Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 580: drink wine

Zheng Weimin and Zheng Weitang both saw that Zheng Shan really didn\'t want Zheng Rencai to get in touch with this industry.

But after all, it\'s Zheng Rencai\'s own business, and Zheng Shan shouldn\'t interfere too much. Is it really forcing him not to do it?

They haven\'t done anything wrong now, let alone breaking the law.

Although it is said that Zheng Shan\'s fame is borrowed a bit, people do not use Zheng Shan\'s name with much fanfare.

It\'s because others heard that he was from the Old Zheng family, so he just gave him some face.

Listening to Zheng Weimin\'s words, Zheng Shan actually had no hope in his heart, and he knew how lucrative the industry was.

Sure enough, Zheng Rencai refused without hesitation, "Brother Weimin, I don\'t have the skills of yours, and I\'m reluctant to leave home. I just want to live in our hometown."

He didn\'t want to follow him to Pengcheng. He had already been there once, and he came back, and now he doesn\'t want to go anymore.

Now he, Zheng Rencai, is also a well-known person in the whole Shixian County, and whoever sees himself does not call him brother.

No matter who he met, Zheng Rencai was able to talk, anyway, here, Zheng Rencai\'s name is quite good.

The key point is that this guy is relatively benevolent. When the family is big or small, as long as there is something wrong, he is basically on call.

This is also the reason why Zheng Shan is reluctant to force Zheng Rencai to quit this line of work.

In less than two years, Zheng Rencai\'s reputation at home has undergone an earth-shaking turn.

From the beginning, everyone pointed to the existence, and now everyone has to give a thumbs up.

There is no need to say more about the Zheng family, and there is no need for others to speak. As long as there is something wrong, Zheng Ren will know and will definitely help.

In addition, other people in the village also have problems, and Zheng Rencai can help whenever he can, so now everyone is looking at him with admiration.

Of course, in the face of the elders, how should he be honest or how to be honest.

Zheng Rencai is not the kind of person who will be mad when he is successful. The key is that he also knows that there are many people in Dagu Village who can control him.

"Forget it, do whatever you want, but it\'s still the same sentence, if you do business honestly, someone will embarrass you, or trick you, my brother will definitely help you out.

But if you\'re not honest yourself, then don\'t say you know me. "Zheng Shan waved his hand.

Zheng Rencai laughed and said, "That\'s definitely not possible. I\'m not that kind of person. If this is the case, I won\'t be able to enter the family ancestral hall in the future?"

This is also one of the benefits of rebuilding the ancestral hall. Now many people, especially the elderly, want to be able to enter the ancestral hall and be enshrined in the future after death.

The descendants have incense offerings.

And some of the younger generation, under the influence of the elderly, gradually have a similar concept.

Mr. Zheng Shengli also took the opportunity to announce some regulations. Anyone who is wicked and evil will never be allowed to enter the ancestral hall after death.

He even kicked out the genealogy and refused to admit that he belonged to the Zheng family.

This can be regarded as a kind of deterrence, but the deterrence depends on the individual. If people value this, they will definitely care.

Several brothers chatted and smoked cigarettes, and when it was time for dinner, a large table of people began to drink together.

When there are more people who drink, this kind of thing is inevitable.

Zheng Shan, as the main toasted object, drank more than one, and it was not easy for the fourth child to help stop the wine this time, after all, they were his own brothers.

And it\'s not good to cheat, you can only drink.

As a result of the New Year\'s Eve, Zheng Shan has been a little dizzy, and he drank too much last night.

Yan Qingqing has been taking care of him by the side. Seeing him like this, she said with some distress: "Next time you can\'t drink, don\'t drink so much. Look at how uncomfortable you are now."

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "It\'s okay, I only drink it once or twice a year."

"I don\'t care about you, when your body breaks, I see who will regret it." Yan Qingqing said angrily.

Zheng Shan quickly comforted him, but Yan Qingqing just didn\'t want Zheng Shan to be distressed by drinking so much alcohol, so Zheng Shan would be fine.

In this regard, Yan Qingqing is no different from other women, they all need to be coaxed.

Every woman\'s heart is weak and sensitive. Don\'t think that a strong woman can resist everything, and it needs to be coaxed often.

What\'s more, Yan Qingqing is not a strong woman at all, she just can be self-reliant most of the time.


The New Year\'s Eve dinner is still eaten at home. Grandpa and grandma went to Zheng Jianshe\'s house this year.

Three families, two go to one family a year.

If they were in Zheng Shan\'s house all the time, the other two would probably have opinions, which made it seem like they were not being filial.

To be honest, money can really solve most problems, just like this matter, when there is no money, neither of the old couple wants to go, and other families are actually a little reluctant to let the old man go.

There is really no money, and it is not easy to end the year.

But now that I have money, I don\'t care about this little bit of money. Naturally, I want to express my filial piety, and I have the ability to show filial piety.

So, now the old couple is really called a beauty.


When seeing the Spring Festival Gala, Lao Wu suddenly remembered something, "Didn\'t you say you want to take us to the Spring Festival Gala?"

Zheng Shan also remembered this matter. He seemed to have promised it, but it never came true.

"Isn\'t there something to do in the past two years? I\'ll have time next time." Zheng Shan can only say that.

If the fifth child didn\'t mention it, Zheng Shan would have forgotten about it.

"Let\'s see next year or the year after. Grandpa and grandma are free to go to Beijing to celebrate the New Year, and then we will go to the Spring Festival Gala." Zheng Shandao.

"Well, then, can I bring two more classmates back to participate together?" said the fifth.

Zheng Shan said: "Whatever you want."

"Brother-in-law, can I also go over to see it?" Yan Lele said expectantly.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Of course, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will leave you a ticket at that time."

"Thank you brother-in-law." Yan Lele suddenly became happy.

Watching the Spring Festival Gala, eating the New Year\'s Eve dinner, the family is lively, but they can\'t drink at night, and I always feel that something is missing.

I drank too much yesterday, and Zheng Shan still hasn\'t recovered, so drinking can\'t be reconciled.

In fact, in addition to the fourth child who can drink, the rest of the men, one counts as one, basically can\'t drink.

But Zheng Shan and the others could watch, and Zhong Huixiu started drinking with his three daughters-in-law.

"We drink ours, and let some of them serve us today. We just drink and don\'t care about them." Zhong Huixiu said.

"Okay, Mom, I\'ll give you a toast." Lin Meihua raised the glass first, followed by Yan Qingqing and Yuan Xiaohua.

A few gentlemen, you look at me, I look at you, all of them are dumbfounded.