Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 572: Cheating

Shi Hui\'an and Zheng Shan chatted a lot, especially about some of Shixian\'s policies and future plans.

Although Shi Hui\'an could stay for another term, it was only this term. He didn\'t know if he could finish everything before he left.

This is not only because some people want to come to this place in Shixian, but also because some people above value his ability and want to transfer him.

So what he thinks now is to share some of his ideas with Zheng Shan. I believe that with Zheng Shan\'s influence, as long as Zheng Shan agrees with his own ideas, then Shixian will not have too much trouble even after he leaves. big change.

In the evening, Shi Hui\'an was with the Zheng family all day, and he left after having a meal in the evening.

"I\'ve disturbed you for a day, so I didn\'t delay your affairs." Shi Hui\'an smiled.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s okay, in fact, this is what I care about, and it also proves that you really want to do something real. As a commoner, it\'s too late for me to be happy."

Listening to Zheng Shan\'s solemn statement that he is a commoner, Shi Hui\'an was also speechless, but he didn\'t say much, and quickly left here.

After Zheng Shan sent him away, he went out to play cards with Zheng Weijun and the others. There was really nothing to play here.

If he didn\'t play cards, he would have to take the children at home and be in a daze, which would be really boring.

It\'s still the pigsty, which has now become a place dedicated to playing cards and is full of people every year.

Not even during Chinese New Year, people come here to play cards.

Seeing the three brothers of the Zheng family coming, someone here immediately gave up their place. Zheng Shan smiled and took out a stack of money, about four or five hundred.

"That\'s all for today. If you lose everything, leave." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Zheng Weimin said: "You said at the beginning that you were going to lose all, so you\'re looking for bad luck for yourself?"

"Hey, it\'s just for fun, don\'t take it too seriously." Zheng Shan said.

At this time, there were a few people on the table that Zheng Shan didn\'t know, and he didn\'t ask, thinking it was from a nearby village.

Zheng Shan\'s four or five hundred yuan was quickly lost. Just as he was about to end, someone smiled and said, "Let\'s play again, it\'s okay anyway."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "No more, let\'s play."

"Oops, it\'s still early, it\'s not interesting for you to go back, except to play with women..." The man was a little blunt.

Before Zheng Shan could speak, Zheng Weimin over there angrily said, "If you don\'t know how to speak, don\'t say it. If you want to play, you don\'t want to get out."

When the man saw this, he immediately smiled embarrassingly twice, and then stopped talking.

"Okay, let\'s play, I\'ll just watch from the side." Zheng Shan waved his hands and said, he hasn\'t gotten to the point where others are going to say a word.

Although Zheng Shan doesn\'t feel comfortable listening to it, he doesn\'t really hit people for this sentence, does he?

Zheng Shan saw eleven o\'clock here, and found that the few people he didn\'t know on the table seemed to have won, and the rest had lost a lot.

Especially Zheng Weimin, who lost almost 10,000 less!

This is the 1980s, small ten thousand, what is this concept?

"Brother Weimin, stop playing, it\'s almost done." Zheng Shan frowned.

Zheng Weimin seems to be a little bit overwhelmed now, "It\'s okay, I\'ll go back after playing for a while. If you\'re sleepy, go back first."

"Okay, it\'s getting late, everyone, let\'s go back, I want to play and wait until tomorrow." Zheng Shan said.

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s words, some people got up immediately, "Brother Shan, then we\'ll go first."

Now Zheng Weimin can\'t play if he wants to play, everyone has left, and it\'s meaningless for him to stay here alone.

However, there were also some people who looked at Zheng Shan with a strange look. Zheng Shan stopped all of them with a single word. This prestige was a bit amazing.

In fact, Zheng Shan saw that some people were on the top, lest someone really lose and go bankrupt, that\'s why he said this.

Of course, this person is not Zheng Weimin. Although Zheng Weimin has lost the most, this amount of money is small to him.


For a few days, when Zheng Shan was fine at night, he went to play cards, but for some reason, his luck seemed to have deteriorated a lot.

For many days in a row, he has been losing again, and he has basically never won.

Even with his restraint, he has lost thousands of dollars now.

But Zheng Shan discovered one thing, that is, every time he wins, it is those people he doesn\'t know.

When I went back today, Zheng Weimin was cursing, and he lost the most today.

"Brother Weimin, who are those people? Why haven\'t I seen it before?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Weimin said casually: "Chen Gao said he was from Linzhou County, and we came to play together."

Chen Gao and Zheng Shan knew him, and he was also from Dagu Village.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much, he just felt a little strange, is luck really so good?

After another day, Zheng Shan took a little more this time. He took about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Today, Zheng Shan played a bit bigger.

Seeing that Zheng Shan brought so much money, everyone else got excited, including Zheng Weimin.

Playing too small, Zheng Weimin feels meaningless.

That is to say, Zheng Weimin only plays during the Chinese New Year, and during the rest of the year, he will not play anyway, otherwise Zheng Shan should really be worried.

Zheng Shan had a great time playing today, and was basically bored all the time, but his eyes were fixed on those few people he didn\'t know.

Slowly, Zheng Shan lost 20,000 yuan, but he also showed him some ways.

"What are you guys doing?" Zheng Shan suddenly said when he was still bored.

Those few people looked at Zheng Shan, as if they didn\'t understand what Zheng Shan was talking about.

"Dashan, what\'s wrong?" Zheng Weimin asked.

Zheng Shan pointed at the people and said, "These people are signaling, and there are cards hidden in the clothes in their hands."

If Zheng Shan didn\'t look carefully, he really wouldn\'t be able to see it. These people are sophisticated and skilled, but they haven\'t reached the point where they can\'t tell even if they stare at him.

Zheng Shan, who sent the signal, has already noticed it, but this thing can\'t be used as evidence.

"You said they cheated?" Zheng Weimin stood up in a hurry~www.novelhall.com~ The people from other big ancient villages gathered around, cheating? What, do you want to die?

In fact, they also have some feeling that there is no way, they have been losing these days and rarely win.

Now that Zheng Shan said this, he seemed to understand for a while.

"Brother, if you can\'t afford to lose, don\'t play." Some of the people pointed by Zheng Shan said with ugly expressions.

Several others also ordered to shout.

Zheng Shandao: "Take off your clothes and take a look. If I wronged you, the money will be considered compensation for you."

Speaking of which, Zheng Shan took the thousands of dollars left in front of him and the nearly 10,000 dollars from Zheng Weimin, and pushed them directly in front of these people.

"You are insulting people. If you can\'t afford it, don\'t play. Let\'s go." Several people are about to leave. Those who see this scene, where can they let them go.