Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 619: chat

As soon as Lao Wu saw Peng Yue, he stared at others, which made the nervous look on Peng Yue\'s face even more obvious.

The fifth one was reminded by Zheng Shanyi and stopped watching. She was just curious about how the future brother-in-law was like, and Zheng Yan kept her secret for so long because of this.

You must know that Zheng Yan used to be regarded as a small follower of the fifth child, not in other aspects, but purely psychological.

In the past, when Zheng Yan hadn\'t come, even two years after he came to the capital, he liked to hear the opinion of the fifth man on many things.

At that time, Zheng Yan basically had no opinion, and it was also because the fifth child stood up for her in her hometown before, which gave her a sense of dependence in her heart.

So the relationship between the two is very good, but Zheng Yan is older after all, plus they have grown rapidly in the past two years, and gradually matured.

"Brother, Xiuxiu, order what you like to eat." Peng Yue handed over the menu.

Zheng Shan handed the menu to the fifth, and he asked like an elder, "Where is your hometown?"

Peng Yue said, "The one over there in Jiaxing."

"The family is also in the countryside?" Zheng Shan continued to ask.

Hearing this question, Peng Yue was obviously a little nervous, but he said honestly: "Yes, there are down-to-earth farmers at home."

Seeing this, Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Don\'t be nervous, our old Zheng family are also farmers, and really speaking, we are also proletarians."

Peng Yue smiled stiffly, this seems reasonable, but in fact it is completely different.

Although Zheng Yan didn\'t say much, he also knew some of the situation of the old Zheng family.

Seeing this, Zheng Yan quickly changed the subject and said, "Brother, what do you like to eat? Order, Xiuxiu, are you optimistic?"

Zheng Shan teased: "Is this starting to feel distressed?"

"Why, brother, you have wronged someone." Zheng Yan\'s face suddenly turned red.

However, he still did not let Zheng Shan continue to ask questions. Of course, he had to continue to ask questions. After all, it was related to whether Zheng Shan could agree to the marriage.

In the end, Zheng Yan did not have the courage to completely break with the old Zheng family. Such a thing must be supported by the family.

Otherwise, Zheng Yan himself doesn\'t know what to do.

So today, Zheng Shan must be satisfied, otherwise her marriage will be a bit difficult. If nothing else, her father will not agree.

When she returned home last year, Zheng Jianshe began to re-introduce her objects. Who were the people introduced?

The lowest are the sons of leaders in the county, and even those in the city and the province, and they are very willing to meet when they hear about Zheng Yan\'s situation.

Although Peng Yue is also a college student, no matter how he compares it, he can\'t compare with these people for the time being.

So Zheng Yan now hopes that Zheng Shan can be satisfied, and then everyone in the family, especially her parents, will be convinced by Zheng Shan.

Lao Wu has also started ordering dishes. The dishes she ordered are all she likes, but these dishes also have one characteristic, that is, they are expensive!

The old five points are all the signature dishes here, but she often comes here to eat and drink.

Peng Yue also saw the price of these meals and felt a little heartache, but he didn\'t show anything.

He just thought in his heart that he would need to eat pickles to live in the next period of time, but he had passed nearly 20 years of such a life, and it was nothing.

Zheng Shan was actually watching Peng Yue carefully, and found that he was distressed, but he was not forcing it.

This made him somewhat satisfied.

"Xiuxiu, can you eat so much?" It was Zheng Yan who took the initiative to speak. She was also a little distressed, and she knew that Peng Yue didn\'t have much money in his hands.

I also brought some today, but according to the method of the fifth, adding my own may not be enough.

The old fifth muttered: "Sister Yan, I just want to see if he is reluctant to give you money, why are you protecting him now?"

Before Zheng Yan could speak, Peng Yue said, "It\'s okay, just order it if you like."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s alright, it\'s almost done."

After ordering the dishes, Zheng Yan took the initiative to activate the atmosphere in it, which was difficult for her. Fortunately, the fifth was here, and the fifth was also taking care of her, so the atmosphere was not bad, at least it made Peng Yue feel nervous. Went a little.

When the food came, Peng Yue took the initiative to say, "Brother, would you like to drink some?"

"Can you drink?" Zheng Shan asked rhetorically.

Peng Yue scratched his head and said, "It\'s alright, I can drink a little."

Zheng Yan took the initiative to say: "Brother, his alcohol intake is not bad, let him drink some with you."

Zheng Shan thought about it for a while, and asked someone to prepare two bottles of white wine, "Let\'s have one bottle per person today."

Peng Yue\'s face didn\'t change at all, Zheng Shan knew that this kid could really drink.

Some people don\'t think that they drink a lot, but the amount of alcohol is good.

After drinking, Zheng Shan continued to sound, "I heard that you have two younger brothers in your family?"

"Well, they are still in their hometown." Peng Yue said.

Zheng Shandao: "Listen to what you mean, you want to bring them to the capital?"

Peng Yue was silent for a moment, then said, "If it is possible, I will do it."

"In this way, the burden on your body will be much heavier, and you will have to take care of your younger siblings in the future. It\'s not that I am embarrassing you, but according to your current salary level, if you don\'t embezzle and take bribes, it should be difficult to support such a large family, right? "Zheng Shan said calmly.

Zheng Yan was anxious and wanted to say something, but Zheng Shan glanced at it and said nothing.

Peng Yue clenched his hands all of a sudden. He blushed and wanted to speak, but in the end he just said sullenly: "I will work hard, I will not embezzle, and I will not shame my family."

Zheng Shan smiled when he saw this, "Don\'t worry, what I said just now is also true, of course, I appreciate your ability to help your younger siblings~www.novelhall.com~ After all, if you even have your own younger siblings I don\'t care, I\'m really worried that you will be nice to Yanzi in the future."

These words calmed the atmosphere, Zheng Yan relaxed a little, but the next moment, Zheng Shan\'s words made her nervous again.

"But it\'s still the same sentence, reality is reality after all, we can understand and support you when you want to take care of your loved ones at home.

But as Yanzi\'s family, we also hope that Yanzi can live a good and carefree life. You should be able to understand this, right? "

Peng Yue remained silent, and finally nodded with some difficulty: "Brother, I understand, I\'m sorry."

As he was about to get up to check out and leave, Zheng Shan laughed and said, "What do you know? Sit down and listen to me."

Zheng Yan quickly pulled Peng Yue back, and then looked at Zheng Shan with pleading eyes, Zheng Shan sighed slightly.

"Okay, I don\'t mean anything else. Your marriage is always yours, and others can only provide opinions."