\'s support, then everything would not be a problem.

Zheng Yan knew very well that no matter who the old Zheng\'s family is now, as long as the third brother in front of him should deal with it, no one would object, even her own father.

Zheng Yan began to talk about her boyfriend\'s situation in detail.

Her boyfriend is also in the same university as her, and she is in the same class. It can be said that the two have been talking for several years, but they have been hiding it.

Zheng Yan\'s boyfriend is called Peng Yue, a southerner who has been admitted to the capital.

The family is also a real farmer, and there are two younger brothers and two younger sisters, but the two younger sisters are already married, but the younger brother has not married a daughter-in-law.

There are a lot of people in the family, and according to Peng Yue\'s own statement, the betrothal money from the marriage of the two younger sisters was used by him to study. This is one of the reasons why the two younger brothers have not married yet, or it is the biggest one. reason.

After Zheng Shan waited for her to finish speaking, he smiled and said, "You lied to us for a long time."

"Isn\'t that uncertain before? Now that I\'ve thought about it, I\'m ready to be together." Zheng Yan said.

Zheng Shan looked at her serious expression and said, "Really made up your mind? This is a major event in your life, so you can\'t be sloppy."

"Think about it." Zheng Yan said.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much after hearing the words, just said: "You can just think about it, take the time to bring it over and show it to me."

He also knew what Zheng Yan\'s idea was. According to what Zheng Yan said about the situation of the Peng Yue family, the second uncle might not be able to agree to this marriage.

Although Peng Yue is also a college student, so is Zheng Yan.

Moreover, there are two younger brothers in the family who need to be taken care of. Zheng Shan appreciates such kind and righteous people.

If Peng Yue really didn\'t care about his younger siblings at home, then Zheng Shan probably wouldn\'t agree to this marriage in his heart.

But this is just his opinion. According to the second uncle\'s view of being a father, it is natural that the less the drag in the man\'s family, the better.

Zheng Yan also knew about this situation, so she wanted to see Zheng Shan for the first time. As long as Zheng Shan agreed, then basically everything was done.

Zheng Yan said, "When do you have time, brother? I\'ll bring him here?"

Zheng Shandao: "Tomorrow~www.novelhall.com~ If you can find a restaurant tomorrow, you can\'t come here first. Otherwise, I\'m afraid that he will be under too much pressure, and your third uncle and three aunts are not fuel-efficient lamps."

Zheng Yan agreed immediately upon hearing this, and after speaking, she was about to leave immediately.

Zheng Shan was speechless when he saw this, "You\'re really a philistine, you just leave after you finish talking? If you don\'t stay for a meal, if your third uncle finds out about this, I don\'t know how uncomfortable it will be."

Zheng Yan stayed as soon as she heard it, but at night, Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu began to ask questions.

It was also the first time that the fifth heard about this matter, and immediately said that he would go with Zheng Shan to see it the next day. Zheng Shan thought not to make the atmosphere too embarrassing, so he agreed.

But when Zheng Jianguo was about to go, Zheng Shan discouraged him and said, "Dad, you should wait as an elder, things are not yet certain, and you\'re gone, I guess people won\'t let me go, let me first Let\'s see."