Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 605: Interview

Zhong Hongjun said with a smile: "Forget the scenery, I always feel a little uncomfortable in this place. It\'s better to finish the operation early and go back early."

As for the United States, to be honest, Zhong Hongjun said that he is not curious or yearning. It is pure nonsense. After all, the United States is really like a beacon in the hearts of many people.

When I came here, Zhong Hongjun saw the best side of America because of Zheng Shan.

Capitalist countries like Europe and the United States, all the best faces are displayed in front of the capitalists.

There is no doubt that Zheng Shan is the top capital force in Europe and the United States.

Therefore, everything Zhong Hongjun saw was very beautiful. In all aspects, he saw the most prosperous appearance.

The people I met were also of the upper class.

But slowly, Zhong Hongjun also felt that although he lived a good life here, although it was indeed much better here than in China.

However, Zhong Hongjun\'s heart always felt empty, unpleasant, and wanted to go home.

Zheng Shan also seemed to understand the uncle\'s thoughts. It\'s not hard to guess. Not everyone can adapt to leaving their hometown, especially when there is still a choice.

"Haha, okay, as long as you take good care of your uncle, let\'s go back directly." Zheng Shan laughed.

Zheng Shan and Zhong Hongjun chatted for a while, and the fifth one came back.

"Brother, I received an interview notice from Stanford University." Old Wu shouted excitedly when he came back.

Zheng Shan was also happy when he heard the words, "Really? You didn\'t lie to me, did you?"

"Humph, brother, do you look down on me?" the fifth hummed.

Zheng Shan hurriedly said: "No, no, what about the interview notice? Show me?"

Although Zheng Shan also has it, but this is his own sister, and it is still a little different. At this moment, Zheng Shan really feels like an old father and is very happy.

The fifth did not rely on Zheng Shan\'s relationship this time, otherwise he would enter directly, of course, not all relying on the fifth himself.

This is also impossible. After all, these top universities in the United States are really not based on scores.

Of course, if you\'re truly a genius of genius, that\'s fine.

The recommendation letter of the fifth was written by the old principal of the girls\' school, and she also dragged her own relationship, so she found two people who are very energetic in the education field to write it together.

There are definitely bonus points for this, and there are quite a few.

But even so, Zheng Shan was very happy.

"Auntie, eat dinner at night, the fifth is admitted to university." Zheng Shan shouted happily.

"Where\'s where?" Auntie wiped her hands and walked out of the kitchen in a hurry. When she knew that Zheng Shan was back today, she started preparing dinner from a long time ago.

Zheng Shan handed the interview notice in his hand to his aunt. Even though the aunt couldn\'t understand what was written on it, she was still happy.

"Okay, okay, fifth, great, Auntie is proud of you." Auntie wiped away tears happily.

The uncle was also happy on the side, and hurriedly grabbed the interview notice from the aunt\'s hand. Those who didn\'t know it thought he could understand it.

"Auntie, don\'t listen to my brother\'s nonsense. I haven\'t passed the exam yet, it\'s just an interview." The fifth was rather embarrassed.

In the face of relatives like Zheng Shan, the fifth one can blow one point into ten, but when facing outsiders, the fifth is still quite humble.

Zheng Shandao: "Haha, I believe your fifth, since you can interview, then nothing else is a problem."

Well, this is also Zheng Shan\'s request for the fifth. As long as the fifth is interviewed with his own abilities, then Zheng Shan is very willing to contribute.

However, the fifth is arrogant, "Don\'t let me go through the back door, I don\'t need it."

"Aspirational!" Zheng Shan gave a thumbs up.

Zhong Hongjun said to his wife who was still wiping her tears: "Okay, this is a good thing, why are you crying? Bad luck."

Auntie glared at Zhong Hongjun and said nothing. She wiped her tears and said, "I\'ll go cook for you right now."

It was only at this time that Zheng Shan remembered the other three and asked a little. Except for Guan Fei, the other two had been notified of the interview from his ideal middle school.

Guan Fei\'s is not bad, but not as good as she imagined.

The recommendation letters of these three people were also written by the headmaster of the girls\' school, but they were a little worse than the fifth one.

This is also no way, who let Zheng Shan\'s influence here.

"Let\'s have a good drink at night, by the way, do you drink?" Zheng Shan said happily.

"If you can drink a little, I want red wine." Yan Lele said quickly.

The fifth\'s hand almost covered her mouth.

Only then did Yan Lele react, and she covered her mouth subconsciously, and then hehe silly, wanting to be cute.

Zheng Shan glared at them, but in this happy day, Zheng Shan didn\'t disappoint and didn\'t say much.

Zheng Shan asked them to clean up first, but he managed to make a cross-ocean call on the side of the phone.

I told my mother the good news of the fifth son.

At this time, it was about six o\'clock in the morning in the capital, and my mother just got up to make breakfast. When she heard the news, she also cried with joy.

As for my dad, he was dancing around excitedly, and he didn\'t know why.

After the fifth came down, my parents wanted to talk to her on the phone, and then Zheng Shan gave up his seat.

"Did you tell your parents?" Zheng Shan looked at Yan Lele and the others.

The three of Yan Lele shook their heads. They all received notices earlier than the fifth one. At that time, the fifth one didn\'t receive it, especially when he received the same notice as the fifth one. pressure.

"Then hurry up, there are telephones on it, find one and call the house by yourself." Zheng Shan said.


It took more than two hours to make a phone call. After the aunt had prepared the food for a while, the calls were ended one by one.

Zheng Shan just sobered up and poured a little for the four girls and his aunt himself.

"I haven\'t drank this red wine yet, so I happened to have some today." Auntie said with a smile.

The uncle can only have eye addiction on the side. He can\'t drink a drop of alcohol now. After all, he has to have an operation tomorrow.

This is really uncomfortable for someone like Zhong Hongjun who can be regarded as an alcoholic~www.novelhall.com~.

"Brother, I\'ll give you a toast, thank you." The fifth child suddenly picked up the wine glass and raised his head to do it!

Zheng Shan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the fifth one, feeling even happier in his heart, but also bored.

The fifth is becoming more and more sensible, and this is Zheng Shan\'s greatest joy!

Next, Yan Lele, Guan Fei, and Xu Lin all toasted one by one.

They are not stupid either. Naturally, they know that their destiny has been changed because of Zheng Shan, especially Guan Fei. If there was no Zheng Shan, she would have started working in the factory long ago.

Or enter the art troupe through relationships, anyway, there will be no such side.

Zheng Shan also drank the toasts of the three girls. After four glasses of wine, Zheng Shan felt a little dizzy.