Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 616: Climb the 3 Treasure Palaces

Zheng Shan declined to comment on Huang Gu\'s actions, everyone has their own opinions.

They want to go it alone, thinking that the two of Zheng Shan are simply taking advantage, so let them do it.

Huang Gu was rejected by Zheng Shan, and he just smiled awkwardly. In fact, he just said that just now.

And the most important thing is that I don\'t want to break up with Zheng Shan completely.

The two don\'t look at the great wisdom, but there are really many small smarts, and they think very comprehensively.

You must know that no matter what, it is not long after their old man left, and Zheng Shan will not completely turn his face no matter what.

"Then we\'ll leave first and have dinner together next time." Huang Gu left here after finishing speaking.

Looking at their backs, Li Yuan spat fiercely, "Made, what the hell!"

To say that the most unhappy thing about the two of them is Li Yuan. At the beginning, Li Yuan still had a good impression of Huang Gu.

You can endure hardships and do your best, and rarely complain about hardships or tiredness.

But slowly, Huang Gu showed his careful thinking, and it didn\'t take long before he began to win over customers and even the old masters in the factory.

This made Li Yuan feel very sick.

"Okay, it\'s over like this, there\'s no need to say more, what should be done in the future?" Zheng Shan said.

Li Yuan let out a sigh of relief, "If I hadn\'t watched the uncle just leave, I would have wanted to clean them up now."

Zheng Shan shook his head and said, "No need, that\'s it, as long as they don\'t come to provoke us in the future, we don\'t need to deliberately target them. No matter what, it\'s the uncle\'s family."

Li Yuan understood what Zheng Shan meant, nodded and said, "Okay, then I will listen to you. I hope they will be more interested in the future."

After speaking, Li Yuan didn\'t think much about these things, and said to Zheng Shan, "Have a drink later?"

Zheng Shan thought about it, but did not refuse.

Zhu Yuefen\'s side immediately went to prepare food.

"Aren\'t you going to buy a house?" Zheng Shan asked casually.

Li Yuan said: "We bought it, but didn\'t move in. It doesn\'t matter to us, but the old lady doesn\'t want to leave. We can\'t leave the old lady alone in the old house. That\'s the only way."

Li Yuan also wants to move out. Now that he is rich, he doesn\'t know how to enjoy it. Although their family is still very frugal, after all, they have suffered too much in those years, which makes them still fresh in their memory.

But it\'s not a waste of money.

It\'s like changing to a better place to live, Li Yuan also thinks about this, but the old lady doesn\'t want to, so they can only live in the old house.

The two casually chatted about some topics, and slowly, they talked about business.

"By the way, I bought a forest farm in the northeast. Some of the wood was really unlucky, so I wanted to ask Dakui for help." Li Yuan said.

"There is a lot of good wood in the northeast, and the price is also cheap, but the transportation is a little difficult."

Zheng Shan doesn\'t care much about these things. It\'s a matter of Shanyuan Home Furnishings, as long as Li Yuan decides.

"You are taking care of Dakui\'s business." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Li Yuan said: "It\'s really not. It\'s easy to talk about the toll from the other side. The key is that there is no insurance, and there will be many difficulties on the road.

In addition, in terms of shipping costs, I also need to discuss this with Dakui, but I still don’t know if it can be done. "

"And I know that Dakui has no shortage of business. If Dakui agreed, he was doing me a favor."

Zheng Shan waved his hand and said, "These are your own affairs. Why don\'t you call him now to discuss it? Don\'t ask me."

Seeing Zheng Shan, Li Yuan had no opinion, so he called Zheng Kui directly.

It was mainly transported from the northeast. On the way, it was indeed a little dangerous. Although it was said that Zheng Kui did not go there personally, it is difficult to guarantee that Zheng Kui would follow him.

In case something happens along the way, Li Yuan is not easy to explain.

So let\'s ask Zheng Shan\'s opinion first.

Zheng Kui came over quickly, just as Zhu Yuefen\'s food was ready, so he came and served directly.

After hearing what Li Yuan said, Zheng Kui waved his hand and said, "Brother Yuan, these are all trivial matters. You post the shipping fee and add the wages of the workers. That\'s fine. As long as I don\'t lose money, I will help you. You did it."

Seeing Zheng Kui being so arrogant, Zheng Shan was a little speechless and wanted to remind him, but he didn\'t say anything after thinking about it. Let him go. He\'s already so old and has children, so it\'s not good to take care of him more.

Li Yuan hurriedly said: "This can\'t be done. It\'s not a help, it\'s a business. You can do whatever you want. If the price you offer here is too high, then I won\'t agree."

Zheng Kui looked at Zheng Shan, and Zheng Shan said angrily, "Why do you see me? I can do it if I feel like it, or if I can\'t do it."

"What? Do you think there\'s nothing you can do if Da Yuan leaves you?"

Zheng Kui said: "That\'s fine, but I need to calculate the price here..."

Zheng Shan ignored the discussion between the two and ate his own food. When halfway through the meal, Wei Chengjun also came over.

"What a coincidence, it\'s all here." Wei Chengjun laughed.

"Why are you free to come to my side?" Li Yuan said with a smile.

Wei Chengjun sat directly on the table, picked up a pair of chopsticks and started eating, not polite at all.

"You said it as if I couldn\'t come." Wei Chengjun said.

"No, I\'m just curious. You usually stay with your daughter-in-law when you\'re not in the store. Why do you have time to come to my place to play." Li Yuan said.

Hearing Li Yuan\'s words, Wei Chengjun\'s face suddenly became bitter, "Hey, what else can I do? I quarreled with that old lady at home."

"Brother Shan, Brother Yuan, you give me a comment."

Before Wei Chengjun had finished speaking, Zheng Shan interrupted: "No, don\'t ask me to judge. It\'s hard for a clean official to cut off housework, so don\'t ask me for these things."

Li Yuan also immediately said, "Similarly, don\'t come to me."

As for Zheng Kui~www.novelhall.com~, it was as if he hadn\'t heard them at all. Seeing them like this, Wei Chengjun said depressedly, "Okay, okay, then I won\'t talk about it. Would you like to accompany me for a drink at the head office?"

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "That\'s not a problem at all."


When Zheng Shan returned home, he was just about to hug his son, but he was immediately rejected and smelled of alcohol.

After taking a bath, I was allowed to hug, but it didn\'t take a while, the little guy couldn\'t stay any longer, Zheng Shan sat on the reclining chair, basking in the sun.

"Brother, it\'s not too hot to be in the sun." A familiar female voice came.

Zheng Shan opened his eyes and looked, and found that it was Zheng Yan, "Why are you here?"

"I can\'t come, I miss you." Zheng Yan said with a smile, she has long since lost the cautiousness and introvertedness at the beginning, and has become a lot more lively and cheerful.

"You are going to the Three Treasures Hall without anything, there must be something wrong."