Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 587: 1 pile of major events (supplement 1)

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much about Wang Shi being really cautious. Crossing the river by feeling the stones was more than just talking about it. Everyone did a lot of things very cautiously and didn\'t dare to be sloppy in the slightest.

However, everyone is more or less concerned about Zheng Shan\'s proposal. The most important thing is that this also proves that Zheng Shan is full of confidence in this new bank.

In fact, from the very beginning of Zheng Shan\'s personal injection of capital, everyone felt his confidence.

The reason why Zheng Shan wants to rapidly develop China Merchants Bank is actually mainly because of the Hong Kong stock market crash this year.

In October of this year, there will be a stock market turmoil in Hong Kong.

According to Zheng Shan\'s idea, he wants to use domestic funds to carry out some rescue operations, especially if China Merchants Bank has a certain strength, then China Merchants Bank will be the main one.

Because China Merchants Bank has natural advantages, because China Merchants Group Co., Ltd. has developed and operated in Heung Kong for so many years, it has a good strength.

In addition, China Merchants Group is a state-owned company. If China Merchants Bank is the leader, it can reduce the resistance of some people for the subsequent return of Heungkong, and let the people of Heungkong feel the care of the motherland.

Perhaps when a person reaches a certain position, he will really consider a lot, and make some considerations from the overall situation.

If it was put in the past, Zheng Shan might not think so, but now Zheng Shan will also consider this aspect.

But he can\'t say these things now, and it\'s not good to get too involved in the operation of China Merchants Bank.

It is true that he personally and the Stream Bank gained some rights within the bank during this negotiation.

But this does not directly affect the general direction of the operation and management of the bank.


Zheng Shan returned to Qingshan Company, instead of dealing with things, he fell into contemplation. He has a lot of things to do in the past two years.

As we get closer to the big time point of the 1990s, Zheng Shan has to deal with more things.

And this is a major event, and there can be no sloppiness in the slightest.

First of all, Zheng Shan needs to go to Japan to take a look. Although he knows some general developments and is deeply involved in them, after all, he has not really seen the current situation in Japan, so he is still a little uncertain.

When I go to Japan, the first thing to do is to look at the current situation in Japan and to implement some future plans.

The second is the stock market crash of Heung Kong, and Zheng Shan also needs to consider some aspects in many aspects.

After that, Zheng Shan will need to go to Lao Maozi\'s side. It is also a field trip, as well as meeting some people, at least laying a good foundation.

Since Manager Lin passed, there has been a lot of information, and some people are already in contact.

Some have no will at all, and almost let Manager Lin be arrested directly, and some people are a little moved, but that\'s all.

This is also certain. After all, when the Soviet Union still exists, no one can generally imagine that such a huge change will take place in a short period of time.

All Zheng Shan needs to do is to show his sincerity. Is there a better way than his, the richest man, showing his sincerity in the past?

Even if no one wants to, but Zheng Shan\'s sincerity has arrived. If they really have an idea, then the first one that comes to mind must be Zheng Shan, which is beyond doubt.

After all, the richest man in the family has come to see them in person, and this kind of intention is enough to show everything.

This is also the reason why Zheng Shan and Wen Jie said that they want to pass. This time also needs to be carefully considered. It should not be too rushed or too late. If it is too late, it is easy to be cut off in advance. .

Therefore, Zheng Shan needs to take some serious consideration.

These things are all what Zheng Shan needs to do. These are all big things, and there are more small things. Moreover, these things can only be carefully thought by Zheng Shan and considered in all aspects, but cannot be asked by others.


"Xiao Xia, come in." Zheng Shan picked up the phone and said.

Brother Xia Lai came in soon, and Zheng Shan said, "You go and inform Lucas that I will go to Japan to inspect convenience stores and other industries next month, so that he can get ready."

"In addition, it is to inform Moore and the others that they will collect the funds in their hands recently and suspend some investments."


Zheng Shan ordered the things to think about one by one, and Brother Xia Lai carefully wrote them down, and then went over to deal with them one by one.

Zheng Shan returned home, but he plunged straight into the study and did not come out.

It wasn\'t until it was time to eat that Yan Qingqing came to call someone.

"There are a lot of things now? I see that your feet are not touching the ground." Yan Qingqing asked concernedly on the way to the restaurant.

Zheng Shan sighed and said: "It\'s a bit too much, and I can\'t fake it, I can only do it myself."

"I can\'t help you in business either, you should pay attention to yourself and don\'t get tired of your body." Yan Qingqing said.

Listening to his wife\'s concern, Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Don\'t worry, I know what I know. I am such a lazy person, and I will never work if I can be lazy."

Yan Qingqing laughed at his words. Zheng Shan kept saying that he was lazy, but neither Yan Qingqing nor anyone else felt that Zheng Shan was lazy.

During dinner, Zheng Shan found that his father\'s nature did not seem to be very high, and couldn\'t help asking: "Dad, what happened to you? Why do you look like someone offended you?"

Zheng Jianguo didn\'t speak, he took a sip of wine, and Zhong Huixiu next to him said, "It was one of his co-workers who suddenly left in the past two days."

Zheng Shan didn\'t react at first, but when he saw the sad look in his father\'s eyes, he understood what mother meant by leaving.

He opened his mouth, but in the end he just said, "It\'s up to fate, father, let it be, don\'t be too sad."

"Hey~www.novelhall.com~ What a nice man, Mr. Zhang, I can leave as soon as I can, I was fine before, I could eat, drink and sleep, but I just felt a little stomachache, and then I just left, What\'s the matter?" Dad said with a sigh.

Zheng Shan also sighed a little when he heard what his father said. In fact, Zheng Shan has seen such a situation before. He really didn\'t have any minor problems at first, but when he was driving, he felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to go to the hospital to have a look.

By the way, I drove the car to the hospital. I originally thought that I would get some medicine at most. I really can\'t hang a bottle of water, but since I came to the hospital, it didn\'t take long after the examination, and then I went directly to the intensive care unit. Gone.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much, so he could only drink more with his father, and then took time to accompany his father and mother to the hospital the next day to check on his health. This was his father\'s request. It seems that Dad wasn\'t just sad, he was a little scared.


PS: Sorry, I felt a little sleepy after dinner last night. I was going to rest for an hour or two. Who would have woken up again, it was already past seven o\'clock the next day, sorry!