Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 591: withholding funds

Zheng Shan didn\'t think about it too much. If he\'s really not used to it, he can change it.

Soon the aunt made breakfast here, and Song Bei and the two of them wanted to help were refused.

Zheng Shan didn\'t stop him. Maybe let the aunt do something at this time to make them feel a little more comfortable.

"Well, that\'s the taste. Auntie\'s cooking is really delicious." The fifth man said very exaggeratedly.

Yan Lele is also not to be outdone. With her sweet mouth, she has long been familiar with her aunt.

"Auntie, I can\'t bear you to leave now. If you leave, what will we do if we can\'t eat such delicious food in the future?" Yan Lele said pitifully while eating.

Guan Fei and Xu Lin on the side quietly rolled their eyes, two guys like this.

But for some reason, the two still have a little envy in their hearts. It is precisely because of their personalities that they are very popular with other people, especially some elders.

Like when they went to play at the house of some friends they made at school, they were always very popular.

If you insist on distinguishing, Yan Lele is more popular.

Auntie was instantly knocked down by the sweet words of these two girls, and her face burst into a smile, "Oh, look at what you said, I\'m afraid you don\'t like it, as long as you like it, Auntie will give it to you every day. Do."

"Okay, okay, I\'m just afraid of bothering you, auntie." The fifth man said immediately.

"What trouble is not troublesome, these are what the aunt should do."

After eating breakfast, the uncle and aunt felt more relaxed. Zheng Shan also admired these two girls a little, really!

Quietly gave the two girls a thumbs up, but it made them proud.

After breakfast, Zheng Shan took his uncle and set off to find a doctor, everything has been arranged here.

The first is to check the body, all of which are fast-track, direct arrangements, and any results will come out as soon as possible.

Then came the doctor\'s advice. Zheng Shan also brought a personal doctor. Zheng Shan couldn\'t understand some things, and he didn\'t dare to be careless, so he had to bring his personal doctor here.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t have a personal doctor. He used to be in good health, so he didn\'t need it. In addition, he was planning to return to China, so naturally he would not prepare any personal doctor.

But it was very easy for him to find it.

Zheng Shan has been accompanying the uncle, comforting the uncle, and at the same time relaying some doctors\' suggestions and diagnosis results.

"Uncle, the doctor said that your leg can\'t be saved, and it must be amputated. It\'s good for your health, but you don\'t need to worry about anything. After the amputation, recover a bit, and you can arrange a prosthesis here, and then you can walk. It is much more convenient than before." Zheng Shan said.

When he heard that his legs could not be kept, Zhong Hongjun was inevitably a little disappointed. Although he was mentally prepared, he still had a glimmer of hope before.

But Zhong Hongjun\'s mood adjusted quickly, "It\'s okay, I\'ve thought of this for a long time."

"Well, there are doctors who said that as long as the operation is ready, there is basically no problem. You need to actively cooperate with the doctor to adjust your body.

The better your physical condition, the smoother the surgery will be and the better your future recovery will be. "Zheng Shan said.

Zhong Hongjun nodded and said, "Okay, tell the doctor and I will cooperate."

After leaving the hospital, Zheng Shan said to the private doctor: "From now on, you will come here every day to help the patient recover. Tell me directly what you need, and I will arrange it."

"Okay, I will do my best to help Mr. Zhong recover." The personal doctor said quickly.

The man in front of him is the richest man. If this is connected, his circle will be wider in the future.

"By the way, do you know a therapist and a rehabilitation teacher? Recommend two to me." Zheng Shan said.

"Yes, I will give you the information later."

The choice of therapists and rehabilitation specialists is very important, and Zheng Shan will look for it himself, and he also needs professionals to provide some personal information.

When he got home, Zheng Shan told his aunt about the situation. The fifth and the others went to school. It was enough to ask for a day off. There was no need to ask for more. time.

It takes a lot of time for my uncle to do the conditioning in the early stage. If the effect is good, the operation can be performed in about a month, but if the effect is not good, the operation may not be performed for half a year.

After listening to Zheng Shan\'s remarks, the aunt sighed in relief. Such a result was already very good for her.

Zheng Shan stayed with them here for two days, and basically didn\'t go anywhere. There was nothing they could do. The two were too unfamiliar with this place and didn\'t dare to go out and walk around. Zheng Shan could only accompany them. ,

When the fifth and the others were resting, Zheng Shan went to the company.

"How is the preparation in Japan?" Zheng Shan asked Lucas, this time he was going to Japan, and Lucas accompanied him throughout the whole process, and he also needed to explain the situation of the Japanese company in detail to Zheng Shan.

Of course, there is also Lucas\'s own will. After all, the convenience store in Japan is one of the things he is most proud of. Now, with the rapid growth of the Japanese economy, the performance of the convenience store in Japan is also growing extremely rapidly.

Let\'s put it this way, the current Japanese Xishui convenience store has already undertaken 20% of the turnover of Xishui Supermarket and 30% of the total profit.

In Japan, all kinds of prices are skyrocketing, and the cost of some supermarkets and convenience stores is also increasing.

But on the Xishui convenience store side, there is no shortage of cheap sources, and many of them are even processed from domestic factories.

Therefore, the purchase price is cheap~www.novelhall.com~ will naturally be more profitable.

Lucas said quickly: "It\'s ready, it\'s been waiting for your inspection."

"Well, in the past, I mainly looked at the situation over there. In addition, I made an inspection of the current economic situation in Japan and made a more detailed plan for the future development of the convenience store." Zheng Shan said.

Lucas said: "I have made a report, these are the specific situation of convenience stores in recent years."

Zheng Shan and Lucas talked about the Xishui convenience store for a while, and finally Zheng Shan said: "The other is to hold back the cash flow of Xishui Supermarket for me for an extra month, and negotiate with those suppliers. The longer the better, but you also tell them that in this year, it will return to its original state in the future."

With the current situation of Xishui Supermarket, it is not difficult for the supplier to make this concession, because Xishui Supermarket\'s funds have always been very stable, which means that their money will never be damaged, although holding back one month will make them slightly less. There is some pressure, but as long as there is no problem with the money, then they will endure it, and there is only one year, so there is a high possibility of agreeing.