Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 609: chat

Two days passed in a flash, and within the past two days, Zheng Shan had never stepped out of the gate, so he finally made this unfilial son of his own a little closer.

But most of the time, it\'s the little guy who is good to make out, such as now.

"Dad, eat candy." The little guy looked at Zheng Shan eagerly, his saliva was about to stay.

No one in the family gave him candy, but as soon as Zheng Shan came back, he brought a lot of candy, and the little guy gave him whenever he wanted to eat Zheng Shan, so the relationship between father and son was able to make such great progress.

Zheng Shan looked at the chubby little guy and hugged him on his lap, "If you eat your mother again, you will be beaten."

"Dad gave it." The little guy said with big eyes.

Zheng Shan was in a hurry, "You just eat, right?"

The little guy stopped talking and just looked at his father.

Zheng Shan finally gave him a piece of candy, which made the little guy suddenly happy, but after eating the candy, the little guy just slipped away, and Zheng Shan was so angry that he almost started cursing.

But he quickly suppressed it. There was no way. The little guy is not happy to learn other things, but learning these swear words is really a slippery.

This is still under the circumstance that Yan Qingqing has beaten him several times, otherwise he doesn\'t know what it will be like.


"This little nephew of mine will not be a simple thing from now on." The fifth one appeared out of nowhere.

"You\'re not playing anymore? Why are you staying at home?" Zheng Shan rolled her eyes at her.

Ever since he came back, the fifth one has not been able to see anyone. He goes out every day after breakfast and only comes back for dinner.

The old fifth sighed: "It\'s boring, how long has it been, one by one getting married and having children, and comparing."

The fifth is also playing with her former classmates in the past two days. Although it was said that she only had the best relationship with Xu Lin, it was not true that she did not have any other friends.

After just two days, the fifth one suddenly felt that there was a generation gap with these former classmates and friends.

Several of her classmates are already married, and many of these people don\'t go to school now, so naturally they go to factories or other places.

They were all talking about how much money they made a month, who the boy was chasing, and who was interested in who.

Anyway, the old five doesn\'t feel much meaning.

Zheng Shandao: "This is normal. People are talking about their own life, but your life is different from theirs now."

"Brother, then do you think I will become the one who has no common language with them in the future, will I become the way I hated before." The fifth man sat down and said melancholy.

Although she has been paying attention to herself, the fifth one can actually feel that her classmates and friends have a sense of distance and even jealousy towards her.

These two days of eating, drinking and playing are basically the old fifth to pay, which was impossible before, but even so, few read her well, and even said some bad things about her in private.

This made the fifth old a little sad and a little sad.

Zheng Shan looked at her like this and said with a smile: "Everyone will become what they hate, you don\'t have to take this to heart."

"As for the lack of a common language and communication with former friends, this is actually quite normal."

"Everyone has their own life, and everyone will make new friends. The past is only the past, not the future."

"As long as you feel like you\'re right, then you don\'t have to care so much."

It is rare for Zheng Shan to have a heart-to-heart with the fifth, and now the fifth is in a period of confusion, and Zheng Shan has said a lot.

"Don\'t be sad about these things, and don\'t think about changing yourself for others."

"It\'s actually yourself who is so uncomfortable, and you are fine now. You also have new friends of your own. Lele, Linlin, and Feifei are all your best friends."

"In school, didn\'t you also make a lot of friends?"

Listening to Zheng Shan\'s words, the old fifth finally revealed her real worry, "But I worry that Lele and I will become like this in two years. After all, we will go our separate ways and have our own. new circle."

Well, this is what the fifth child is most worried about. Even though the fifth child has always been carefree, she is actually very sensitive in her heart.

Especially because she skipped grades since she was a child, she didn\'t have many friends.

Zheng Shan laughed, "It\'s actually nothing, and as long as you want to maintain your relationship, no matter how far away you are, no matter how long you are apart, as long as you can get together, it will still be the same as before. "

Zheng Shan began to give some guidance to the fifth, but what he said was not necessarily correct, nor did he want the fifth to obey him, but to let the fifth not think so much.

The two brothers and sisters chatted like this, and when Zheng Kui came over, the conversation ended.

"Look at your fourth brother, he looks like he\'s heartless, isn\'t it good?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

The fifth child looked at Zheng Kui and laughed.

Zheng Kui was a little uncomfortable being laughed at by the brothers and sisters, "Did you speak ill of me?"

"No, you think too much." Zheng Shan said casually, "Are you sending your kid here again?"

"Well, it\'s not honest at home. He asked his grandma to come and bring it for a month. Grandma was homesick and had to send it over." Zheng Kui said.

Yuan Xiaohua took her mother over for another period of time, saying that she wanted to help take care of the child, but in fact she still wanted to take care of her mother, after all, Yuan\'s mother\'s health was not very good.

In fact, Zheng Kui mentioned that Yuan\'s father and mother were brought to the capital, and he directly bought a house and arranged work.

Yuan Xiaohua was naturally moved, but when she told her parents, they all disagreed.

It\'s not for other reasons, it\'s just that they don\'t want the Zheng family to think that their Yuan family are insatiable greed and make Yuan Xiaohua feel wronged.

No matter what Yuan Xiaohua said, even if Yuan Xiaohua knew that the people in the Zheng family wouldn\'t care about this, they still couldn\'t convince their parents.

In the end, that\'s the only way~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan didn\'t chat for long when he heard a heart-piercing cry and ran over quickly, and immediately saw Xiaogang, a boy from Zheng Kui\'s family, shouting at his throat. Well, Niuniu on the side looked innocent.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan said angrily, "Did you bully your brother?"

"No, my brother fell by himself." Niu Niu said confidently.

"Then can\'t you help him up?" Zheng Shan wanted to hit someone angrily.

Niuniu said: "But my mother said that if you fall, you have to get up yourself."

Zheng Shan: ......

Zheng Kui just smiled and watched from the side, not in a hurry at all, and was still encouraging Xiaogang to get up by himself.

When Xiaogang saw that no one cared about him, he didn\'t cry anymore. Although he still couldn\'t walk, he got up by himself, and then followed his brother\'s buttocks to play.