Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 592: Set off

Zheng Shan needs money now. He needs a lot of money. In recent years, everything he needs to do has cost a lot of money.

Therefore, if Zheng Shan extends the funds of all the suppliers of Xishui Supermarket Group by one month, it will be a huge cash flow.

You must know that Xishui Supermarket now has thousands of stores around the world and 100,000 employees. The monthly payment to suppliers is an extremely large number.

Keeping this money for one more month will allow Zheng Shan to have countless more funds in his hands and be able to do a lot more things.

As for the opinions of other shareholders and the board of directors, Zheng Shan did not take their opinions into consideration at all.

Because from the very beginning, Zheng Shan\'s control of Xishui Supermarket has been firmly in his own hands.

Not only in the rights structure of Xishui Supermarket Group, but also in terms of shares, Zheng Shan still has an absolute advantage.

In this way, Zheng Shan can do a lot of things more conveniently, and he won\'t be restricted by other people at all.

As for how the money is used for his own affairs, Zheng Shan has hired a very professional team to ensure that there will be no problems at all.

Even as long as Zheng Shan doesn\'t lose a lot of money with this money, everyone else can only turn a blind eye.

In the face of Zheng Shan\'s request, Lucas did not feel any psychological pressure, "I believe this is no problem, our Xishui supermarket has a shorter payment cycle than other supermarkets, and we have always been on an upward trend. , whether it is funding or other aspects, there are no hidden dangers, and everyone is still willing to believe in our ability.”

This is the most important thing. If there is a problem with the capital chain of Xishui Supermarket, let alone a month\'s delay in settlement, even if it is not time, someone will go directly to the door to ask for money.

Zheng Shandao: "You watch this matter yourself."

After instructing him, Zheng Shan also went back. When he got home, he found that his uncle was sitting for some exercise under the arrangement of the conditioner. Zheng Shan bought all the equipment he needed and moved it to the house.

Seeing that Zheng Shan spent so much money, my uncle felt very guilty, these things didn\'t look cheap.

Just a word from Zheng Shan stopped him from saying more, but actively cooperated.

"Uncle, since these things have already been bought and the money has been spent, they will have an effect. As long as you are in good health, then these are all worthwhile, otherwise the money will be wasted."

Zheng Shan\'s words put some pressure on Zhong Hongjun\'s heart. Indeed, it would be a pity if so much money was really wasted.

If I am in good health, I will be able to earn money to pay back to my nephew in the future, but if I am not in good health, I will not be able to pay it back.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of the uncle was immediately brought up.

"Auntie, what are you doing delicious today? I can smell the fragrance from far away." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Auntie smiled, "Braised pork ribs, braised pork ribs, sauce elbow, don\'t say, the meat here is really good."

Before Zheng Shan could speak, he heard the voice of the old fifth, "It\'s so fragrant, what\'s so delicious?"

The aunt heard these words in her ears, and the smile on her face became more relaxed.

After the fifth child saw the authentic home food, he snorted again.

"Tell your aunt what you want to eat. Aunt will cook it for you every day." The aunt said with a smile.

"Mmmm, it\'s delicious." This is the old fifth who directly squeezed a piece of spareribs and put it in his mouth.

Zheng Shan patted her angrily, "wash your hands."

"Isn\'t it too fragrant." The fifth said indifferently.

Zheng Shan stayed with his uncle for another week or so, and when he saw that he was completely settled down, he no longer felt at a loss as he had at first, so he was ready to leave.

Although the uncle has been urging him to let him do things first, he can\'t delay Zheng Shan\'s own affairs because of his affairs.

But Zheng Shan can\'t do this, otherwise the uncle and aunt are unfamiliar here, and even if these people have their own arrangements, it is estimated that they will not feel safe at all.

So Zheng Shan waited until they were all familiar with them, and they were also familiar with the fifth and the others, and then he chose to leave.

"Uncle, tomorrow I\'ll go to Japan to do something first. If you have anything to do, you can tell the fifth one. If the fifth one can\'t do it here, call this phone." Zheng Shandao.

Zhong Hongjun said embarrassedly: "It\'s delayed a lot of things for you. You don\'t have to worry about me. I\'m here to enjoy such a good day."

"Haha, as long as you are in good health, uncle, then there will be more good days in the future, and you will be able to enjoy more blessings." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

"Hey, to be honest, I don\'t think I have any regrets even if I die now. Look at this day, I never dared to think about it before." Zhong Hongjun said with a smile.

Zheng Shan immediately said, "Bah, bah, uncle, don\'t say such bad words."

"Okay, I won\'t talk about it."

"Uncle, if you want to recruit someone to talk and chat, go to Uncle Zhao. I told Uncle Zhao, he will come when he has time." Zheng Shan said.

Zhao Wen\'s family has also visited Zhong Hongjun several times in the past few days, especially Uncle Zhao. Knowing that Zhong Hongjun is here for the first time, there is no familiar person, plus there are Western faces here, it is naturally uncomfortable.

So I often come over to chat with Zhong Hongjun, which is one of the reasons why Zhong Hongjun adapts so quickly.

There is a peer who can talk, and they are all Chinese. Although their living environment and conditions are different, they have suffered a lot, and the two still have a lot of common topics.

Coupled with the relationship between Zheng Shan and Zhao Wen, the friendship between the two middle-aged people quickly warmed up.

When Zhong Hongjun heard what Zheng Shan said, he immediately smiled and said, "I know, your Uncle Zhao has already agreed with me that we will go out to climb the mountain together after a while~www.novelhall.com~ Just be brave." Auntie said something.

After having a happy dinner, Zheng Shan set off early the next morning. At this time, Lucas and the others were already waiting at the airport.

This time, there were several teams in the past, adding up to dozens of people, and Zheng Shan also directly chartered the flight.

Seeing Zheng Shan coming, Lucas and the others hurriedly stood up to greet him. At this time, brother Xia Lai also arrived.

In fact, brother Xia Lai came over on the third day that Zheng Shan came over. She took care of the affairs at Qingshan Company, and then came to Xishui Group to arrange various matters.

Like Zheng Shan\'s business trip this time, many things need to be discussed with Xia Laidi.

Zheng Shan\'s travel arrangements, as well as who to meet, time, etc., all need to pass the Xia Lai brother before they can be handed to Zheng Shan.

Not to mention that younger brother Xia Lai\'s status is getting higher and higher.