Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 604: awe

Zheng Shan agrees with Moore\'s proposal. Of course, he also has this idea, otherwise he would not mention it. In addition, on the other side of Xiangjiang, Zheng Shan still needs financial help to stabilize the situation in Xiangjiang.

Of course, this must be done domestically, otherwise it would be good if Zheng Shan didn\'t take advantage of it.

In fact, it is also because of his own family background. Even if Zheng Shan gets benefits from Xiangjiang this time, it will not allow him to earn the funds that he is envious of now.

Maybe just a little happier? But that\'s it.

Zheng Shan said to Moore, who had turned from panic at the beginning to being excited now: "These specific things are left to you to handle. Although this time is a big stock market disaster, it is also a very good time for us. chance."

"Yes, I will definitely not disappoint you." Moore said excitedly.

This time, Zheng Shan will also show his talents, which may be the biggest opportunity in the 1980s, especially when he has sufficient capital.

So Zheng Shan has already started sharpening his knives.


Zheng Shan stayed in Japan for almost a month. During this time, Zheng Shan mostly visited various places.

Said to visit, in fact, it is mainly to understand the operation of the company. These people would not have thought of killing them. What Zheng Shan was fighting was not an idea of ​​learning or cooperation, but wanted to use the smallest amount of money when they were most dangerous. buy their business at a price.

At the same time, during this month, Zheng Shan also reached cooperation agreements with these companies in the name of Xishui Human Resources Company.

In the early stage, the number of people needed is less, about 3,000 labor workers, and if the cooperation is good, it will increase.

Zheng Shan is already very satisfied with this figure. This is only the early stage, and there will be more in the future.

Of course, for the management of these employees, Zheng Shan will also implement stricter methods.

The first point is to reduce the cash in the hands of dispatched employees, or temporarily withhold their wages.

It\'s not that Zheng Shan wants to use it himself, it\'s just how much money, and even if he is poor and crazy, it is impossible to hit these workers.

His main purpose is to prevent these people from having money in their hands, and then put the money into the stock market or real estate.

Zheng Shan is very clear, that is, as long as he tastes the sweetness, it is useless to persuade anyone after that, and no one will listen.

In the end, among the people who might jump off the building, there are some people, which Zheng Shan does not want to see.

So Zheng Shan needs to block this, as long as there is no money, then they will not choose to try.

During this period of time, Zheng Shan put forward various requirements to Fukuoka Tomoki, and optimized some structures of the Xishui convenience store.

Especially with regard to the authority of the management, in this regard, Lucas did not do well, and the authority was not very clear.

Nothing was revealed before, but when Zheng Shan came here, someone quietly made a small report or something.

Even if it is not blatant, in some reports specially submitted to Zheng Shan, he will speak badly about some competitors, and express some wrong things done by his opponents without any trace.

Zheng Shan didn\'t completely regard it as invisible, and punished the two neither lightly nor severely.

Although such a thing is not very good for the stability of the company, it will also waste some of the company\'s resources.

But for a big boss like Zheng Shan, there are more advantages than disadvantages.

If you don\'t see it this time, maybe no one will do it next time, and Zheng Shan\'s control over some of the following will be weaker.

Anyway, everything is good and bad.

Therefore, Zheng Shan mainly adjusted the management structure here to minimize losses.

Regarding Zheng Shan\'s adjustment, Fukuoka Tomoki and the others did not dare to slack off, and strictly implemented it.

At the same time, I feel a little more awe-inspiring in my heart. I can\'t help it. This is a real experience of the most important right in my hands being decided by someone.


"After you go back, tell the above about this matter and the foreign exchange ratio of employees\' wages." Zheng Shandao.

The foreign exchange rate will definitely not be in accordance with international standards, which is also a benefit that Zheng Shan has fought for for these workers.

In addition, if these people go back or want to send something, then Zheng Shan will also provide them with convenience through Xishui Human Resources.

As for the money can be directly deducted from their wages.

Zheng Shan needs to go back to the United States immediately. Uncle is going to have an operation. No matter what happens to Zheng Shan, he still needs to go and take a look.

On behalf of Zheng Shan, Xia Laidi went to discuss these matters with the upper echelons of the country. This was also his experience for Xia Laidi.

"Okay, I\'ll write it down, do you have any other orders?" Brother Xia Lai said.

Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "It\'s nothing, just notify me in time if there is anything."

When Zheng Shan came to Japan, he was mighty, but when he left, he was very low-key, and basically no one knew about it.

When Zheng Shan returned to the United States, he asked Lucas, Moore and the others to come to the company, and he himself came to the villa.

"Dashan, you are busy with your work, I\'m fine, why are you coming back?" As soon as the uncle saw Zheng Shan, he knew that he was back for his own surgery, and said a little embarrassedly.

He feels that he owes this nephew too much, and now he wants Zheng Shan to put down his work to accompany him, and he naturally feels a little guilty in his heart.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "I just got busy with things. By the way, how are you feeling now, uncle? What did the doctor say."

"I\'m fine~www.novelhall.com~ The doctor said that I\'m recovering quite well, and there is no problem with the surgery." Zhong Hongjun said.

In fact, he was a little afraid of surgery deep in his heart, but he also had some expectations. After all, because this leg has suffered too much pain, if it can be cured, even if the artificial limb is pressed in the future, it will be good.

And he also looked at the prosthesis. Some people recovered quite well after pressing the prosthesis. They even walked. As long as they didn\'t lift their trouser legs, no one could see it.

In the past, Zhong Hongjun was secretly called a lame by many people, especially some children.

When he was repairing a bicycle before, some people just shouted \'Cripple, repair the car. ’

Although he didn\'t show anything on his face, his heart was always unpleasant, so he also hoped that he would be able to perform the operation this time, at least so that outsiders could not see that he was lame.

Zheng Shandao: "That\'s good, the surgery is tomorrow, right? Uncle, you can do the surgery with peace of mind. After you\'re done, I\'ll show you the scenery here."