Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 578: 3 production companies

The atmosphere of the New Year is very strong in Dagu Village. Every household is lively and lively. Now that the family has money, there is no shortage of food and clothing, so they are naturally happy.

Zheng Shan\'s side has gradually become busy. Shi Hui\'an from the county has come and explained it, but there are not many people coming.

However, there are also excuses such as visiting relatives and friends in Dagu Village, and then \'ran into\' Zheng Shan.

Then came the city and the province.

Now the general trend has gradually become clear, and reform and opening up is imperative, so everyone is doing something.

In particular, some visionaries have long seen the shortcomings of many state-owned enterprises. If they want to reform, they also need funds, personnel, and projects.

Not one size fits all, reform for the sake of reform.

Many problems are plaguing them, and they don\'t know how to carry out reforms. Even if there is a clear direction, they can only be temporarily delayed due to problems such as funding and technology.

And now Zheng Shan, the richest man, is on their side, and Zheng Shan is also a patriotic businessman praised above.

If you don\'t take this opportunity, you will regret it.

So wave after wave of people came to visit Zheng Shan for the reason of paying New Year\'s greetings.

Zheng Shan is also very helpless. Everyone has come to the door, so he can\'t drive people away, and many people come here to do practical things, not to promote relations.

So no matter what, Zheng Shan should be warmly received and give some suggestions by the way. If he is optimistic, he needs to give some financial and technical support.

"The tertiary company is indeed a problem, and it is a big problem, but it is not easy to solve now.

The tertiary industry company of each enterprise supports a large number of people. If these tertiary industries are revoked, how should these personnel be arranged? "Huang Zhen sighed.

As the person in charge of the whole city, Huang Zhen also has various plans in his heart, but they have no advantage in terms of geographical location or transportation.

If you want to carry out some drastic reforms, it is also difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Just now, I talked to Zheng Shan about the issue of the tertiary industry of the enterprise. The tertiary industry company is the tertiary industry company, that is, it is mainly engaged in the service industry.

And each state-owned enterprise basically has its own tertiary production company, dedicated to serving the company\'s employees.

A slightly larger enterprise can even cover a person\'s entire process from birth to death.

There are hospitals, schools, canteens, etc. Anyway, as long as there is a need, the company is all-inclusive.

These tertiary industry companies serve enterprises, that is, they are not for profit, and they need to subsidize a lot of money every year.

Also because of this, it leads to a lot of waste of resources.

Zheng Shandao: "Actually, we can slowly let some tertiary industry companies contract to individuals, which can not only create benefits, but also reduce the waste of resources."

"As for some companies that are relatively close, these tertiary companies can be merged and then contracted."

Zheng Shan can only make suggestions based on some of his own ideas. Of course, his suggestion will work in the future, but he doesn\'t know how effective it will be now.

"I also have this idea, but the employees of those companies are reluctant. After all, they didn\'t say it was free before, but it did save them a lot of money.

Now if it is contracted out to individuals, then they need to spend more money. "Huang Zhen said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "This is very easy to handle. Let the company connect with these contractors, how much subsidies are fixed each year, and the employees will still eat at the original price."

"Although this doesn\'t seem to change anything, how much money should be spent by the company, and some employees have nothing to do, but in fact it can save a lot of expenses and resources."

Huang Zhen suddenly laughed when he heard the words, "Then whether Mr. Zheng wants to contract our tertiary industry company, as long as Mr. Zheng is willing, our city will fully support it."

"If Mr. Zheng wants to, some canteens and hospitals in our city bureau can also be contracted."

This revealed his true purpose. Zheng Shan understood it. This man had thought of this for a long time, but he was suffering from the fact that no one could take over.

In other words, there are people who take over, but they can only solve the problems of one or two enterprises, and there are still many problems that cannot be solved. The other is the problem of worker placement.

Once Zheng Shan chooses to take over, what should such a worker do with nothing to do? Are you Zheng Shan trying to make some new investments so that these workers can have something to do and make money?

Zheng Shan smiled bitterly. To be honest, he does have a feeling now that he really can\'t play with this kind of person.

A little thing, it will make your calculation clear.

Of course, Huang Zhen is not a calculation, or it is more appropriate to negotiate, and it is not really fighting the autumn wind. People are doing things sincerely, and Zheng Shan must have made a lot of money.

Seeing Zheng Shan like this, Huang Zhen explained: "I know that Mr. Zheng doesn\'t like this, but we really have no choice here. If we want to reform, we must now settle all these workers."

"This is absolutely not a problem. Once there is a large-scale unemployment of workers, the consequences are absolutely unwilling to see."

Zheng Shan nodded and said, "I know this. There are indeed difficulties in the city, and I can understand it."

"Mr. Zheng can understand it. I\'m actually just mentioning that. If Mr. Zheng doesn\'t want to, forget it." Huang Zhendao.

Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "Actually, it\'s not impossible, but this kind of thing is actually not suitable for a company to monopolize, and it may lead to other troubles later."

"And you seem to have underestimated the determination and wealth of some people~www.novelhall.com~ Otherwise, you can bid for some companies\' canteens first. If there is a big shortage, then I will fully contract."

"The other thing is investment, which I have actually considered, but there doesn\'t seem to be a particularly good investment project in the city right now."

Hearing what Zheng Shan said, Huang Zhen was overjoyed. This is enough. With Zheng Shan\'s support, he can let go of many things.

No way, sometimes, money can really solve most of the problems, and Zheng Shan, the richest man, in Huang Zhen\'s eyes, is definitely not short of money.

"I thank Mr. Zheng for the people of the city." Huang Zhen said seriously.

Zheng Shan hurriedly said, "I\'m just a businessman. It\'s also profitable to do so. There\'s no need for this."

The two were chatting here, and Zheng Shengli stayed in the yard, looking here from time to time, his face full of pride.

Of course, he was also chatting with him here, all of whom were brought by Huang Zhen, who made the old man very happy.