Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 577: ancestor worship

The old man became happier the more he drank, and at the same time began to talk more.

In fact, at the beginning, when he heard Zheng Jianguo call back and say that Zheng Shan is the richest man in the United States, the old man also scolded Zheng Jianguo.

Isn\'t this coaxing fools? If he believed it, he would be a real fool!

But when Zheng Jianguo assured that what he said was true, and he also said that he might still be the richest man in the world, that is, the richest man in the world.

When he was sure that Zheng Jianguo really didn\'t play with him, the old man was completely stunned, and he didn\'t recover for several days.

Even at that time, some people thought he was hysterical and wanted to take him to the hospital to see him, so many people came to see him.

For example, after Shi Hui\'an heard the news, he ran over to visit the old man.

But fortunately, the old man recovered within two days, as if nothing happened, but in the back, he almost went crazy with joy.

But after that, the first thought of the old man was to keep Zheng Shan low-key, and he must not be high-profile. What if he is so rich and is missed by others?


Anyway, people who have experienced that era are more sensitive to these things.

This is also after Zheng Shan\'s detailed explanation and guarantee that it will never be high-profile, the old man is relieved.

"I don\'t know which **** spread it, saying that our old Zheng family is going to move the ancestral grave." When the old man said this, he was a little angry.

He is going to repair the ancestral tomb again. The previous ancestral tomb has been repaired twice.

The first time was when Zheng Shan came back for the first time, and Zheng Shan paid money to repair the ancestral tomb. The second time was when he welcomed the genealogy, that is, the first two years, and spent a lot of energy at that time.

Now it\'s the third time. From the old man\'s point of view, this is because the ancestors are satisfied below and think they are doing well, so they bless the old Zheng family.

Otherwise, why is Zheng Shan getting better every year? So it still needs to be repaired, and I\'m not afraid of spending money anyway.

Of course, the old man also knew that he was a feudal superstition, and that Zheng Shan\'s success must have depended on himself, but the idea of ​​being unable to bear this was deeply ingrained and could be regarded as a kind of spiritual sustenance.

After the old man said this, Zheng Jianguo was also angry, "Who spread it out? What do you want to do?"

"Someone must have taken a fancy to our family\'s feng shui treasure and said that we need to move our ancestral tomb to a better place. Just a joke, our current ancestral tomb is the best." The old man snorted coldly.

"You really bullied our Old Zheng family? Although our Old Zheng family is not a big family in this area, there are quite a few. I think who would dare." Zheng Jianguo also said angrily.

Zheng Shan watched as they were discussing the ancestral tomb, and the elder brother Zheng Weijun was also involved, but he remained silent.

However, in the heart of the old Zheng family, their ancestral tombs are the real feng shui treasures, and they must be strictly guarded in the future, and they must not let people spoil the feng shui.

To this end, the old man also spent a thousand yuan, specially invited a Feng Shui master to watch Feng Shui and arrange Feng Shui.

This is the biggest expense of the old man\'s life, which shows that the old man attaches great importance to this matter.


On the day of ancestor worship, in the early morning, the old Zheng family, men and women, adults and children, all wore clean and tidy clothes.

The mighty group of people has a population of almost a hundred people, and there are many people watching the fun.

This is also the first time on their side that such a large-scale ancestor worship has been performed, and everyone is watching it.

From the moment we went out, the sound of firecrackers and gun battles was endless, and the crackling sounded non-stop.

First, I went to the ancestral grave to worship, and Zheng Shan was pushed to the front. After all, this ancestor worship was also a worship for Zheng Shan, and of course he had to be in the front.

According to the old man\'s instructions, Zheng Shan kowtowed to the ancestors one by one, then burned the paper, and by the way, he had to say a few words.

Let the ancestors bless him, bless the old Zheng family and the like.

After a busy trip to survive, Zheng Shan\'s waist felt like he was about to break, but he didn\'t dare to complain at all.

No way, if he really dared, don\'t look at him now as the richest man with status and status.

But the old man will definitely beat him.

When the work is almost over, the rest will need to be finished by the old man and the others. Zheng Shan and Zheng Weijun are standing outside waiting.

Zheng Shan was also tired and couldn\'t help smoking a cigarette.

Strange to say, in his previous life, although Zheng Shan was not an old smoker, he still smoked non-stop, maybe a pack of cigarettes for about three days.

But now Zheng Shan rarely smokes, and when he has more than one pack of cigarettes, he can even smoke for a month.

Many times, I don\'t smoke a cigarette a day.

"I can finally rest now, but I\'m exhausted." Zheng Weimin said while beating his waist.

They are all the same as Zheng Shan, and there are not many who should worship.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Rest? Do you still want to rest? Come, let me tell you."

At this time, Zheng Shan inexplicably thought of a joke from his previous life.

I saw him start to talk seriously, "Look, when we were young, we had to go to school to study, and if we stopped going to school, we began to need to make money, and when we grew up, we had to raise children, work to earn money, and wait until we got older. Yes, you need to take care of your children.

Even after death, you have to be asked to bless the child, you say, when can you rest? "

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s words, Zheng Weijun and others were stunned for a moment. Now, aren\'t they just asking for the blessing of their ancestors?

"That\'s right, hey, it seems that we won\'t have a time to stop in our life, no, we can\'t stop even if we die." Zheng Weimin sighed.

"Don\'t listen to his nonsense, who didn\'t come here like this." Zheng Weijun said angrily.

Several people chatted and laughed, and when the old man was over, they went to the ancestral hall.

The current Lao Zheng family ancestral hall is very well constructed. It is not very luxurious, but it looks very stylish.

A group of people began to work again, and the old man also specially invited someone to write a sacrificial speech, and read it decently.

It can be seen that the old man has put in a lot of hard work~www.novelhall.com~ read it very smoothly.

You must know that the old man does not know any words, these are estimated to be memorized by rote.

After reciting the sacrifice, the old man burned the sacrifice again. Anyway, everything looked very solemn.

After a set of procedures was completed, it was already noon, and then I started busy with meals and invited people to dinner.

For example, the elderly in some villages are among the invited ranks.

Zheng Shan also went over to accompany him. He was busy, and another afternoon passed. When all these things were done, Zheng Shan didn\'t even eat dinner, and just lay on the bed and fell asleep.

It\'s really tiring, don\'t look like I haven\'t done much work, but these things are really tiring.

However, this is also a matter of division. At least the old man is not only not tired, but refreshed.

In the evening, I not only ate two dinners, but also drank about a pound of white wine. If the old lady stopped me from drinking it, I would have drank more.