Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 574: Gather 1 class

"Hee hee, no need, I\'ll just sleep in the same bed with Xiuxiu." Yan Lele\'s face changed very quickly.

When the fifth heard this, she rolled her eyes, who wants to share a bed with you, but in the end she didn\'t say anything.

For such a sister-in-law, Zheng Shan is also very helpless and can only get used to it.

And Zheng Kui also solved it, "Things that don\'t have eyes, I will hit you once I see them next time."


The four social youths didn\'t even dare to say a word of cruelty, and left immediately, fearing that they would be beaten again after they said such a cruel word.

"Okay, get in the car, by the way, you haven\'t eaten yet, let\'s go to the city to find something to eat." Zheng Shan said.

Lao Wudao: "I\'m not hungry, I\'ll eat when I go back."

Zheng Shan said angrily: "If you are not hungry, we are still hungry. In order to pick you up, Dakui and I didn\'t eat."

"Okay, the two brothers have worked hard, and my sister thanks the two brothers." The fifth brother said with a smile.

Zheng Shan:........

I just found a mutton restaurant, ate some noodles, and drank some soup.

After eating, I went shopping in the city again and bought some things. The fifth must have brought a lot of things when he came back this time, but now that there are many people in the family and not enough points, I can buy some more from the provincial capital.

When the car coming from Zheng Shan is so full, even the back seat can only squeeze two people, and then it will stop.

Zheng Shan glanced at it and didn\'t say anything. It is worth mentioning that all the money belonged to the fifth son, no matter how he got it, whether it was the New Year\'s money or the money he earned himself. Not as stingy as before.

In the past, as long as it was money that could not be spent, the fifth child would not spend a penny, and as long as Zheng Shan or Zheng Kui were present, he would not talk about his own money.

But now the fifth is willing to spend his own money. Although he is still a little distressed, in Zheng Shan\'s view, this is a good performance.

Too stingy is not good either.

So Zheng Shan gave a rare praise to the fifth.

Who knew that the old fifth pouted and said, "I\'m not stupid. Now my brother is the richest man. Why am I saving this money? If I don\'t have enough money, can I just ask you if you want?"

Zheng Shan was not angry when he heard the words, but said happily: "Haha, it\'s good to have an idea. As long as you don\'t spend money, you can just talk about how much money you want."

Zheng Shan has never been stingy with the people in his family. Although he said that he has split up and married now, even his parents are a little bit taboo about it.

But Zheng Shan doesn\'t want so much. He earns so much money that he can\'t spend it himself. He is happy to spend money for his family.

But Zheng Shan actually knows that the fifth is just what he said. Anyway, since the fifth went to the United States, he has basically never asked him for money.

Even knowing that he is now the richest man, he never asked for money again.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t know if this is good or bad, but he is still a little relieved. He is willing to spend money for the fifth, but he doesn\'t want the fifth to really become a person who only asks for money.

Such an idea may seem contradictory, but in fact it is not contradictory at all, which is also the idea of ​​many parents.

It doesn’t matter how much money you are willing to spend on your child, as long as you have it in your family, but you don’t want your child to only ask for money.

A very complex mentality, but a very common one.


In the afternoon, when Zheng Shan and the others returned home, many people came over. Zheng Yan was the most active. When he heard that the fifth was coming, he immediately rushed over from the house.

There are also a lot of children in the house now, and they are so fun to play, and there are people of all ages.

Even Niu Niu found his playmate, and at this time he was working on the carpet.

Zheng Shan and a few adults watched with laughter, and from time to time they discussed who was more powerful.

The old grandmother sat on the sofa, watching the lively scene of the family gathered together, and smiled.

She likes to see scenes like this.

In addition, Aunt Zheng Shan\'s house also came. Although the troubles in the past few years were a bit unpleasant, they should come.

This is also the reason why Zheng Shan doesn\'t feel too much. No matter if these people are too much, as long as they know how to be filial to the old man, then the rest of the things can be temporarily put down.


However, having too many children also has the disadvantage of having too many children. In just a few hours, some children began to cry non-stop.

Zheng Shan and the others have dealt with several \'litigations\'.

No, Xiao Jingyi ran over with a look of panic, instead of looking for her father, she threw herself directly into the arms of uncle Zheng Shan.

The little guy is very shrewd and knows who can really call the shots for himself.

"What\'s wrong? Who bullied our family Jingyi?" Sure enough, Zheng Shan asked with concern.

Xiao Jingyi raised her little face, just as she was about to speak, she heard Lin Meihua\'s voice from far to near.

"Jingyi, come out and see if I won\'t kill you this time." Lin Meihua\'s voice was full of anger.

When Xiao Jingyi heard this, she immediately shrank her body tightly in Zheng Shan\'s arms.

Zheng Shan looked at Lin Meihua who was furious and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, what\'s the matter? Why are you so angry?"

When Lin Meihua saw Xiao Jingyi hiding in Zheng Shan\'s arms, she knew that she might not be able to teach her a lesson today.

"This guy actually threw firecrackers into the toilet, do you think it\'s irritating?" Lin Meihua said angrily.

Zheng Shan looked at the blushing little Jingyi, a little speechless, isn\'t this what boys like to play with?

"Sister-in-law, children, you all come here like this." Zheng Shan said against his will.

Lin Meihua said: "If it was just like this, I wouldn\'t be so angry, but there was someone in the toilet, she..."

He didn\'t finish his words, but Zheng Shan also knew who was in the toilet, not only Zheng Shan, but everyone else.

"You naughty bastard, why don\'t you hurry up and apologize to your mother?" Zheng Shan patted Xiao Jingyi and said~www.novelhall.com~ Xiao Jingyi looked at her uncle and then at her angry mother, knowing this Dunda couldn\'t escape, so he walked over honestly.

Lin Meihua didn\'t even have a chance to apologize to her daughter, so she just started beating her up. Listening to Xiao Jingyi\'s thunderous cry, even though Zheng Shan knew that a lot of it was fake, she couldn\'t help but persuade her.

Seeing so many people looking at her, Lin Meihua was also a little embarrassed, she let go of Xiao Jingyi after hitting twice again.

Zheng Shan looked at Xiao Jingyi, who immediately returned to her original state and did not cry or make trouble. She was also a little convinced. This girl is really not a simple person in the future, and it is estimated that she will bear it in the future.

"Be optimistic about your sister, don\'t let your sister play with those dangerous things." Zheng Shan told Zheng Mingdao.

Zheng Ming was a little reluctant. He had a good time with his friends, so he didn\'t want to bring his sister\'s oil bottle.

However, in the face of Zheng Shan\'s \'persecution\', he could only agree to it. The father next to him was still eyeing him, and he would not do if he didn\'t agree.