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Chapter 603: predict a stock market crash

Moreover, Zheng Shan has never said that these things can\'t be said, but he always likes to keep a low profile. Naturally, people like Moore will not take the initiative to say it.

In fact, Moore has also said this to other people, such as Goldman Sachs when they came to poach him, he said it.

However, like the people in front of them, they seem to be reluctant to believe.

After all, they all know about Zheng Shan\'s ability to do business. The Xishui Group was founded by him, and in a short period of time, he became the richest man.

And from the current development of Xishui Group in all aspects, Zheng Shan\'s wealth is increasing continuously and rapidly.

Therefore, some of them can\'t believe that Zheng Shan is so powerful in finance.

Listening to Moore\'s words, Ogu Xianyi and the others were stunned.

"Okay, don\'t spread these words out. It\'s not good for you if they spread them out. Our boss doesn\'t care much. When the time comes, the boss will trouble you. Don\'t blame me for not reminding you." Moore chuckled. A voice.

In fact, he can fully understand the psychology of these people, if it is not for him to be a witness, he is not very willing to believe it.

But these are the facts.

Also, there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. Could it be that these people think that their combined capital is more than that of top investment banks like Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch.

In addition, even if the capital is similar, how do you compare with these top investment banks in terms of contacts and resources?

Even the current Xishui Investment is incomparable. This is really not something that can be caught up in a short time, especially since Zheng Shan also strictly controls all the shares of Xishui Investment.

If Zheng Shan is willing to trade these shares and cooperate with big figures in various fields, it will naturally be a lot easier, but it will also take time.

After all, not everyone is willing to believe in Zheng Shan, and top investment banks like Goldman Sachs have gone through countless changes to become what they are now.

When Zheng Shan was reluctant to share this fruit, it naturally took time to accumulate.

Even the top investment banks like Goldman Sachs have declined the invitations themselves, and will they still care about them?


After the banquet was over, the news about this was unavoidably spread, some people believed it and some didn\'t.

But in any case, everyone has more and more confidence in stream investment.

When Zheng Shan heard Moore say this, he just smiled and didn\'t say much.

In fact, the one thing that Zheng Shan is most proud of is not how much money he has made. After all, it occupies the factor of foresight. The thing he is most proud of is his ability to know people!

From Lucas, Moore, to Du Yougao, Rachel, Bai Yi, Xia Laidi, etc., these people basically never let him down.

Ability is on the one hand, on the other hand, they all have a clear mind and a clear cognition.

To be honest, Zheng Shan is not afraid that they will break away from Xishui Group and separate from himself. At most, he will spend some time to reorganize Xishui Group.

Even if there is a loss, it will not be too big. For the current Zheng Shan, it is even more drizzle.

But none of these people chose to leave the Xishui Group, and they didn\'t have any complaints about their treatment.

Of course, in terms of treatment, Zheng Shan had to give them a good deal. Although some outsiders think that it is less, judging from their respective abilities and achievements, it is definitely more.

Zheng Shan has never treated them badly.

However, it is one thing to treat badly or not, and people also have their own pursuits.

Putting this matter aside, Zheng Shan said to Moore: "It\'s the same sentence, pull out some funds, especially the money from the US stock market."

Moore has actually started doing it, and Zheng Shan had asked Xia Laidi to give him a message before.

But at this time he was still a little puzzled, "Boss, the US stock market is booming now, we don\'t need to do this, right?"

Zheng Shan didn\'t answer, but instead asked, "How big is the U.S. stock market now?"

Moore was silent for a moment and said, "It\'s almost 10 trillion dollars."

Zheng Shan sighed: "Yes, ten trillion, this is not one trillion, nor one hundred billion, nor one billion, such a large plate, according to the current situation, do you think the actual capital of the US stock market can support it live?"

"Have you forgotten the stock market crash of 1929?"

As soon as these words came out, Moore\'s face changed suddenly, and he said in shock: "There will be a stock market crash? And can it be compared to the stock market crash in 1929?"

The stock market crash in 1929 caused people to talk about the discoloration of stocks for many years, and they kept it a secret.

Really frightened.

However, the fact that people stay away from the stock market for a short period of time does not mean that the history of financial speculation has come to an end, because the speculative elements contained in the system that drives society forward have not disappeared but are increasing day by day, and the desire for speculation of mankind will never be eliminated.

So by the mid-1950s, Americans\' apprehension about the stock market began to reverse, and things began to flourish again.

The late 1950s and the entire 1960s were the "golden period" of the US economic development - the economy continued to grow steadily, and the inflation rate and unemployment rate were reduced to very low levels; by the 1980s, the US stock market had experienced 50 years. bull market.

Since 1982, the stock price trend has continued to rise, and the trading volume has also increased rapidly. The stock market continues to heat up, and its growth rate far exceeds the growth rate of the real economy, and the development rate of financial transactions greatly exceeds the development rate of world trade.

The current Dow Jones index has risen too crazy. Since March last year, it has risen from more than 1,600 points to more than 2,300 points now, and it is still growing wildly.

Moore didn\'t question anything~www.novelhall.com~ was a little heavy, but he recovered quickly and began to think about how to get the most benefit from this stock market crash.

The stock market crash is not a disaster for everyone, it is even a carnival for some people!

He didn\'t doubt Zheng Shan\'s judgment. Anyway, so far, Moore has never seen Zheng Shan make a mistake in his judgment once. Small predictions are not counted, and big predictions have not been missed by Zheng Shan from beginning to end.

Therefore, Moore has full confidence in Zheng Shan.

"Then we directly short the stock market?" Moore asked, and now he suddenly got rid of the dull mood just now, but became a little excited.

If this is true, then their stream investment will make a lot of money, and Zheng Shan will not be stingy with rewards.

Maybe you can get some shares of Xishui Supermarket because of this, even if it is not from Xishui Supermarket, the shares of Slite Clothing are fine.

At this time, Moore was already a little fanciful.