Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 610: thirsty

Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui laughed as they watched the two boys run away laughing.

"Children today are not as solid as we were when we were young. We didn\'t say a word when we fell, even if we broke our skin," Zheng Kui said.

Zheng Shan said angrily when he heard the words: "That\'s because you are slow to respond."

It seems that a generation is inferior to a generation is the view of most people, Niuniu, Xiaogang after the 1980s have already begun to be "scorned" by the previous generation.

But in the future, they can \'despise\' the post-90s, and the post-90s can \'contempt\' the eggs, and continue down the line.

Zheng Kui laughed twice, and then started talking about business.

He came here this time not only to send his son here, but also to discuss things with Zheng Shan.

"Brother, look at my current transportation company, there are 50 cars, I want to run a long distance." Zheng Kui said.

Some of the business that Zheng Shan handed over to him is nearby, and there are no arrangements for long distances.

Now as business is getting better and better, Zheng Kui has begun to focus on long distances. Of course, if the transportation company doesn\'t run long distances, what kind of transportation company should it be?

Zheng Shan also knew, but said, "Which route are you going to run?"

"First run from the capital to Pengcheng, mainly this line, and then spread it out when you are a little familiar with it." Zheng Kui opened the map he carried with him, and then explained it to Zheng Shan in detail.

Zheng Shan also listened carefully, and after listening, nodded in agreement.

Now Zheng Kui has grown up a lot, and he has a lot of plans for his future, just like the route choice this time, in fact, it is mainly Wen Jie and Zheng Weimin who can introduce business here.

For some urgent goods, people are still willing to use trucks to pull the goods.

In addition, with Wen Jie and Zheng Weimin\'s guarantees, there will be no problem in terms of reputation. As long as this route is completely opened, then Zheng Kui will be able to comfort him in the future.

Zheng Shan said: "Okay, just do it if you want."

"I actually want to start directly, but Xiaohua must let me come over and ask you." Zheng Kui said silly.

Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Kui, thought for a while, and said, "You have grown up too, and you can make up your own mind on many things. In this way, you can talk to me about something tomorrow and meet some people."

Zheng Shan has never introduced some of the above people to Zheng Kui and Zheng Weijun, because the two of them don\'t need it.

Now it seems that I want to help introduce them, at least let them know each other, and it can be more convenient to do some business in the future.

For example, this labor dispatch has now been completely settled. This time Zheng Shan went to discuss the specific details.

When Zheng Weijun came over in the evening, Zheng Shan also told him about it, and the three brothers will come together tomorrow.

"This is to take us out to meet the world." Zheng Weijun said with a smile.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s not that exaggerated, it\'s just a matter of getting to know some people, especially your eldest brother, who is mainly doing business in the capital. It\'s good to know some people."

Although it is said that few people come to trouble Zheng Weijun, it is good to have people who know him.

Now Zheng Weijun has basically taken care of many things himself, and he will not ask Zheng Shan for help.

Especially knowing that Zheng Shan is now the richest man.

From Zheng Weijun\'s point of view, there is no need to trouble Zheng Shan with these trivial matters, and delay Zheng Shan\'s major affairs.

Zheng Shan also had this idea because he knew this.


The next day, the three brothers packed up, and Zheng Kui drove the two to an office.

People here have been waiting.

"Xiao Xia." "Sister Xia." Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui smiled and greeted Brother Xia Lai who was waiting here.

The two of them are naturally very familiar with Xia Laidi. After all, Xia Laidi often comes to Zheng Shan\'s house, and he also knows that Xia Laidi is Zheng Shan\'s secretary.

"Big brother, Dakui." Brother Xia Lai also said with a smile.

Xia Lai\'s younger brother is much older than Zheng Kui, and Zheng Kui usually refers to his sister.

Zheng Shan asked, "Have everyone arrived?"

"Well, we\'re all here, we\'ll be waiting for you now." Brother Xia Lai said sternly.

Zheng Shan nodded, walked in together, and then said apologetically, "I\'m sorry, I\'m a little late."

"Haha, we came early, Mr. Zheng came just in time." Someone laughed.

Zheng Shan smiled and was polite to everyone, and soon got to the point.

"The specific arrangement is actually similar to what Secretary Xia said, so I\'ll just say a few more words." Zheng Shan said.

"The number of labor dispatched this time is about 3,000 people, and the specific itineraries of these people are managed by both parties."

This Xishui Human Resources Co., Ltd. is no longer solely owned by Zhengshan, but the state has also invested 3 million and owns 30% of the shares.

In other words, Zheng Shan actually registered a name, which is worth 10 million.

"The salary of the employees is directly entered into the labor company, and RMB will be directly issued to them at that time, but the exchange ratio needs to be determined."

"My opinion is to exchange at 1.5 times the official exchange rate, and I believe they are also very willing."

"Of course, this is how I arranged the foreign exchange..."

Zheng Shan explained some details one by one. These things have been discussed for a long time. The main reason for Zheng Shan to come here this time is to make sure.

So every time Zheng Shan said something, someone nodded in agreement, and no one objected.

But even so, the meeting lasted almost into the evening.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, Zheng Shan introduced Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui to some people to help them expand their connections.

Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui are also going to have trouble now. They didn\'t put on a superior attitude because they were Zheng Shan\'s brother and brother, but put on a very low attitude.

One by one toast, it is not ambiguous.

For the performance of the two, Zheng Shan also knows it, and it is not like this, and he will not bring them here.

For a time, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves, and everyone gave a lot of face.

In addition, Zheng Kui is very drinkable, which makes the atmosphere at the dinner table even better.

After eating, Zheng Shan was about to leave with Zheng Weijun and the others~www.novelhall.com~ Someone stopped Zheng Shan.

"Mr. Zheng, do you have time at night?" the man asked.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s okay for now, what\'s wrong?"

"That\'s right, there is something in Xiangshan that I want to talk to you about," the man said.

Zheng Shan was stunned, "So anxious?"

"Actually, I\'m not in a hurry, it\'s just..." The man said a little embarrassed.

Zheng Shan suddenly understood, it was estimated that some old man wanted to drink, or else it would not have been such a big night, and called Zheng Shan over.

Zheng Shan smiled and asked Xia Lai\'s younger brother to send Zheng Kui and the others back first, while he came to Xiangshan by car.

Similar to what he thought, but not only one, but several old people wanted to drink. Zheng Shan didn\'t drink directly, but chatted with the doctor here before sitting down to drink.