Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 607: profit, listing

When he heard that the operation was very successful, Zheng Shan relaxed instantly, and the aunt almost lost her footing, she was too nervous.

Fortunately, there is the fifth brother and the others to help him.

Zheng Shan took out several checks from his arms, one for each person, no one was the same, each for $50,000.

This is quite a lot, but after seeing these doctors and nurses getting it, can\'t the surprised expression be hidden at all?

None of these people were polite to Zheng Shan, and they accepted it happily.

After seeing the uncle who was still in a coma being withdrawn, Zheng Shanyou quickly asked some precautions.

After entering the ward, the nurse didn\'t come out, and kept guarding the guards on the side, just in case.

That\'s what $50,000 does.

Auntie was also guarding by the side, looking at Zheng Shan, they were a little tired, and said quickly: "You go back first, I\'ll be here."

Zheng Shan drank a lot last night, and after waiting for so long, he was really sleepy.

So he was not polite to his aunt.

"Okay, then we\'ll go back first, and I\'ll change shifts with you after I have a rest." Zheng Shan said.

And he has to go back and talk to the house, don\'t let people stay at home nervously waiting for news.


When Zheng Shan returned home, he called the house as soon as possible. At this time, grandma and grandpa were all waiting for news in front of Lao Zheng\'s phone.

Even though it was very late, but there was no news, no one was in the mood to sleep, let alone sleep.

After waiting for Zheng Shan\'s news, everyone relaxed and finally got through this disaster.


Half a month has passed, and the fifth and the others have all finished their interviews. Originally, Zheng Shan thought of going with him, but the fifth rejected him.

She really wanted to try on her own, and if she didn\'t succeed, she would ask her brother for help.

The fifth is not so pedantic, she must not let Zheng Shan help, she just wants to try her own level first.

And the result is also good, the fifth is admitted!

This time, Zheng Shan was happy again for a long time, and the other three were also like this, and none of them fell off the chain.

Although Guan Fei\'s school is not an ideal school, it is not bad.

Zhong Hongjun\'s side is also recovering very well. He didn\'t waste so much money that Zheng Shan spent. In two days, the prosthesis can be installed.

Now Zhong Hongjun has lived in his home. In fact, after Zhong Hongjun woke up, he wanted to come back. When he was breaking up with the little nurse, he figured out how much it would cost to live in a day, which made him feel bad.

Although Zhong Hongjun can\'t speak English, he can still make some simple communication through gestures and tone of voice.

Such as asking how much a day to live here and so on.

And the digital Zhong Hongjun also knew it, so when he saw so much money, Zhong Hongjun was really distressed.


Zheng Shan has not been with him all the time. Most of the time, Zheng Shan is still investing in Xishui.

The first is to do some preparations for the stock market crash, mobilize manpower, upgrade equipment, etc. These are all things that can be done.

In addition, Zheng Shan also needs to set some goals, such as the shares of some companies, this time is a good opportunity.

For example, Motorola has already made a lot of money with the release of mobile phones.

It\'s just that Zheng Shan\'s shares are still a little small, and he can\'t participate in some of the things inside.

Zheng Shan has never been in a hurry, also because his layout in telecommunications has not really started yet.

He wants to participate in the telecommunications business, so the first idea is to carry out various research in China.

These are very professional talents, and these talents, Zheng Shan has already reserved, that is the talents from Lao Maozi.

It is seen that Lao Maozi has now entered this place with some development, but there are really many talents in this area, or there are many talents in all aspects.

Zheng Shan only needs to recruit these talents, and then cooperate with himself to cooperate with Motorola.

At the beginning of the early stage, some progress can be made in some aspects.

What Zheng Shan wanted in terms of telecommunications has never been to take a stake in Motorola and make some money.

What he wanted was to start a new brand.

If he succeeds this time, then with so many talents he has recruited and the technical support from Motorola, he can quickly come up with a brand of mobile phone of his own.

In addition, based on the domestic market, labor is cheap, and some basic things can be obtained by himself. He can directly **** a large market for the price alone.

However, these things are still Zheng Shan\'s plan for the time being, it will take a lot of time, and a lot of things need to be done.

Zheng Shan came to Rachel\'s side that day.

"Boss, this is our sales report for the past six months, please take a look." Rachel said with a smile.

She is a little proud. Slite was created and developed by her. Now Slite can be said to be very famous. In Europe and the United States, she has already established a firm foothold.

Zheng Shan looked at the sales report and was very satisfied.

In half a year, the sales are almost 1.5 billion US dollars, which is already a very staggering figure.

However, since the profit on Slite\'s side is not very high, after all, at the beginning, it was won by price.

This is not a simple sentence to raise the price later. Of course, they also have high-end brands, but the sales volume can only be regarded as average.

Therefore, with sales of 1.5 billion yuan, the profit is about 23%, which is already very good.

Half a year\'s profit is almost 350 million US dollars, and after a year, there is a profit of 780 million or 800 million US dollars.

"Very good, well done." Zheng Shan put down the report in his hand and praised. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Rachel was humble at first, and then asked tentatively, "Boss, do you think our company is ready to go public?"

Zheng Shan didn\'t stop her this time. Rachel wanted to go public before, but Zheng Shan kept stopping her.

"Okay, you can prepare now. At this time next year, it will almost be able to go public." Zheng Shan said.

It\'s really not long to prepare for the listing in one year, and it is normal for some to prepare for three or five years, but for the current Slit, it is completely no problem.

"Okay, I\'ll prepare now." Rachel said excitedly.

Once the company goes public, she, who can be said to be the founder, will get a good share reward again.

"Okay, you can do it yourself. I\'m here today because I want to tell you something." Zheng Shan said.

Rachel\'s expression suddenly became serious, expressing her serious consideration.