Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 608: go home

"Don\'t let the things I talk about with you today go out, it\'s confidential, you know?" Zheng Shan said seriously.

As for asking Rachel to sign a non-disclosure agreement, that\'s not necessary. As long as Rachel isn\'t stupid, then she won\'t leak it out.

Because once Zheng Shan knew about it, the consequences would be fatal for Rachel. At that time, let alone staying in the company as the top leader, Zheng Shan would be merciful not to be sent to prison.

Rachel\'s expression became more serious, "I understand."

"In my prediction, the stock market in the United States will have another big shock this year, and the stock price will fall very badly." Zheng Shan said.

Just this sentence made Rachel nervous instantly. She has been Zheng Shan\'s secretary, so she naturally knows how accurate Zheng Shan\'s predictions on these things are.

Rachel had invested a lot of money in the stock market herself, and if that was true, she would have lost a lot of money too.

But Rachel knew that her big boss would not tell her the news because she was worried that she owed money.

In fact, she also had some vague guesses in her heart.

Sure enough, Zheng Shan said, "Prepare here and transfer some funds. If it is as I predicted, then taking this opportunity to acquire some brands is the best opportunity."

"If you can buy it, buy it, and if you can\'t buy it, buy it."

This is a disaster for others, but for someone like Zheng Shan who knew 100% of what would happen in advance, it was a huge opportunity.

Rachel nodded fiercely. Once Zheng Shan had predicted this time, the Slit Group would undergo earth-shaking changes.

The listing thing also needs to be re-planned.

Rachel was excited, she had already thought about which brand she would take the opportunity to acquire, especially some luxury goods.

Although the current clothing companies have some achievements in high-end brands, they are still a little worse.

Taking this opportunity, Rachel wants to make up for this shortcoming.

Another point is that she can also adjust her own investment based on this. Of course, this needs to be done slowly and cannot be rushed.

If she was concerned about the preservation of her property and let some news leak out, then she, Rachel, was really a sinner.

At least Zheng Shan won\'t make her feel better.

Zheng Shan is now the richest man. If he said that he predicted that the stock market would collapse, many people would be willing to believe it.

So this news cannot be leaked.

Zheng Shan and Rachel discussed a lot of things, and gradually finalized little details.

This has been discussed for several days.

When Zhong Hongjun\'s side is almost recovered and he can walk with his prosthetic limbs, Zheng Shan will also go back.

After being out for so long this time, Zheng Shan also misses home, his daughter-in-law, and his son.

Although I can make frequent calls, I still miss it very much.

Especially the son\'s father on the phone, Zheng Shan couldn\'t wait to go back.

"That\'s all. When the stock market crashes, I will come again. You should prepare first." Zheng Shandao.

Rachel nodded, "I\'ll do the prep work."

"Okay, that\'s it, let me know if there is anything." Zheng Shan left.

In the afternoon, Zheng Shan and his group got on the plane and left.


When Zheng Shan returned home, the first thing he saw was a little kid wearing open-crotch pants, walking staggeringly at the door. Every time Zhong Huixiu tried to support her, she was pushed away by her chubby little hands.

When Zheng Shan saw this little boy, his heart melted.

"Honey, look who I am?" Zheng Shan picked up the little guy, kissed him twice, and then brought his big face to the little boy with a smile.

Niuniu was obviously a little confused, his **** eyes were full of confusion, and he didn\'t understand what was going on. ,

Then I saw a man with a familiar face, but also a little stranger, hugging him and kissing him, and he burst into tears.

Zheng Shan: ......

"This is your father, it\'s called Dad." Zhong Huixiu guided by the side.

But the baby didn\'t listen at all, she kept crying, and pushed her two little hands to Zheng Shan\'s chest by the way.

Zheng Shan was helpless and didn\'t dare to exert any force, so he could only put his son on the ground, and then saw that the little guy stopped crying for a moment, and ran to Zhong Huixiu\'s side with short legs.

"Grandma, bad guy." Don\'t say it, it\'s a little more eloquent.

Zheng Shan was speechless, "I\'m your biological father, look good."

When he said it so loudly, the little boy was not afraid at all, "I am you..."

Before he could say anything, Zhong Huixiu covered his mouth, "Don\'t talk nonsense."

Zheng Shan was also trembling with anger at this time.

"Who taught this?" Zheng Shan was a little helpless.

He didn\'t dare to get angry, because 90% of the reasons were on his own mother\'s side.

Sure enough, my mother said, "I learned it from those **** girls, Niu Niu, you can\'t learn it next time, do you know?"

You must know that the fighting power of the old ladies is not weak at all, and it is commonplace to scold the streets and others.

Zhong Huixiu often brings Niu Niu to chat, and learning these things is also very fast.

In fact, the reason why Niu Niu can say something neatly now is because of these old ladies.

It\'s just that Zheng Shan would rather not do this.

Zheng Shan was helpless, he simply ignored the little guy and walked in by himself.

The old fifth laughed on the side, leaning forward and back together. This was the first time she had seen the third third Zheng so embarrassed.

But soon, she also felt that her little nephew was not easy to mess with.

The gift is accepted, but it is impossible to listen to good words.


In the evening, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing complained about this, Yan Qingqing said angrily: "Who let you go out for so long~www.novelhall.com~ You still blame your son for not recognizing you."

"It doesn\'t take long, it\'s only a few months, and I\'m not doing business right now." Zheng Shan said.

Of course Yan Qingqing knew, but for so long, she also missed Zheng Shan, so she was a little angry.

The two snuggled together and complained to each other, no matter how long they had been married and how old their children were, but their relationship was getting better by the day.

"Hey, I think this tuba is a bit useless, let\'s practice a trumpet." Zheng Shan said with a smirk.

Yan Qingqing couldn\'t understand what he said, but she understood Zheng Shan\'s smirk.

"I\'ll see if you\'re being honest outside." They\'re both old and married, and Yan Qingqing is not as shy as before.

Zheng Shandao: "I\'ve been protecting myself like a jade for you. You\'ll know when you try it."

As soon as he said that, the fire of dry wood started to burn.