Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 579: Motivated

Zheng Shan and Huang Zhen discussed a lot of things, and finally settled on two investment projects with a total of two million US dollars.

Zheng Shan knows that the country lacks foreign exchange now, so in many investments and other projects, those who can use foreign exchange are settled in foreign exchange.

You must know that he is not without RMB now, and even said that he has a lot of RMB in his hands.

These domestic companies under his banner make a lot of money every year, and there is still a lot of money left in addition to the company\'s expansion.

All this money is lying on the accounts of various companies, and as long as Zheng Shan wants, it can be withdrawn at any time.

But Zheng Shan also lacks this foreign exchange in his hands, so he should support the development of the country.

The next step is to come from the province, and at the same time, several projects have been negotiated, which is almost 10 million US dollars.

The people who came here this time from the province came under the name of a joint venture steel factory, but after just talking for a while, they turned to other aspects.

Of course, all those who came to find Zheng Shan were sincere, and Zheng Shan would not be stingy with this money.

If it sounds good now, it is helping, but in the future, it will not take a few years, these are investments that can bring huge benefits to Zheng Shan.

Investing now, you can still gain goodwill, and Zheng Shan will naturally make a choice.

The last point is the public welfare project. The welfare home project has begun to progress steadily, and some pilot projects have also begun here.

Anyway, during this period of the year, Zheng Shan was found in a rush, but Zheng Shan could not refuse, but could only be kind to him.

He has a lot of things to do, but the old man is happy. Every day, his face is like a flower, and his smile is never broken.

It was only on the day of 30 that Zheng Shan stopped and prepared to spend the New Year with peace of mind.

"Can you two stop for a while?" Zheng Shan shouted as he looked at the fifth and Yan Lele who were jumping up and down.

These two people have not stopped for so many years, whether they are at home or outside, they have caused a lot of trouble.

Although it is said to add a lot of excitement to the home, but sometimes it is also very annoying.

Hearing Zheng Shan roaring out, the fifth and Yan Lele looked at each other, stuck their tongues out, and ran out to play.

"Mom, don\'t worry about it, these two are going crazy." Zheng Shan complained to Zhong Huixiu who was busy beside him.

Zhong Huixiu said angrily, "How can I control her now?"

Zheng Shan sighed, feeling that no one in the family could cure the fifth.


At this time, Zheng Shan and the others were all staying on the side of grandparents. After rebuilding, the yard of grandpa\'s house was enlarged.

Now the yard is full of people, big and small, and it is very noisy.

A new TV was added to the house, which was not bought by Zheng Shan, but by Zheng Weimin and the others.

Now TVs are still a good thing, not to mention in the villages. Even in the city, not every household has them, and there are only a few of them.

Although there are not many stations that can be received, even watching advertisements can make people watch with relish.

Zheng Shan and the others gathered around and chatted together.

"Rencai, how are the karaokes in your county now?" Zheng Weimin asked curiously.

This talented brother has really opened up some entertainment venues in the county, and the benefits are not bad.

Making money is really making money, the key is not to cause any trouble to the family, this is the most important.

"Hey, Brother Weimin, although I say that I don\'t make money without you, it\'s definitely not bad. I\'m all thinking about developing in the city, but it doesn\'t matter in the city, so I didn\'t move." Zheng Rencai said and looked at Zheng Mountain.

It was only after Zheng Ren really did this business that he knew that if he wanted to do this business, it didn\'t matter if he really couldn\'t.

It\'s not that you have money to look like, but various things will make you unable to drive.

The first is the problem of some bastards. These people are very difficult to deal with. If there is no hard way to suppress them, all kinds of things will happen.

In addition, it is an official matter. No matter how you sleep, as long as it involves the entertainment industry, there will basically be some things that are not compliant.

The matter is not very big and not very troublesome, but as long as someone seriously investigates it, it must be a lot of trouble.

Zheng Rencai was warned by Zheng Shan, so he would not touch those things that are really illegal, but things that are not very compliant, these cannot be avoided.

Fortunately, on the Shixian side, no matter what, Zheng Rencai has someone.

Although Zheng Shan always did not want people from the Old Zheng family to have any special treatment, and did so, but as long as he was still there for one day, such a thing could not be avoided.

For example, if Zheng Rencai is in this line, people will give some face when they see that they are from the old Zheng family in Dagu Village.

As long as it\'s not too illegal, everyone will treat it as if they didn\'t see it.

Zheng Rencai is also very good at being a human being when he is not at ordinary times. He takes some people to eat and drink, and treat them like brothers.

So everyone is more friendly.

Zheng Rencai also experienced these things and became more and more clearly aware of how much influence Zheng Shan had on their old Zheng family.

Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Ren and said angrily, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Hey, brother, didn\'t I see a lot of people from the city come to visit you, see if you can introduce two to me, don\'t worry, I\'m just doing business normally, you know, if no one takes care of this line, I can\'t do it at all." Zheng Rencai said with a smile.

Zheng Shandao: "I don\'t care about these things, and I won\'t participate. If you say something unpleasant, even if you break the law in the future and are caught, I will not wipe your ass."

Zheng Shan really doesn\'t want the old Zheng family to participate in these industries. The profits in the industry are too great, and there are too many tricks.

Just like Zheng Rencai today, now he can listen to Zheng Shan\'s warning and not do some illegal things.

But what about the future?

If Zheng Rencai has opened up ~www.novelhall.com~ in the whole province, will the original interests still satisfy his appetite in the future?

Once he is not satisfied, then he must think of some other methods, and in this way, it is easy to go the wrong way.

Hearing what Zheng Shan said, Zheng Rencai said embarrassingly, "Brother, it\'s not that serious. I don\'t dare to do anything illegal."

"Haha, is that so?" Zheng Shan sneered.

What else can this guy dare not do? If the last incident hadn\'t been for the old man to come forward, and it was indeed what you and I wished, otherwise Zheng Rencai would have gone in long ago, where would there be today?

Zheng Rencai stopped talking. He was actually just here to try his luck. What if Zheng Shan supported him?

But it\'s impossible to think about it, after all, from the beginning, Zheng Shan didn\'t want him to do this.

"Rencai, it really doesn\'t work. You should go to Pengcheng with me. There are many opportunities there. You also have a lot of money in your hand now. It is no problem to open a factory. If it is not enough, I will lend it to you." Zheng Weimin said. .