Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 606: Operation

PS: I suddenly encountered something, the update is late, sorry!


"After you get to university, study hard, don\'t think about finding me a boyfriend or girlfriend, I tell you, it\'s all fake, and there\'s no way to get to the end." Zheng Shan also drank a little too much at this time, and he said nothing. more.

He is seriously telling the four girls, this is the four watery Chinese cabbage, and Zheng Shan doesn\'t want them to be bullied by those pigs who can only talk sweetly.

"Understood, we will study hard and improve every day, okay?" The fifth rolled his eyes.

Zheng Shan slapped the table with a slap, "I\'m serious with you, don\'t take it seriously, if you dare to fall in love in college, especially if you find me a foreign boyfriend, I\'ll interrupt it directly. his legs."

"Zheng Laosan, who do you look down on, I can\'t look down on these foreign devils." The old five said.

Maybe he was really influenced by Zheng Shan. Anyway, the fifth child really doesn\'t feel much about these Western faces.

"So are the three of you, it\'s better not to find a foreign devil." Zheng Shan was satisfied with the fifth answer, and then said to the other three.

Zheng Shan was really happy that night and drank a lot.

In the past, Zheng Shan didn\'t have any hope for his fifth son. After all, he has developed a playful personality in China.

Now that he is abroad, in fact, what Zheng Shan mainly thinks about is to use his own energy to directly send the fifth child to a top foreign university.

This is not difficult for him.

In Zheng Shan\'s thinking, if the fifth child doesn\'t receive any blows, it should be difficult to put away his playful and unloving personality.

But it\'s not what he wants to see Zheng Shan give the fifth a blow. To put it bluntly, he is actually reluctant.

Therefore, Zheng Shan did not have much hope for the fifth.

However, the reality gave him a surprise. The fifth one got the interview qualification by virtue of his own ability. Although there were still some influences from his own side, the flaws did not hide the flaws, which also proved the success of the fifth one.

And all of this is uncertain. Maybe even without Zheng Shan\'s influence here, the fifth child can still get the interview qualification and can still enter Stanford?

These are all possible, so Zheng Shan is happy, happy for his own sister!

The fifth brother felt the mood of his brother, and he was also a little proud and proud in his heart.

Zheng Laosan has always been the pride in her heart!


The next day, Zheng Shan woke up early. Although he drank a lot last night, Zheng Shan knew that he had something to do today, so he got up early.

After washing his face and sobering up a bit, Zheng Shan went out for a walk again, and when he came back, his body was soaked with dew.

After taking another shower, I woke up completely.

"Uncle, let\'s go straight over later?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zhong Hongjun looked at Zheng Shan, who got up early, and said, "We can go there by ourselves. We are all familiar with the road, and there is Song Bei who will drive us there. You should have a good rest."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Are you looking down on me? What is this amount of alcohol? When you are well, I will not be drunk with you, and then let you see my alcohol level."

Zhong Hongjun wanted to say something, but was interrupted by his aunt, "It\'s okay, you can just wait for the surgery, and don\'t worry about the rest."

In fact, she has no bottom in her heart. If she can have Zheng Shan to accompany her, her heart will definitely be a lot more stable.

In this unfamiliar place, her husband is going to be sent to the operating table, and there is not even a familiar person by her side. How can the aunt not worry?

Zhong Hongjun opened his mouth, but he didn\'t speak anymore. He waited for Zheng Shan and the others to finish eating and went straight to the hospital.

Under normal circumstances, Zhong Hongjun should be hospitalized in advance, check his body, and make some preparations according to the doctor\'s orders.

But Zheng Shan\'s family does not lack this, so it is enough to prepare at home.

After everything was ready, the four girls hurriedly got up and came over together.

They also have time now, and even if they don\'t have time, they have to ask for leave to follow the past.

Zheng Shan has no opinion on this.

When some parents face some major events at home, they always let their children study in school, as if they are afraid that the children\'s learning will not keep up with this time.


When I came to the hospital, the team of doctors here was already ready to take Zhong Hongjun away to check his body. Before the operation, he still had to confirm his physical condition again. After all, Zheng Shan was not short of money.

"Mr. Zheng." Brad greeted.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Doctor, I will trouble you a lot for the next thing."

"This is our duty, please Mr. Zheng believe us." Brad said solemnly.

"Of course, you are the best team of doctors in the world, I am very convinced of this." Zheng Shandao.

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Zheng. We will do our best."

After some courtesies, Brad began to prepare with the team. When Zheng Hongjun\'s examination results came out, Brad and several doctors discussed with each other, and then sent Zhong Hongjun into the operating room.

When the aunt saw her husband being sent to the operating room, she suddenly became nervous and her hands were shaking.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan hurriedly helped his aunt to sit down, "Auntie, don\'t worry, it\'s alright, it\'ll be fine in a while."

"Well, it will definitely go well." Auntie said unconsciously.

Although I was a little mentally prepared before, when the person was really sent to the operating room, the aunt felt that there was no room for thinking in her heart, and it was a mess.

Zheng Shan comforted him a few words, seeing that it didn\'t work, so he could only let the fifth child help take care of it.

He can only resign now.

Not only are they nervous here, but Zhong Huixiu and the Zhong family are even more nervous on the other side of the capital.

Zheng Shan and the others did not hide the fact that Zhong Hongjun was going to have an operation soon, because Zheng Shan knew very well that any operation had risks.

Even if the most brilliant doctor in the world is invited, no one can guarantee that the operation will be completely smooth.

So Zheng Shan needs to inform the other side ~www.novelhall.com~ no matter what, even if he makes the worst plan, he needs to let people know how to get there, instead of suddenly news that people are gone.

Of course, this is very unlikely, but some preparation has to be done.


After waiting anxiously for almost seven hours, the door to the operating room was finally opened again.

During these seven hours, almost every hour or so, a nurse would come to inform Zheng Shan about the situation.

This is of course illegal, but there is no way. In many cases, the rules are to make way for money and power.

This is the last time, because Zheng Shan and the others all saw the doctor come out with him.

"How is it?" At this time, Zheng Shan\'s heart could not help but mention his throat.

"The operation was very successful!"