Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 576: ambition

As for Ning Youde\'s arrangement, Zheng Shan has also considered it for a long time. Just like Ning Youde thought, if Ning Youde chooses to go to Xishui Supermarket headquarters, then it will be directly middle and senior management, and it will be easier to be promoted to senior management in the future.

But if he continues to stay in the food company, then Zheng Shan will give him shares.

"You will focus on Lao Maozi in the future. In addition, Xishui Bank is already there, and the two sides can cooperate a little." Zheng Shandao.

Ning Youde hurriedly agreed, saying that he would definitely assist.

"Finally, it\'s the issue of company management. Have you encountered any difficulties in this regard?" Zheng Shan asked.

After all, these are people from his hometown. No matter what happens to Ning Youde, there will be some pressure. Zheng Shan knows this very well.

No matter what he said, as long as this identity is here, Ning Youde can\'t be without pressure.

"Hey, there\'s really no problem with this. When I encounter something particularly difficult, I\'ll ask the old man to come out. Basically, no one in the factory dares to fry me directly." Ning Youde laughed.

He knew very well that if he met some people from the Old Zheng family, and encountered unreasonable ones, he would punish him first, and if he failed, he could only ask the old man to come forward.

Under normal circumstances, as long as Mr. Zheng Shengli comes forward, things will be resolved quickly.

"Okay, since that\'s the case, then I\'m relieved. It\'s still the same sentence. As long as it\'s their fault, how to deal with it and how to deal with it will never be tolerated." Zheng Shan emphasized the side again, even if he knew that the emphasis seemed to be inappropriate. Not much use.


Ning Youde returned home here, looking proud of the spring breeze.

When his wife Feng Yan saw it, she asked suspiciously, "What\'s wrong with you? Are you so happy? Your big boss is going to give you a promotion?"

"Hey, a promotion? The big boss wants me to work at the Xishui Supermarket headquarters, and I\'m still a senior manager. I\'m one step away from entering the real top." Ning Youde said.

Feng Yan was immediately excited when she heard this. Although she had lived here for two or three years, she was still not used to life in the mainland.

The first is the lack of entertainment facilities. It has to be said that the mainland is still far worse than Xiangjiang.

This is especially true of entertainment facilities. When Feng Yan was in Xiangjiang, he was not a person who liked to play, but whether or not to play is one thing, and whether there is or not is another matter.

Anyway, Feng Yan basically has nothing to do here every day, except for shopping and cooking, cleaning up the house, and panicking.

Although there are already some karaoke and billiards in Shixian County, it is still far from Xiangjiang.

And because she doesn\'t speak the local dialect, even Mandarin is not good, so she basically didn\'t make many friends.

Feng Yan is of course very happy if he goes to the United States now.

But Ning Youde disappointed her with the next sentence, "But I didn\'t agree."

"Are you crazy?" This was Feng Yan\'s first feeling.

Ning Youde knew what Feng Yan would say, and explained, "Listen to me, this time the boss gave me shares. As long as I make the food company bigger, wouldn\'t it be better than working in Xishui Supermarket?"

"I\'m the only one who decides the food company. When I come to Xishui Supermarket, what am I? And do you think I can serve as the CEO of Xishui Supermarket in the future?"

Ning Youde said that he shook his head, "Let\'s not say that Lucas is only in his forties now, there are still many years, and people like Manager Bai Yibai, you think I can win ?very hard."

"So instead of going to the Xishui Supermarket headquarters and being controlled by others and reporting everything you do, it\'s better to stay here and be in charge of a company by yourself. In addition, I don\'t think food companies can only do this. Now The boss has injected another five million dollars in, and it can be seen that the boss has begun to pay attention to the food company, and this is my chance.”

Speaking of which, Ning Youde was slowly getting excited. This was what he was most excited about. No matter how Zheng Shan gave money before, Ning Youde could actually see that Zheng Shan didn\'t particularly care about food companies.

But it\'s different now. Although Zheng Shan\'s five million dollars is not much this time, he is actually expressing his attitude.

With Zheng Shan\'s attitude, Ning Youde has a lot to do.

For example, the cooperation with Xishui Supermarket will be closer, and other industries of Xishui Group will also provide some convenience.

With these supports, Ning Youde believes that he can make a career out of it.

Feng Yan didn\'t understand these things very well, but when she saw her husband like this, she opened her mouth, but in the end she didn\'t speak.

"Hey, do whatever you want, as long as you don\'t regret it." Feng Yan sighed.

Ning Youde was in high spirits at this time and had a clear plan for the future. He not only wanted to be the general manager of a small company, but also wanted to occupy an important position in Zhengshan\'s industry.


Zheng Shan didn\'t know Ning Youde\'s ambitions, but even if he did, he was mostly praised, and he might give more support in the future.

In Zheng Shan\'s opinion, Ning Youde is really a bit of an underachiever in the food company, but since he is willing to stay here, Zheng Shan will not force anything.

But now Zheng Shan is not in the mood to think about this. He is watching these children, one by one, holding gun battles everywhere, causing trouble everywhere.

Zheng Shan has dealt with it several times. These children of the Zheng family have been beaten over and over in the past few days, and Zheng Shan does not want to stop them.

But there is one thing to say, the children now are really solid. After the beating, it will take at most an hour or two, and what will happen after that, makes Zheng Shan feel a little headache.

"Don\'t be as ignorant as your brothers and sisters in the future." Zheng Shan told Niu Niu in his arms.

I don\'t know if Niu Niu heard it~www.novelhall.com~ Anyway, Xiao Lian didn\'t look at him at all, but stared straight at the brothers and sisters playing over there.

If it wasn\'t for Zheng Shan\'s hug, he would have climbed over it long ago.

Moreover, Zheng Shan also found that his own boy did not seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp. At first, he cried and went to play, but when he found that the crying was useless, he stopped crying and was very interesting.

During dinner in the evening, the two tables were very lively. Now my grandparents are also eating with Zheng Shan\'s family. It\'s not how delicious the Zheng Shan family\'s cooking is, but it\'s too lively.

The old man, don\'t you want to have a fun when you are not short of food and clothing?

"The day after tomorrow, we will start worshipping our ancestors, so prepare here." The old man took a sip of fine wine.

Zheng Shandao: "You can arrange it."

"It\'s just my arrangement. This time the ancestor worship is specially for you. Hehe, it is the ancestor\'s blessing. There is a richest man in our old Zheng family, hahaha." As he said, the old man laughed.