Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 575: talent

Ning Youde appeared at the entrance of the village and was welcomed by many people.

After all, this is the boss of a food company, but he is in charge of these people, especially during the festival this year, a lot of benefits are distributed, which makes many public units envious.

I won\'t talk about the products of my own factory. Basically, everyone has a lot. There are also oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, etc., which have not fallen.

Ning Youde also greeted the people in the village very politely. He always had two faces, and over time, everyone knew it.

The two faces are inside and outside the factory.

In the factory, Ning Youde was very strict. No matter who made a mistake or didn\'t do a good job, he would not pay attention to the slightest sympathy.

Even in the face of other people, most of them have serious expressions on their faces.

This made everyone feel a little scared whenever they saw Ning Youde in the factory, but the other face of Ning Youde was that he was quite gentle outside.

Especially when he arrives at Dagu Village, he is gentle and has a smile on his face all the year round, which makes people feel happy at first sight.

At the beginning, everyone was a little awkward, and they spoke ill of him behind his back, and even made it up to satirize Ning Youde.

But gradually, everyone got used to it, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.


Ning Youde greeted Zheng\'s house all the way.

"Come on, find a place to sit down by yourself, I won\'t greet you." Zheng Shan said casually.

Ning Youde was surprised when he heard the words, this is the best way, which proves that the big boss didn\'t take him as an outsider.

"Boss, I\'ll report to you." Ning Youde said.

Zheng Shan nodded and said, "Okay, let\'s talk about it."

"Now the company\'s business continues to expand, and it has gained a lot of fame throughout the province. In addition, we are now deeply cultivating the Lao Maozi market and earning a lot of foreign exchange."

"The situation at Lao Maozi is getting weirder now. They are very short of food. The products we transported here are very popular."

Hearing him say this, Zheng Shan just remembered one thing, it seems that Ning Youde\'s side has penetrated into the market of Lao Maozi earlier.

It\'s just that Zheng Shan hasn\'t paid much attention to it. To be honest, he basically doesn\'t care much about food companies.

The reason why such a food company was created, although it was said at the time was for the company\'s development strategy, but it was actually only for the people in the hometown.

I don’t ask for how much money I make, and I don’t want to make up the industry chain for the company. I just want to make the people in my hometown richer.

It\'s enough to live a better life.

Therefore, Zheng Shan often subconsciously forgets the food company when he considers the affairs of his company.

Fortunately, Ning Youde did a very good job here, not only managed the company in an orderly manner, but also made a lot of money.

Although it is not a lot, it is almost a few million every year, but it has exceeded Zheng Shan\'s estimate.

And food companies are now not only the baby bumps in the county, but also the key care objects in the province.

This is not due to Zheng Shan\'s personal reasons, but the food company brings a lot of foreign exchange income to the county every year.

Ning Youde is also very talkative here. He actually knows that his boss doesn\'t like this foreign exchange.

How much is this, and it\'s all rupees.

So he just kept some foreign exchange for his own use, and the rest was converted into dividends in the county.

If there is any remaining, then exchange some foreign currency with the province.

The current strict foreign exchange control also depends on the person. After all, this is Zheng Shan\'s industry. If Ning Youde is not willing to exchange foreign exchange, no one dares to insist.

However, Ning Youde is still very interesting, so now the development of the food company is getting better and better.

Listening to Ning Youde\'s report, Zheng Shan said, "I won\'t interfere with the food company\'s affairs. Just follow your own ideas. I\'m very relieved of you."

Hearing the big boss\'s compliments, Ning Youde was secretly happy in his heart, but he still looked humble on the surface.

"It\'s all the boss that gives you good guidance, and the company is what it is today." Ning Youde said modestly.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Your flattery is not clever at all."

Ning Youde sneered.

"Okay, I won\'t make fun of you, just in time, I\'ll ask you again today, do you want to work in another company? If you want, you can go directly to the headquarters of Xishui Supermarket." Zheng Shan said seriously.

Now he feels more and more that Ning Youde is a talent.

And the achievements Ning Youde has made now are enough for him to be promoted.

This time, Ning Youde didn\'t even think about it, and said directly: "Thank you boss, but I still want to stay in the food factory."

"If you don\'t quite believe it, I really regard the food factory as my home now, and I\'m reluctant to leave here."

Ning Youde has a sincere expression on his face. This time he is sincere. He has been taking over the food factory since the very beginning. It can be said that it has grown from nothing to this size.

Now let him leave suddenly, even if it is a promotion, even if it is to go to the Xishui Supermarket headquarters he dreamed of before, and he must have served as a senior executive in the past, and even if he did a good job, it is not impossible to be promoted directly to the top within a few years. .

But Ningde is really reluctant to leave this food factory he built, and leave this familiar place and familiar people.

And now Ning Youde has taken over all the people in the family and made up his mind to settle down here.

For this reason, he and his family members quarreled several times, but the family members chose to support him silently when they saw that he was so persistent.

Zheng Shan looked at Ning Youde\'s serious eyes, smiled and said, "I believe what you said, okay, since you have decided so, that\'s fine."

"How much money do you have now?"

Ning Youde was stunned for a moment~www.novelhall.com~ Then his eyes suddenly became excited, is this going to give him shares?

"There are more than two million in hand." Ning Youde said carefully, most of the money was his salary and rewards.

Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "Well, if you take out 1.5 million, the food factory will give you 7% of the shares, and the extra is a reward for you."

"Thank you boss." Ning Youde said excitedly.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "These are what you deserve, by the way. In addition, I will re-inject 5 million in. This time I won\'t dilute your shares, but next time you can do whatever you want."

"I understand, thank you boss." Ning Youde nodded excitedly.

To tell the truth, according to the current profit of the food factory, it is not known how many years it will take to earn back the 1.5 million.

But Ning Youde is confident. The most important thing is that he never lacks sales. Xishui Supermarket is a huge sales point. This is the potential value, so he does not think that he has too few shares.