Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 569: go back home

After the fifth one came back, the house was completely lively, especially in the past two days, Zheng Ming, Xiao Jingyi, and the big girl Er Niu liked to hang around this little aunt (aunt).

No way, who made the fifth child rich, and brought them a lot of gifts, and now the fifth fifth is not as stingy as before, and is willing to spend money on these children, although it doesn\'t cost much, but This is also an improvement.

The old five brought a few little guys around to play wildly, walking around the streets, making many places jump around.

Zheng Shan took the opportunity to give Niuniu to the fifth to take him, and whether she wanted it or not, it was handed to you anyway.

He came to the secretarial department to work.

"Let me tell you that all companies will stop paying dividends this year, put all their profits into reproduction, and will no longer pay dividends in the next three to five years.

The other is to give more support to some small businesses, try to let them get through some difficulties, and..." Zheng Shan ordered everything.

Brother Xia Lai wrote them down one by one, and then prepared to go out to run errands.

At this moment, Zheng Shan suddenly remembered, "By the way, what happened to your sister?"

Xia Laidi\'s younger sister, Xia Zhaodi, heard that she is also doing business now, so Zheng Shan asked when he remembered it.

Brother Xia Lai smiled and said, "Zhao Di\'s business is doing quite well. I bought some small commodities and sold them, and I made a lot of money in a month."

In fact, as long as Brother Xia Lai gave a little hint, many people would provide countless conveniences to Xia Zhaodi in order to please her.


Just pay wages and not work.

Doing business?

Asking people for money and goods is a matter of one word.

It\'s just that Brother Xia Lai didn\'t do this, let Xia Zhaodi start from the most basic, and she also gave some of the money she had saved to Xia Zhaodi as capital.

Xia Zhaodi is also in good spirits. She goes out to buy goods every day before dawn, and she sells it until it gets dark before returning. Basically, rain or shine.

Zheng Shandao: "This is also because I didn\'t think carefully before. In this way, you can see if there is a suitable store under my name. You can choose a set and sell it directly to Zhao Di."

"As for the money you owe first, and then give it back when she has money."

Brother Xia Lai didn\'t mean to refuse, he smiled and said, "Then I will thank you for Zhao Di."

This is a benefit given by the boss, and it cannot be ignored, and it is much more reassuring to hold.

"Well, that\'s right, and when are you going to find someone? If you don\'t, you\'ll become an older woman." Zheng Shan asked.

Brother Xia Lai said: "I haven\'t thought about finding a partner yet, just wait and see."

"Your teacher Yan cares about you very much. When you have time, you can go to your house to chat with you, Mr. Yan." Zheng Shan said.

Brother Xia Lai nodded, indicating that he would go in two days.

Seeing that it was all right, Zheng Shan let her leave first, while he continued to deal with things.


"Tsk tsk tsk, you are actually going to give a speech? Explain to the students how to make trouble?" Zheng Shan laughed.

The old fifth was very unhappy when he heard the words, "Why can\'t I go up to give a speech? I can\'t explain my own experience to my juniors."

After the fifth came back, I went to visit the former teacher. The teacher saw that the fifth had changed a lot, especially in terms of academic performance.

I don\'t know what to think, so I want the fifth to give a speech in the class and talk about her experience.

Zheng Shan said angrily: "Your experience? What\'s there to tell about your experience? Do you want other people to study abroad?"

"Humph, who said I\'m going to talk about this, what I\'m talking about is learning methods. I found out that many people are like me, and they are not particularly adapted to the rhythm of some domestic teachers. I can summarize what I have now. Learning methods, the rhythm tells them.

I don\'t say it will work, but at least it has some effect, and maybe it can really help some people. "The fifth hummed.

When Zheng Shan heard it, it seemed quite reasonable, and after thinking about it, he finally said, "You don\'t have to be ashamed yourself."

"I think you\'re just jealous." The old fifth said.

Zheng Shan laughed angrily, "I\'m jealous? Haha, don\'t you know? I won\'t say more about the rest. Stanford has invited your brother and me to give a speech several times, and I have rejected them.

Peking University also invited me once two days ago, but I didn\'t go, would I be jealous of your little class speech? joke! "

Stanford actually wanted Zheng Shan to give a speech for a long time, especially after the Forbes rich list came out this time.

An email was sent to the company almost every three days.

It\'s just that Zheng Shan was too lazy to go, so he refused. He actually didn\'t have much to talk about, and he didn\'t even finish university.

The old fifth looked at Zheng Shan\'s stern look, rolled his eyes at him, and was too lazy to talk to him.

"During the New Year\'s Eve this year, I want to take a few more days off, do you think it\'s okay?" The old fifth\'s face changed, and he instantly turned to a pleasing smile.

She remembered that she still needs Zheng Shan\'s consent to ask for leave.

Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "Okay, I will tell your principal when the time comes."

This year, Zheng Shan and the others need to worship their ancestors when they go back. It is not the small-scale ancestor worship that Zheng Shan had just returned, but the large-scale ancestor worship.

I heard from my father that Grandpa Zheng Shengli has been busy with his work for a long time, and he must make this ancestor worship activity a success.

Zheng Shan did not refuse such a thing. This is also the thinking of the older generation. It is enough to make them happy.


Time passed quickly, and the holiday on the fifth side was coming soon, and he was about to return to school to continue his classes.

And Zheng Shan is about to start preparing to go back to his hometown. This year, Yan Qingqing also completed some work ahead of schedule.

"Are you going back this year?" Zheng Shan asked Zheng Kui.

Zheng Kui looked at Yuan Xiaohua, and then said, "I\'m going to go back. UU reading www.uukanshu.com really can\'t do it, so Xiaogang asked my wife to take it here."

Zheng Kui\'s son was named Zheng Gang, and his nickname was Xiaogang.

Zheng Shandao: "Well, I\'ll send a car to take you there when the time comes. You and your family can take the car. When you are on the road, you can take a few hours in the car and take a break for a while, or you can walk for a while."

Yuan Xiaohua also knew that she needed to worship her ancestors when she went back this time. She also thought that her son could participate. Although she was young, as a descendant of the old Zheng family, it was best to participate in the past.

So there is no denying it.

That\'s how things were arranged. After Yan Qingqing\'s work was over, Zheng Jianguo couldn\'t wait to return to his hometown with his family.

Two days before going back, Zheng Shan\'s family also went to the Zhong family\'s side, and now the Zhong family\'s life is also very prosperous.

Everyone is doing well. No matter what, they have Zheng Shan\'s help. Now not only Zheng Shan, Li Yuan and Zheng Weijun are all helping from time to time.