Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 588: Treatment (Supplement 2)

This time, it was not only my parents who went to check on their bodies, but even Zheng Weijun, Zheng Kui, and Zheng Lan went to the hospital to have them checked after hearing about it.

If this kind of thing doesn\'t happen around, no one will feel it, but if it does happen around me, if I don\'t check it, I always feel like I don\'t know what to do, especially if they are not short of money.

After the inspection, everyone was fine, but there were some minor problems on the parents\' side.

This also made Zheng Jianguo feel relieved a lot. Now that the living conditions at home are so good, he doesn\'t want to leave early.

This incident can be regarded as a wake-up call for Zheng Shan to pay attention to the physical problems at home, especially some elderly people.

For example, on the grandparents’ side, although they are specially brought over to check their bodies every year, they still need to pay attention to some extent.

The same is true for Zhong Huixiu, who specially brought the Zhong family to check on the body, but the results were not very good.

Zheng Shan\'s grandfather and grandmother\'s health has always been not very good, especially the grandfather\'s side, when he was defending the family and the country, he was left with injuries. Now that he is so old, his physical condition is naturally not very good. .

But the important thing is the uncle\'s side. Because of the matter of going to the countryside before, the health is not good, and the leg is now a problem, so in general, the situation is very bad.

Uncle has been suffering from leg pains for the past two years, but he can either hold on or take some painkillers.

This injured leg has not been well treated before. I have been busy over the years, and now the injury on the leg has begun to spread. Amputation seems to be the best choice.

When Zheng Shan heard what his mother said about this, he knew what his mother meant, and comforted her with a smile: "Mom, don\'t worry, this way, I\'m going to Japan to do business in a few days, and I\'ll take my grandfather with me. , Uncle and the others went to Japan for an inspection, but it really doesn\'t work, so let\'s go directly to the United States."

"Forget it, in Japan your grandfather will definitely not go there, let alone receive treatment there." Zhong Huixiu said without thinking.

She knows her father very well. In these things, even if he died, he would not do it.

Zheng Shan was naturally able to understand it, so he immediately said, "Then go to the United States, just in time for grandpa to take care of the fifth."

Zheng Shan said this just to find a reason, otherwise, with the old man\'s bad temper, he really didn\'t want to go there.

Zhong Huixiu naturally understood what her son meant, and after thinking about it, it seemed like a good solution, so she just went over.

This time, Zheng Shan also went with him. First of all, of course, he proposed to go to Japan for treatment. As expected, the grandfather put on his face.

"Why did you go to Japan? It\'s disgusting to go to that ghost place." Grandpa said angrily.

Zheng Shan was not angry, but smiled and said, "Grandpa, I didn\'t do good things in the past."

"Huh?" When Grandpa heard this, his face suddenly lost his anger, but instead became curious.

Zheng Shan explained: "Now Japan\'s economy is developing very rapidly, and its size is getting bigger and bigger. I have made a lot of money from my investment there."

Not only did this not make Grandpa happy, but it made Grandpa a little uncomfortable. Of course, the old man is happy for his grandson to make more money, but if Japan is developing well, then he will be unhappy and even more uncomfortable.

Naturally, Zheng Shan understood it very well, and continued: "But according to my prediction, the economic growth in Japan is extremely abnormal. In addition, Japan\'s housing prices and the stock market have also risen... Forget it, it is so harmonious. Tell me, in my forecast, an economy like Japan will last at most for another three or four years, and then there will be a slump."

When Zheng Shan was halfway through speaking, he found that his grandfather\'s eyes were full of confusion. He knew that he couldn\'t understand this, so he said it more generally.

And he has nothing to hide. For the laymen like Grandpa, no matter what Zheng Shan said, even if Zheng Shan told the time, it is estimated that it will be exactly the same as what Zheng Shan predicted. Grandpa and the others just sighed. My grandson is amazing, and the rest don\'t feel anything.

"In this way, I can carry out some economic plunder on them and steal some of their economic achievements over the years. Well, to put it simply, it is to steal money, and it is reasonable and legal to steal money." Zheng Shan said.

This time, Grandpa\'s eyes suddenly lit up, the kind that was sharp and clear.

"Really?" Grandpa said excitedly.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Of course it\'s true. I went over this time to see which industries are good and which are important. I will grab them all."

"Hahaha, well, well done, as expected of our old Zhong family, that\'s what we should do, hahaha." Grandpa didn\'t know if what Zheng Shan said was true or not, but even if it was false, he was happy.

However, when Zheng Shan again proposed to let him go to Japan for treatment, his grandfather still refused, and then Zheng Shan said to let him go to the United States.

"Grandpa, uncle, our fifth child goes to school over there, and we don\'t have any relatives. You guys just happened to help us watch some fifth children." Zheng Shan said.

Grandpa still wanted to refuse. He was not afraid of death. At this age, he had already thought very clearly.

Especially now that the house is better, and the girl who had conflicts in the past has already reconciled. He really doesn\'t care whether he dies or not.

So he didn\'t want to go at all. As for taking care of the fifth?

He listened to these words. First of all, he and the fifth were not familiar with each other. Although they were his granddaughter, they had not met each other a few times.

At most, every year during the New Year\'s holiday, the fifth one doesn\'t have much affection for his grandfather.

But Zheng Shan\'s next sentence left him at a loss as to what to say.

"In the United States, first of all, the technical level is high~www.novelhall.com~ The treatment has some certainty. Even if we make the worst plan and finally need amputation, then there is also the best prosthesis there, even if it is amputation. Now, Uncle\'s mobility will not be affected too much, maybe it will be more convenient than now." Zheng Shandao.

As soon as these words came out, my grandfather didn\'t know what to say. Looking at the eldest son who was silent next to him, my grandfather finally sighed and said, "Why don\'t you take your uncle over there for treatment, and I won\'t go there. , I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of dying outside."

Grandpa can be said to have confided some of his feelings. He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of dying outside. He knows his own body, and he really might leave when he is.

If he travels longer distances, he might not be able to come back in the end, so he is afraid!

Zheng Shan said that when he saw his grandfather, it was really hard to say anything, and he couldn\'t guarantee that the old man would really be fine there.

Zhong Huixiu looked at the other brothers and sisters and was speechless for a while. They also understood and understood their old father\'s thoughts, so they didn\'t know how to persuade them.