Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 593: Pick up

Tokyo Airport.

Fukuoka Tomoki waited anxiously and nervously, and behind him, there were twenty or thirty people in suits and leather shoes waiting eagerly.

Many people looked at them, Fukuoka Tomoki is also a celebrity now, in charge of the Xishui convenience store.

Now the Xishui convenience store has become one of the largest convenience stores in Japan, and the only one that can compete with the Xishui convenience store is 7-eleven.

And from the current development trend, it is only a matter of time before Xishui convenience store surpasses 7-eleven.

After all, Xishui Convenience Store has huge funds and connections in various aspects, and the goods at Xishui Convenience Store are generally slightly cheaper than 7-eleven, so Xishui Convenience Store is now a rising star enterprise .

And Fukuoka Tomoki is the president of the Japanese Stream Convenience Store, and naturally he is very concerned.

No matter how much Zheng Shan doesn\'t like the Japanese, he knows that when he enters a country\'s business circle, he needs to be managed by people from that country.

This is also the experience summed up by countless big capitals in later generations with blood and tears.

Don\'t you see so many big capitals in the future, when big companies want to take a bite of this super big cake in China, they are arrogant and choose someone they know to be the regional president.

They managed all the companies in the most scientific way they thought they could, but they did not know that the national conditions of each country were different.

So Zheng Shan wouldn\'t be so unwise not to use the Japanese. After all, he was also trying to make money, not just venting his anger.

"Mr. President, when will Mr. Zheng and Mr. Lucas arrive?" Someone asked impatiently.

Fukuoka Tomoki tugged at his tie a little irritably, "How do I know? Just wait and feel at ease, don\'t let Mr. Zheng see you like this, you are not calm at all."

After reprimanding his subordinates, Fukuoka Tomoki calmed down a little and waited with peace of mind.

If only Lucas came to inspect, then he wouldn\'t be so nervous. After all, Lucas has come many times, and he was also picked up by Lucas, and he is Lucas\' direct descendant.

But this time, there is a big boss of his own, the one who has already reached the top of the richest man.

It\'s pure nonsense to say that it\'s not nervous.

If Xishui Supermarket Group is like other large groups, there are several internal forces that check and balance each other, and other shareholders confront each other.

Then Fukuoka Tomoki, as Lucas\'s direct descendant, will not be too nervous, but the Xishui Supermarket Group is different. Although there are various capitals mixed in, the Mr. Zheng has absolute control.

That is to say, if Tomoki Fukuoka makes this Mr. Zheng dissatisfied, this one can make him fall directly from the peak of his current life to the bottom of the valley with just one sentence, so it is not necessary to be nervous.

In just a few short years, Fukuoka Tomoki was able to transform from a small leader to the controller of a top Japanese company. In addition to his impressive abilities, the more reason was that he was backed by the big capital of Xishui Group. .

Yes, the current Xishui Group has successfully entered the ranks of large capital. After so many years of development, Xishui Group has not only successfully deployed in supermarkets, clothing, manufacturing, etc., but also has a good strength.

In the financial fields of investment and stock market, the achievements made are even more eye-catching, so Xishui Group is already a major international capital.

Secretly swallowing his saliva, Fukuoka Tomoki began to think about the welcome programs he had prepared, wondering if there was anything wrong.

Time passed bit by bit. When Fukuoka Tomoki received the news, he immediately trotted and took people to the place where the plane landed to pick them up.

As for staying outside to pick up people, Tomoki Fukuoka is still not that stupid. Isn\'t it stupid not to let the big boss see his diligence?

You must know that it is not one or two people who are staring at their position now. I don\'t know how many people are waiting for them to make a fool of themselves.

Now this is a great opportunity. As long as he makes a fool of himself in front of the big boss, countless people will take this opportunity to attack him.

The workplace is like a battlefield. Although this is a bit too much, there are also a lot of dangers. It was better at the beginning. At the beginning, everyone thought about making the Xishui convenience store bigger and stronger.

Now that it has grown rapidly and started to enter a stage of steady development, who does not want to be the person in control of this giant ship.

Don\'t look at a few of them who are just vice presidents of Xishui convenience stores. They seem to be one level worse than Fukuoka Tomoki in terms of position, but in business situations, Fukuoka Tomoki\'s status is more than one step higher than these vice presidents.

Therefore, there is more than one person who wants to replace Fukuoka Tomoki. This is also because the Xishui convenience store is developing too fast, and Fukuoka Tomoki does not have enough prestige at all.

This is not the same as Zheng Shan. In the early stage, Zheng Shan paid by himself, contributed by himself, and everything was built by himself.

As for the Xishui convenience store, it was only because of the behemoth of the Xishui Group that it developed so rapidly, and to put it bluntly, Tomoki Fukuoka was actually just a part-time worker.


Tomoki Fukuoka erased the cluttered thoughts in his mind, and looked at the person who got off the plane. The leader, Tomoki Fukuoka, had read it countless times in the newspaper.

"Boss." Fukuoka Tomoki hurriedly stepped forward and bowed in salute, and the others behind him also bowed respectfully.

This made the passengers on the other planes on the side look over curiously. It was quite scary to look at such a large battle.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Hello, I heard that you did a good job and performed well."

Tomoki Fukuoka said with an excited look: "Thank you boss for your compliment~www.novelhall.com~ These are what I should do and it\'s my honor."

Fukuoka Tomoki is actually thinking about how to face the boss and behave calmly? What if Zheng Shan thinks he is disrespectful?

You must know that Zheng Shan is very old, what if he has a little bit of spirit? Then he\'s done.

So after thinking about it, whether this will make Zheng Shan think that he is unstable or not, at least Zheng Shan cannot be dissatisfied with him and think that there is a problem with his attitude.

Zheng Shan and the others also greeted each other one by one, which made them all excited.

After saying hello, Zheng Shan got into the car directly, and Fukuoka Tomoki sat in the co-pilot with a cautious look.

However, Zheng Shan didn\'t speak, and he didn\'t dare to disturb him, so he could only sit up straight. Fortunately, the driver\'s skills were completely fine, but he didn\'t make a fool of himself.

Zheng Shan just watched the bustling Tokyo along the way without saying a word.