Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 568: Chinese

"Little Zhao, you\'re not bragging right? Mr. Zheng Shan really wants to eat at your house?"

"Yes, don\'t fool us."

At this time, Dad Zhao said in a dignified manner: "Why am I lying to you? Our family Xiaowen and Zheng Shan are good friends. What\'s wrong with coming to our house for dinner?"

He has been talking about this to these neighbors, and now that Zheng Shan is finally here, facing the demands of these people, he can\'t refuse, otherwise he will really become a bragging king the next day.

"Let\'s go and have a look."

Zheng Shan heard their voices a long way away, while Zhao Wen looked helpless, "My dad is probably going to show off again, and then people want to see something new."

Zheng Shan said with a smile, "Look at the monkey?"

"Hey, I didn\'t say it, you said it yourself." Zhao Wen laughed.

Zheng Shan was speechless and didn\'t bother to pay attention to him. Following Dad Zhao were two old people, one three middle-aged people, a total of five people.

After seeing Zheng Shan, they were also sure that they were not mistaken. They were all Chinese, not these Europeans and Americans, and they were face blind to Chinese people.

To be honest, they look at Zheng Shan\'s photos, even more than the young people at home, which is the pride of the Chinese now.

Now that I see Zheng Shan himself, I instantly recognize it.

"It\'s really Zheng Shan?" An old man said excitedly, and asked the person next to him, for fear that he was wrong.

"That\'s right, it\'s Zheng Shan."

Zheng Shan quickly stepped forward and said, "Master, I am Zheng Shan."

"Oh, it\'s really you, I thought Xiao Zhao was bragging at first." The old man said in surprise.

I didn\'t expect that Zheng Shan\'s attitude was so good, which made the old man even more happy.

"You are the pride of our Chinese. Those people said that we Chinese can\'t do it. Let them see now. The last money in the United States is our Chinese. Who would dare to say that we Chinese can\'t do it."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Those people are all jealous of us. We work hard and make money. Who in the world dares to say we can\'t do it?"

"That\'s it."

"By the way, I\'ll bring it here. I heard that you are going to eat here at noon, shall we not disturb you?" The old man asked expectantly.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Of course I won\'t bother you."

"Haha, that\'s fine, that\'s fine."

Then the two old men did it, and the three middle-aged men left after saying a few words to Zheng Shan. It wasn\'t because they didn\'t want to stay here and have a friendship with Zheng Shan.

But the old man drove them away, saying that they would not disturb Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan didn\'t persuade him to stop. When he was eating, Zheng Shan watched the two old men drinking so hard, and he had a little liver trembling.

However, it can also be seen that the two old men were really happy. Zheng Shan did not stop after persuading him a few words, so he started drinking.

"This wine was brought secretly from my hometown at that time by my father. At that time, in order to bring it over, I suffered a lot of crimes. I haven\'t been willing to drink it for so many years. Fortunately, I didn\'t drink it, otherwise it would have been wasted." said.

Zheng Shan heard the words and said: "Then I will borrow your light to drink such a good wine."

"Hey, that\'s what I said, you can\'t drink any good wine, as long as you don\'t dislike it." The old man said.

"Of course I don\'t dislike it."

Chatting and chatting, I don\'t know what to do, so I talked about the domestic side.

"I came here with my parents when I was twelve years old. So many years have passed in a flash. Hey, I have no hope of going back in this life." The old man sighed.

Zheng Shan said, "Master, if you want to go back, you can go back anytime."

"I heard that it is inconvenient over there. If you go back, you still have to cause trouble to the country. There is no need." The old man shook his head.

Zheng Shan knew what was going on as soon as he heard it. These people probably didn\'t know the current situation in the country, and their news had been delayed for many years.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. The media on the western side has always smeared our country in their reports, and some Chinese abroad have no channels to understand, so the news can only come through these reports.

"Uncle, the country is different now. It has been reformed and opened up. Now go back and don\'t need much trouble." Zheng Shan said.

The old man didn\'t quite understand it, so Zheng Shan explained it to him in detail. After listening to Zheng Shan\'s explanation, the two old men were a little moved.

To be honest, when they were young, they didn\'t want to go back at all, because the gap in life was too big.

But when I get old, I suddenly want to go back, I really want to go back to my hometown, and go back to the place where they have only lived for more than ten years.

"Can we really go back?" an old man asked uncertainly.

Zheng Shan assured: "Of course, if you are at ease, I can help. If anyone wants to go back together, I will help you out."

Since the old man wants to go back and have a look, Zheng Shan is also very willing to help.

Over the years, overseas Chinese have given a lot of support to China, and those who donate money and materials are not behind others.

That alone is worth what Zheng Shan did.


After drinking to the end, Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "If the Chinese in Chinatown want to do some small business and have no funds in the future, they can go to Xishui Bank for a loan, and I will relax some of the requirements here."

Zheng Shan also provides some convenience for these Chinese.

"That won\'t work, this won\'t work, you\'re doing business, and we can\'t help you, even if we can\'t help you, it won\'t work," the old man said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Master, you may not know that when Xishui Bank was first established, the first batch of deposits came from the Chinese people in Chinatown scattered all over the place."

This is a fact. Although there were not a lot of them at the beginning, these Chinese people are also showing some support in their own way.

"And this is also an opportunity for me to make money. Borrowing money from Xishui Bank requires interest." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Immediately, Zheng Shan handed over this matter to Zhao Wen, and asked him to act as the middleman between Chinatown and Xishui Bank~www.novelhall.com~ In fact, this is also for Zhao Wen\'s reputation in the Chinese circle, as long as he is in this regard If done, then Zhao Wen will have a certain status in the American Chinese circle in the future, which will be very beneficial to his future.

Zhao Wen also knew that he didn\'t say anything to thank him, just nodded silently.

After all these things were dealt with, Zheng Shan took a group photo with several old people, and then returned to the capital with his family.

Zheng Weijun and the others were enjoying themselves. Although they only played for a few days, they also learned a lot.

Before leaving, Zheng Shan also took a look at the acquired chocolate factory. This was a gift he gave to Yan Qingqing, and it is now in operation.

And because of the presence of the retail giant Xishui Supermarket, the sales are quite good. After all, the taste is good, and the materials used are high-end. Although the price is higher, many people still like it.

But as soon as I came back, there were a lot of things, and everyone was so busy that they didn\'t touch the ground, so they didn\'t have time to reminisce about these things.