Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 589: cure disease

No one could do anything about Grandpa\'s stubbornness. Zheng Shan persuaded him a few words, so he wouldn\'t say more.

The old man has made a decision, and the juniors like Zheng Shan can only listen.

In the end, even my grandmother said with a smile: "Okay, don\'t worry about us, we are already so old, we don\'t need to worry about us."

The old lady is still very open, and she knows her wife\'s thoughts, so she said this sentence.

As soon as Zheng Shan heard it, he didn\'t mention it any more. He ate another meal here, chatted with the younger generation of the Zhong family for a while, and then went back.

As for the situation on the uncle Zhong Hongjun\'s side, it was naturally arranged to go to the United States, and the time was just as determined by the uncle.

The current Zhong Hongjun is actually full of entanglements deep in his heart. This time in the past, no matter what, he was going abroad. In addition to the surgery and the amputation, it was a big deal for everyone.

He couldn\'t really make a decision right away, but Zhong Hongjun understood that this was also his best choice.

This is still under the circumstance that he has a good nephew, otherwise he would not have such a chance.

Not to mention that it is not easy to go abroad now, but if he can go out, where can he find a doctor? It is estimated that there is no way to distinguish east, west, north and south.


Zheng Shan has already arranged everything in the United States, just wait for the uncle to prepare, and then he can send it directly.

Zheng Shan originally thought about letting Zhong Hongjun go alone, or the Zhong family would arrange for two people to accompany him, or arrange for someone to accompany him himself.

After all, he still has a lot of things to deal with, especially this trip to Japan, which Zheng Shan still attaches great importance to.

This time, Zheng Shan said that he was going to investigate, but in fact he also had a more important purpose. Even he dared not say that he could achieve this purpose.

And this time he must also appear as the chairman of Xishui Group.

This time, Zheng Shan needs to \'friend\' some Japanese officials, not for anything else, even if it is to send money, anyway, he needs to be able to do a little thing at a certain time, no, not to do things, just help him procrastinate Just some time.

Zheng Shan seemed to remember that Japan\'s economic bubble was actually burst by itself. Zheng Shan wondered if he could prolong this time.

You must know that as the economic bubble gets bigger, Japan\'s final loss will be bigger. The reason why Zheng Shan does all this is not only for making some money himself, isn\'t it for this?

Therefore, Zheng Shan needs someone to delay some time for himself, and even if it is not for these, even if it is to make money for himself, for every day that Japan delays, he can make an extra day of money.

This is common!

With these things to deal with, Zheng Shan really doesn\'t have time to accompany his uncle there.

But when the uncle came to him and said he had made up his mind, and saw the uneasy eyes of the uncle, Zheng Shan finally smiled and said: "Okay, uncle, don\'t worry, I\'ll go with you, and there I\'ve arranged it a long time ago, when you get there, you don\'t have to worry about anything, just have a good mood."

When Zhong Hongjun heard his nephew\'s words, he felt a little relieved, but he was still a little uneasy.

"How much does it cost this time?" Zhong Hongjun said.

He has also made some money now, and his two sons also have a lot in their hands. Coupled with the fact that his parents, brothers and sisters have joined together, he can still take out some.

Before Zheng Shan could speak, Zhong Huixiu took the initiative to say, "Brother, you don\'t have to worry about the money. You can treat your illness with peace of mind when you\'ve got the money."

If it was in the past, Zhong Huixiu might not have said that. After all, no matter what, the son is still more important than the elder brother. Although it sounds a bit ugly, it is actually the case.

But now that she knew that her son was the richest man, this amount of money was nothing at all, and Zhong Huixiu was naturally reluctant to let her eldest brother spend all his savings on medical treatment.

Zheng Shan also smiled and said: "Who is it, uncle, you can treat your illness with peace of mind. This is my filial piety, and it is what I should do."

"No, no, you\'ve already helped so much. If I ask you to pay, then who am I? No way." Zhong Hongjun shook his head directly.

Zheng Shandao: "Uncle, are you treating me as an outsider?"

"No, just..."

"Then don\'t refuse, this is my junior\'s intention." Zheng Shandao.

Zhong Huixiu was also persuading, and Zheng Jianguo was also talking, and finally Zhong Hongjun sighed and said, "Then my uncle has the cheek to accept it."

"Uncle, what you said is out of the question. This is my filial piety as a junior." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Afterwards, Zheng Shan drank a lot with his uncle in the evening. Although he was scolded by his mother while drinking, the uncle stood in front.

"I\'m already like this, maybe this time I won\'t be cured and I\'ll just leave. Can\'t you let me drink more?" Zhong Hongjun said.

The main reason why Zhong Hongjun took so long to make a decision is that he has asked the doctor. The doctor said that no matter how good a doctor is, they cannot guarantee that you will be able to walk off the operating table.

So the uncle needs time to prepare mentally, and with such mental preparation, he will not be so careful.

Zhong Hongjun has no hobbies in his life, just like this wine!

Now in uncertain circumstances, if you can\'t drink it, just order it.

Zheng Shan also comforted his mother and said, "Mom, don\'t worry, when my uncle goes to the United States, I will ask someone to help him recuperate his body. When he is recuperated, he will be on the operating table."

With the assurance of his son, Zhong Huixiu gave up.

Zheng Jianguo doesn\'t drink much now, and it\'s still a sequel to what happened to Lao Zhang last time. Now my father is paying great attention to these.

However, when uncle Zhong Hongjun drank a little more and started to persuade him to drink, Zheng Jianguo didn\'t persist for long, and he drank a little too much.

If I drink too much, I can\'t control it~www.novelhall.com~ In addition, Zhong Hongjun is also a wine jar, so he drank it and lay down on the bottom of the table.

Zheng Shan\'s side was not much better, and he was almost brought down in the end.


Three days later, Zheng Shan brought his uncle and aunt to set off, and a large group of people from the Zheng family and the Zhong family came to see them off.

"If I receive news that I can\'t do it, I\'ll come back if I can send it back. If I can\'t send it back, you should fly over to see me earlier." Zhong Hongjun actually learned to joke at this time, or it wasn\'t a joke, it was just a sincere expression. talk.

"You can do it, don\'t talk nonsense at this time, take good care of your illness." Grandma said, wiping her tears.

The aunt also slapped the uncle, saying such a thing at this time is a bit unlucky.

This time, my aunt came with me to take care of it, and the others didn\'t go either. It wasn\'t that I didn\'t want to go, but it seemed that it would only cause trouble after passing, so it\'s better to wait for news at home.