Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 573: strike up a conversation

These people still wanted to resist, but they didn\'t even look at where it was. They wanted to run, but they were blocked.

Taking off his jacket, he found the card hidden in his sleeve.

This time everyone has got everything, and they can\'t deny it even if they deny it.

"What\'s the matter, I said why my luck is so bad these days. It turns out that you **** are cheating." Zheng Weimin is the most angry, who made him lose the most.

Now he doesn\'t dare to speak aloud when he gets home, and he also tells others not to talk about how much money he lost.

Otherwise he will suffer.

"Brother, we were wrong, we will return the money to you, please forgive us this time." Seeing that the matter was exposed, these people began to beg for mercy.

But it was useless. As Zheng Weimin angrily beat people, the rest of the people followed.

After watching for a while, Zheng Shan stopped them and said, "Okay, let\'s beat him, don\'t really beat people to death."

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s words, the rest of the people stopped one after another, but one by one was still cursing.

"Chen Gao, where are you going?" Zheng Weimin suddenly grabbed a tall and thin young man, it was Chen Gao, who seemed to want to slip away just now.

Chen Gao said embarrassingly, "I want to go to pee."

"Hehe, you brought all these people? Tell me, does it have anything to do with you?" Zheng Weimin sneered.

Chen Gao hurriedly said: "It has nothing to do with me. They said they wanted to play, so I brought them here. We just played together before."

"Really?" Zheng Weimin didn\'t believe it.

Of course it was fake. After pulling several people out and beating them, they got the answer.

Chen Gao worked with them to defraud money. After the end of each day, they would share the stolen goods on the spot.

"Go to a few people and follow them to get all the money back." Zheng Shan said, and Zheng Shan was too lazy to say anything about someone like Chen Gao.

Anyway, it is estimated that he will not be able to stay in the village from now on.

It is intolerable no matter where people are from outside the union to harass people in their own village.

"You have all seen it. There are quite a few people staring at you now. This is just the beginning. There may be more in the future. Be careful with each one of them, and have a little more eyes." Zheng Shan said.

"Brother Shan, we know we\'re wrong, and we\'ll be right next time," said a junior from the Zheng family.

Now there are people in the house. Let\'s put it this way, basically, the young people who go out from Dagu Village are the objects of flattery.

After all, whoever has pocket money of 180 yuan every month in his hand is being held by others.

Now that the village is getting richer and richer, coupled with the inclination of policies in Shixian County and the repair of roads, the days of Dagu Village are really getting better and better.

It\'s not surprising that someone is eyeing this.

Zheng Shan was just a coincidence this time. He felt a little strange, unless he was a professional gambling person with superb skills, or someone like this kind of cheating.

Otherwise, there is basically no situation where you will lose or win all the time.

In fact, no matter what it is, Zheng Shan needs to warn them, or maybe someone really regards their big ancient village as a pig farm, and they come to slaughter them from time to time.

"Next time? I mean that when you play cards in the future, don\'t play so big, do you understand?" Zheng Shan glared at him.

"Understood." The Zheng family junior said embarrassingly.

There is no way to continue playing today. Zheng Shan and Zheng Weijun went back first. As for how those people deal with it, Zheng Shan doesn\'t care.

As long as no one is killed, it is estimated that it is a meal. As for the police? Hehe, let\'s catch them now.

"Have you seen it, now that you are rich, there are more people who care about you. In the future, you should pay more attention to the fourth child, and you will not suffer once or twice." Zheng Shan took the opportunity to educate.

As for the eldest brother Zheng Weijun, Zheng Shan is more at ease than anyone else.

Even after so many years of playing poker, the eldest brother only lost more than 100 yuan. He played at some small tables, and there were very few wins and losses.


Although the days in the countryside are boring, they are also very leisurely. At least Zheng Shan eats and sleeps every day, sleeps and eats, and the rest is basically nothing.

So time passed quickly, and he was not bored here. When he was free a few days ago, he went up a mountain with someone.

It was the three brothers of the Ge family who led the team. Not to mention, although there is nothing good in the mountains in winter, it is quite interesting.

Zheng Shan also came back after hunting a wild boar. Of course, he said he hunted it, but almost the wild boar couldn\'t run in order to break free from the beast\'s grip.

No one else did anything, and Zheng Shan only hunted it, but it also made Zheng Shan satisfied.

This day, Zheng Shan drove a car and took a few people to the provincial airport. The fifth was coming back. This time, he asked the fifth to come back early to participate in the ancestor worship.


Outside the airport, the fifth and the others were standing outside waiting. They arrived early, and Zheng Shan hadn\'t arrived yet.

This time Yan Lele also came over to play. Since the last time he came to play, Yan Lele has fallen in love with it.

As for Yan Zhengbiao\'s reluctance? That\'s okay, just be a little coquettish.

Yan Qingqing doesn\'t like the Spring Festival at home. During the Spring Festival, relatives and friends, as well as his father\'s business partners, subordinates, etc., will come to his house to pay New Year\'s greetings when he has nothing to do.

There is not a moment of leisure, and it also makes it difficult to relax at home. Anyway, in Yan Lele\'s view, thieves are boring.

It is far worse than Dagu Village.


When Zheng Shan arrived at the airport, he saw a few young gangsters surrounding his old sister.

Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui said nothing, stopped the car and walked over quickly.

The two sisters, Lao Wu and Yan Lele, have left a lot of people in the street just because of their appearance, which is very attractive.

In addition, after studying in the United States for so long, my temperament is different from that of the people here, which attracts the attention of some people.

After Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui got here, they didn\'t say a word and kicked them directly.

When the four gangsters saw this, they would call back immediately. The gangsters still need to show a face.

However, these four little gangsters didn\'t need Zheng Shan\'s hands~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Kui was dealt with by two and two, and they all lay on the ground in pain.

"Are you okay?" Zheng Shan asked.

The old fifth said with a smile: "It\'s okay, just a few hooligans."

Yan Lele was still a little excited. This was the first time she had encountered such a situation, and she was not afraid, because she knew that she would be fine.

I really don\'t know if this girl is stupid and bold or what.

"Why are you here? Is your father willing to let you over?" Zheng Shan asked. When he called before, he didn\'t say that Yan Lele would also come.

Yan Lele didn\'t answer Zheng Shan\'s words when he heard the words, but said aggrievedly: "Brother-in-law, don\'t you welcome me?"

Looking at her appearance, although Zheng Shan knew that she was pretending, he still said helplessly: "No welcome, very welcome, just let me know in advance when you come, so I can prepare the room."