Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 590: grow up

It was the first time for my uncle and aunt to fly, so Zheng Shan was there to take care of them along the way.

It made him restless.

After getting off the plane, the two uncles looked at the foreigners coming and going here, and they were even more uneasy. Zheng Shan could only cheer up and talk to the two with a smile to ease their nervousness.

Fortunately, when he arrived at the airport, he saw the fifth and the others standing there. Zheng Shan felt a little relieved, and it should be easier now.

"Uncle, aunt, you want to kill me." The fifth\'s mouth has always been very sweet, and it hasn\'t changed now.

Seeing the fifth and the others, the tension between the uncle and the two has eased a little, and at the same time, the fifth suddenly feels a lot more cordial.

Far away in a foreign country, let alone a niece, even a Chinese face can make people feel friendly immediately, especially for someone like Zhong Hongjun who has just stepped into this unfamiliar land.

The fifth also knew how Uncle and the others were feeling. When she came to school for the first time, she was very nervous. Although it was not obvious, she knew what was going on.

Not to mention their uncles.

So the fifth one\'s mouth kept talking, as did the other three girls.

"I also asked you to take a special leave to come here, which will delay your study." Auntie said a little embarrassedly.

Today is Wednesday. Although I don’t know how the schools in the United States are arranged, in any case, we should all go to school on Wednesday.

The old fifth said with a smile: "No matter what, it\'s not as important to pick up your aunt and you. From now on, we will need you to take good care of you."

"Hey, you kid can really talk, it\'s a good thing if I don\'t drag you down." The aunt said.

When the salute was put into the car, and then the fifth one got into the driver\'s seat, both the uncle and the aunt were stunned.

Zheng Shan didn\'t show anything. He already knew about the fifth child\'s learning to drive, and Song Bei told Zheng Shan right away.

"You...you drive?" Auntie asked worriedly.

The old fifth turned his head and said with a smile, "Auntie, don\'t worry, my handlebars are very good."

The aunt looked at this large commercial vehicle and was still a little uneasy, but she didn\'t say much.

When the car slowly drove on the road and drove very smoothly on the road, the eldest uncle and aunt put down a little bit of heart.

Looking at the high-rise buildings outside the window and seeing all the western faces outside, the two of them couldn\'t help but get nervous again.

Zheng Shan was really tired and a little tired. From the moment he got on the plane, Zheng Shan needed to relieve the tension for the two elders.

Along the way, as long as the two of them don\'t rest, it will be difficult for Zheng Shan to rest. After all, it may be more uncomfortable for them to sit alone.

So along the way, Zheng Shan rested for no more than two hours. This was the first time for Uncle and the others to take a plane, and it was the first time they went out so far, so they couldn\'t fall asleep when they were nervous.

Not only was Zheng Shan\'s mouth dry, but he was also exhausted.

Fortunately, at this time, there are four girls chatting, sharing their attention, and Zheng Shan can finally rest for a while.

In this way, sitting in the car, Zheng Shan fell asleep directly, and when he woke up again, he was already home.

After more than an hour\'s journey, Zheng Shan hardly felt anything, as if he had just squinted his eyes.

The uncle and aunt looked at the villa here and asked subconsciously, "Five, did you go to the wrong place?"

"No, big uncle, big aunt, this is where we live, you will live with us in the future, and when you have time, I will take you out for a walk, see the luxury of capitalism, and go back and criticize them properly. "The fifth man said with a smile.

Seeing the fifth child help with luggage and support his uncle, Zheng Shan felt that the fifth child had really grown up at this moment.

When they were at home, or when it was just their family, the fifth child was always like a child.

She has never been treated as an adult in the family.

But at this time, seeing how the fifth is now, Zheng Shan finally has this feeling.

In fact, thinking about it, although the fifth one said that Song Bei and other people arranged by Zheng Shan were taking care of him outside, but no matter what, it was also here in the United States that his independence was still exercised.

Entering the villa, the uncle and aunt dare not sit down, the luxury here has exceeded their imagination.

I really didn\'t expect the fifth and the others to live in such a good place.

Seeing their discomfort, Zheng Shan said with a smile, "Uncle, Auntie, this house is our own, not someone else\'s, so feel free."

"Really yours?" Uncle looked at Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan smiled bitterly and said, "I don\'t want to slap my face as a fat man on this matter, it\'s really mine."

The uncle and aunt relaxed a little when they heard the words, but they were still a little nervous when they saw Song Bei.

Seeing Zheng Shan instructing Song Bei and the others to do things again, and hearing the fifth explaining that this was the nanny they were looking for at home, the two were a little shocked again.

They didn\'t know that Zheng Shan was the richest man, and Zhong Huixiu didn\'t tell the old Zhong family.

"Old fifth, bring your uncle and the others to get acquainted with this place a little. You don\'t need to call me for dinner. I\'ll sleep for a while." Zheng Shan said immediately after seeing uncle and aunt getting acquainted with this place.

Although he had slept on the road for more than an hour, he was still very sleepy.

The fifth also saw Zheng Shan\'s state in the car, so he immediately said, "Go to sleep at ease, leave it to me here."

"Well." Zheng Shan nodded, then went to sleep.

When I woke up again, the sky was completely dark, and when I looked at the time, it was actually three o\'clock in the morning.

Zheng Shan went downstairs to find something to eat, and then found that there was food on the table, which was prepared for him.

It was a little hot~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan finished his meal, walked around in the yard, and then went back to rest.

But this time, I didn\'t fall asleep much. I woke up after six o\'clock in the morning.

"Uncle, aunt, how was your rest last night?" When Zheng Shan came together, he saw that uncle and aunt were already up.

The uncle said: "Very good, but the bed is a little too soft, and I\'m not used to sleeping."

"Is that so, then I\'ll ask someone to change the bed in the afternoon to a harder one," Zheng Shan said.

The uncle said quickly: "No, no, it\'s too troublesome, and we just get used to it for two days. The bed is actually quite comfortable."

When he heard that Zheng Shan wanted to change the mattress, Zhong Hongjun immediately refused. He didn\'t really like soft beds. After so many years, his waist had long been accustomed to hard beds.

It\'s just that they don\'t want Zheng Shan to be so wasteful, especially for their waste of money. They have already made Zheng Shan spend so much. If this happens again, they will feel ashamed.