Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 602: dig a wall

At this time, Moore sat in a luxurious private room and exchanged cups with people, accepting the praise of these people in front of him.

Moore is used to it.

Just yesterday, he used the capital in his hand and some reminders from Zheng Shan to make a lot of money.

Not to mention too much, but it is quite a lot, at least 80 million US dollars, how long has it been?

So at this time, everyone is more enthusiastic about Moore, especially those who want to invest money in streams.

Just talking, for some reason, someone suddenly said, "Mr. Moore, I wonder if you have the idea of ​​going out alone?"

As soon as these words came out, the others stopped talking, but looked at Moore one by one, apparently making an appointment.

Moore also looked over.

The person who spoke was called Otani Xianyi, and I heard that he was still a nobleman, but Moore did not take that into consideration.

Ogu Xianyi specializes in finance, not only him, but many people in the house are like this now.

In recent years, they have made a lot of money, and their worth has doubled.

Otani Xianyi said somewhat ingratiatingly: "Mr. Moore\'s current ability is obvious to the whole world. The **** of investment is not just talking, it is recognized by everyone."

"And according to some people\'s statistics, Mr. Moore has earned at least five billion dollars for the stream investment. This is only disclosed outside. Mr. Moore must have made more money."

Everyone also knows that Xishui Investment is not a listed company, and what they know now is definitely only a part of it. No one will think that they know that Xishui Investment is all cleared.

Even a listed company, some things are not necessarily.

Five billion dollars is really in the small.

Moore said lightly: "It\'s just some small achievements, and it\'s because of the company\'s abundant resources that I have room to play."

Ogu Xianyi said quickly: "These money are only small achievements for Mr. Moore, but for those of us, it is already worth looking up to."

"In addition, we all feel that 80 to 90 percent of these achievements are attributed to Mr. Moore, who made it by himself."

Listening to Ogu Xianyi\'s praise, Moore didn\'t speak, just took a sip of wine.

Seeing Moore like this, Otani Xianichi thought that Moore was excited, so he immediately said: "As far as we know, the annual salary of Mr. Moore is about 30 million US dollars."

30 million US dollars, this can definitely be regarded as a working emperor now!

But compared to Moore\'s current results, in Otani\'s view, it is far from enough.

Of course, if they have such people, naturally the fewer the better.

Moore looked at Ogu Xianyi\'s appearance of fighting for himself, and knew what he meant.

"These are enough, I feel a little ashamed to take so much money." Moore said sternly.

Ogu Xianyi thought that Moore was being modest, thinking that he was afraid that these words would reach Zheng Shan\'s ears.

"No, no, in terms of Mr. Moore\'s ability and achievements, an annual salary of $500 million is normal." Otani Xianichi said seriously.

Moore was also a little speechless when he heard these words. How could he say these words? It was estimated that it was not his own money, five hundred million dollars. What did he think?

Ogu Xianyi seemed to see what he was thinking, and continued: "Mr. Moore doesn\'t think I\'m saying this on purpose, to provoke the relationship between you and Mr. Zheng Shan. I also admire Mr. Zheng Shan, but the truth is fact."

"If Mr. Moore is willing, as long as you establish a new investment company, we are willing to put all of our net worth on your side. Not much else to say, there are still billions of dollars."

Ogu Xianyi\'s words caused many people around him to nod their heads.

"You? Billions? Cash?" Moore smiled, as if he didn\'t want to talk to these people anymore.

These people are worth almost that much combined, but cash? Oh, it\'s not that Moore looks down on them, they really can\'t show it.

Dagu Xianyi was so mocked by Moore that he didn\'t get angry, but got a little excited. In his opinion, this was the expression of Moore\'s heartbeat.

"Of course it\'s not just us. As long as Mr. Moore is willing, I believe there will be more capital willing to support Mr. Moore. Let alone billions of dollars, even tens of billions of dollars are not impossible." Said excitedly.

"And then Mr. Moore will get dividends, so he will definitely earn more."

This is completely digging a wall in Chi Guoguo.

Moore looked at the eager eyes of these people, and suddenly laughed, "Everyone drinks."

He didn\'t say anything else, but the meaning was self-evident.

"Mr. Moore, please believe us. We are here with full sincerity. If you don\'t believe it, we can sign a contract and even prepare the money for you in advance." Ogu Xianyi said eagerly.

The same goes for everyone else, who doesn\'t want to make money with Moore, how long does it take? Eighty million dollars are in hand, and this is just Moore\'s small test.

Xishui Investment made more money here, and they were jealous.

That\'s why there will be this scene today. If you want to pull Moore out to do it alone, they can also become the envy of others.

Although Zheng Shan has also allowed some people to put funds into stream investments during these times, they are only a few, and they are all real enterprises. These people can\'t even see Zheng Shan\'s face.

Moore looked at their earnest and eager eyes, and suddenly sighed, "Don\'t you really think I\'m the **** of investment?"

"Mr. Moore deserves such a reputation!" Someone said loudly.

Moore laughed and said: "If all the investments in Xishui Investment were made by me~www.novelhall.com~ then I would admit it with the cheeks. In fact, whenever someone said that I was the **** of investment, I felt incomparable. Ashamed."

"Xishui Investment can have the current scale and current situation. I don\'t deny that I have a part of the credit, but this part of the credit accounts for 10%, and this is occupied by our team."

"The remaining 90% of the credit is due to my big boss, Mr. Zheng Shan. Mr. Zheng Shan is low-key and unwilling to publicize many things everywhere. Most of Xishui Investment\'s investment decisions are actually made by Mr. Zheng Shan. What I do, I am at most an executor."

Listening to Moore\'s words, Ogu Xianyi and the others were all in disbelief, but seeing that Moore didn\'t seem to be joking, they were all dumbfounded.

Moore actually said this mainly for the sake of Zheng Shan\'s campaign. Of course, this is also a fact.

Moore knew that Zheng Shan must have something to do, just like before, things would be much easier when he became more aggressive, so Moore said it without any scruples.