Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 611: seriously ill

"Hey, what are you talking about, we don\'t care if we want to drink a drink now, what\'s the point of living, it\'s better to die." An old man muttered.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Old Wang, don\'t say these angry words. Didn\'t I come to drink with you?"

"Humph, you kid can\'t do it either. It\'s been three days since you came back. We won\'t call you, and you haven\'t come yet." Old Wang said angrily.

Old children, old children, the older they get, the more they look like children. Zheng Shan feels very comfortable getting along with these old people.

Zheng Shan said helplessly: "Didn\'t I want to accompany my daughter-in-law? You can only lean back."

This time, Mr. Wang was speechless. He sighed and drank a cup by himself, causing the doctor watching on the side to frown.

In fact, how to say it, drinking less alcohol has no effect on the body of these elderly people, but they should not drink excessively.

While drinking and chatting, they didn\'t talk about any major national affairs. Although the old people were also concerned about major national affairs, they also knew clearly that they had already retired, so they should not interfere in these major affairs.

So many times, I listen to what Zheng Shan has to say.

Zheng Shan will analyze some international things with these old people. Although most of them are related to finance and business, these old people are also fascinated.

"Hey, when will we be able to be like those western developed countries." Wang Lao sighed.

Zheng Shandao: "It won\'t be too long, I believe it will be soon."

"Really? Hehe, we old men hope to live to see this day."

"Then you have to take good care of your body, wait a little longer, and take a look at the more prosperous country."

"Okay, just for your words, I will hold on for another two years, or at least get rid of these few."

"Stop bragging, I still don\'t know who will get away with who."


Zheng Shan drank here until twelve o\'clock, and did not stay here after that, and went back that night.

When he got home, Yan Qingqing was already asleep, and Zheng Shan took a shower to get rid of the smell of alcohol on his body.

Zheng Shan is not completely idle at home. This time, Zheng Shan has made very detailed preparations for the US stock market crash.

So he basically stays with the company to deal with things now.

It\'s just that I brought two more oil bottles today, Niuniu and Xiaogang.

Now even Xiao Jingyi is going to kindergarten, so she can only go to these two children. Today, Zhong Huixiu is going to Zhong\'s house, and she has time to look after the child, so she can only throw the child to Zheng Shan.

"Be honest, don\'t disturb others." Zheng Shan looked at the two little guys who were running around, especially the one who didn\'t know how to walk and staggered, but this didn\'t prevent them from making trouble.

There are many people in the company who look at the older Niuniu, and they all know that this is the son of their boss, and he will be the successor in the future, so they all report the greatest kindness.

Zheng Shan taught them a lesson twice, and when they were a little more honest, he handed them over to his younger brother Xia Lai, while he looked at the documents.

Unconsciously, when Zheng Shan looked up again, he saw that the two little guys had already slept on the sofa.

The two little guys are cute when they\'re not mischievous, especially when they\'re asleep.

Zheng Shan kissed each of the two little guys on the cheeks, and then woke them up.

Looking at the two reluctant little guys, Zheng Shan didn\'t let them sleep more. It was about to have lunch and couldn\'t sleep any more.


But when Zheng Shan first got home, he heard bad news.

"What did you say? Wasn\'t it okay before? Why did you suddenly become seriously ill?" Zheng Shan said anxiously.

Li Yuan was also a little angry on the other end of the phone, "I don\'t know, it was said that he was admitted to the hospital two days ago, and I just learned the news."

Zheng Shan also knew that this was not the time to ask these questions, and immediately said, "I will go there now."

"Well, come here quickly." Li Yuan said.

Zheng Shan said to Yan Qingqing who was cooking: "You watch the child at home, I\'ll go out."

No one in the family was at home today, so Yan Qingqing came back to cook at noon. Now Yan Qingqing is not as busy as before, and basically she will come back to eat at noon.

"What\'s wrong?" Yan Qingqing asked quickly when she saw Zheng Shan\'s anxious look.

Zheng Shandao: "Just now, Dayuan called and said that Uncle Lu was seriously ill. I\'ll go take a look."

"Ah, do you want me to follow?" Yan Qingqing asked.

Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "Alright, but what about the two children?"

"Send it to Dakui, and let Xiaohua help with it first." Yan Qingqing said.

Neither of them thought about taking their children to the hospital, not because they were taboos, but because the children were ignorant, and it would be bad to disturb people at that time.

Zheng Shan drove the car and now sent both children to Zheng Kui\'s side. He didn\'t say much, and went directly to the hospital.

On the way, Yan Qingqing constantly comforted Zheng Shan, she knew the relationship between Uncle Lu and Zheng Shan.

The first thing Zheng Shan did when he came back was to look for Uncle Lu. Now that Uncle Lu is suddenly seriously ill, you can imagine what Zheng Shan\'s mood is like.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say a word, he just smiled reluctantly, indicating that he was fine.

It would be a lie to say that Zheng Shan was not mentally prepared. After all, Uncle Lu\'s health has never been very good.

But he didn\'t expect it to come so quickly, to know that Uncle Lu seemed to be okay before.

Zheng Shan has been sending supplements all these years without a break, and now there is no shortage of money at home, and he doesn\'t need the uncle to work, so why is he suddenly dying.

Although Li Yuan didn\'t say it, Zheng Shan understood that Uncle Lu\'s body had really reached this point, otherwise Li Yuan wouldn\'t have said that just now.

When they arrived at the hospital, Zheng Shan quickly found Li Yuan and the others. At this time, Li Yuan, Huang Gu and Lv Shulan were standing at the door of the ward~www.novelhall.com~ Seeing Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing coming, Huang Gu hurriedly greeted them.

"What the **** is going on? How did the uncle\'s body suddenly..." Zheng Shan\'s attitude was a little bad, and even meant to blame.

This was also the first time he showed such a gesture to Huang Gu.

Huang Gu wasn\'t angry either, of course, he didn\'t dare to be angry with Zheng Shan, but said with a bitter face: "Dad said a few days ago that he has a cold, so we were going to take him to the hospital to see him, but he didn\'t want to.

I just went to get two pairs of medicine to eat, and it really got better at first, but just yesterday, for some reason, my body collapsed. "

"Why didn\'t you call and tell us yesterday?" Zheng Shan said angrily.

Huang Gu lowered his head and said, "Dad didn\'t let us trouble you."

Hearing this, Zheng Shan became even more angry, "Uncle is old and ignorant, aren\'t you all sensible?"