Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 570: bear paw

When Zheng Shan arrived in Shixian County, the car here was ready, all arranged by Ning Youde.

Now that everyone almost knows the situation, there is no need for Zheng Shan to keep a low profile.

"Is this road repaired?" Zheng Shan asked curiously while looking at the road leading to Dagu Village.

"It was almost repaired last year. Now it is convenient to go from home to the county seat, and walking is very fast." Zheng Jianguo said proudly.

Because the road is good, there are no bumps.

When I got home, as usual, the kitchen in the house was soon full.

Not only the people of Dagu Village, but also some people from other villages will bring food, which is still a good thing that many people are reluctant to eat.

Especially like some game in the mountains.

However, when Zheng Shan saw the bear paws sent by Boss Ge and the others, he was still stunned.

Boss Ge and the others gave away a tiger before, and the tiger skin is still hanging in Zheng Shan\'s study.

Now it\'s the bear\'s paw again, and it seems that the blind bear in the mountains has suffered.

The bear\'s paws have already been dealt with, it is obvious that the time to hunt the blind bear is not short.

"Thank you, when did you go up the mountain to hunt?" Zheng Shan was not polite and took it directly.

He also knew that if he was polite, it would be difficult for Boss Ge and the others.

Boss Ge touched the back of his head with a smirk and said, "Hehe, I have already dealt with it not long ago. After a little bit of it, you can eat it. It should taste good."

"Okay, I\'ll take it, by the way, how much is it." Zheng Shan said.

Accept it and accept it, but the money to be given cannot be less, and Zheng Shan doesn\'t want to take advantage.

Seeing what Boss Ge and the others were trying to say, Zheng Shan smiled and said, "If you don\'t accept the money, I won\'t accept anything you send next time."

"Uh..." Boss Ge and the two brothers around him looked at each other, and then said, "Then give me ten dollars."

Zheng Shan said speechlessly: "Is the bear\'s paw so cheap now? Okay, I\'ll give you three hundred yuan, more will not be refunded and less will not be made up."

After talking, they went into the house to get the money. Boss Ge and the others wanted to refuse. The money was too much, and they didn\'t even want to ask for money, they just wanted to thank Zheng Shan.

Now the life of the Ge family is very good. When they work in the city, they have found a daughter-in-law, and the second child has also found a daughter-in-law in the city.

This is the envy of many people nearby.

So they are grateful to Zheng Shan from the bottom of their hearts, and it is because of Zheng Shan that they are today.

Now that he has taken so much money, Boss Ge feels embarrassed.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan smiled and said: "This money is what you deserve, let\'s put it this way, if this bear\'s paw is sent to the capital, let alone three hundred, even three thousand will be asked for, I do this to take advantage. already."

"By the way, and next time you don\'t have to go hunting in the mountains specifically for me, it\'s too dangerous. Just send me some game when you catch some game."

Zheng Shan was really afraid that these people would venture into the mountains to hunt such beasts in order to give him something.

Old Ge Dahan smiled and said, "It\'s okay, we grew up in the mountains since we were young. This is a small problem."

Zheng Shan wanted to say something, but found that someone came to deliver something, and Zheng Shan could only go to receive it.

Boss Ge and the others were ready to leave when they saw the situation. Before leaving, Zheng Shan asked them to take away a cigarette and two bottles of wine.

These are all specially transferred from the warehouse by Zheng Shan. He knows that many people will come to deliver these things every year, and it is not good to accept them.

And there are so many people in the family who really need these things, so they can save it and buy them again.

So Zheng Shan prepared some tobacco and alcohol. No matter who came to deliver the thing, it was a cigarette and two bottles of alcohol, no matter what the value of the thing was.

Zheng Shan is also preventing people from making comparisons just because of this.

But don\'t underestimate these people, this is not possible, if Zheng Shan really differentiates the return gifts according to the value of the gifts, then they will definitely compare.

When it came time to go out and talk about what Zheng Shan\'s family had sent back, how good it was, they immediately started to compare.

It was busy until the big night, and the talents stopped a little, and Zheng Shan\'s family finally had a meal.

"Where are the fourth and the others?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Shan specially arranged a car to send them, and there were drivers going back and forth, and they didn\'t even need them to drive the car, which could reduce some bumps a little, and the roads they found were all in relatively good road conditions.

Zhong Huixiu said, "I just got back from the phone call, considering that I can be there tomorrow night."

Zheng Shengli came here just after dinner. In the afternoon, Zheng Shan and the others went to their grandparents\' house, and then came back to clean up, and they didn\'t have time to chat.

"Master, have you eaten yet?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Shengli said: "Just finished eating, you can eat."

Having said that, Zhong Huixiu still took the clothes and tableware and let Zheng Shengli sit on the table.

"Master, have a drink?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Zheng Shengli was obviously a little greedy. It was estimated that this was the purpose of this time, so when he heard Zheng Shan say this, his eyes lit up. Although he didn\'t speak, the meaning was obvious.

Zheng Shan smiled and poured a full glass for Grandpa, about two or two, "That\'s all, drink it and it\'s gone."

"You guy, you are starting to take care of me now." Zheng Shengli was quite happy at first, but when he heard what Zheng Shan said, he suddenly became annoyed.

Zheng Shan shrugged and said, "I also want to give you more, but I\'m afraid grandma will nag me."

"Who am I nagging again?" At this time, the old lady\'s voice came from outside, and the old lady\'s ears were fine.

Zheng Shengli subconsciously wanted to hide the wine, but after seeing so many juniors on the table, he immediately stopped.

Zheng Shan couldn\'t help laughing at this scene, the old man seemed to be very strict with the old lady.

Perhaps seeing Zheng Shan\'s smile, Zheng Shengli glared at the grandson.

"Milk~www.novelhall.com~ It\'s nothing, have you eaten? Let\'s have some together?" Zheng Shan said.

"I\'ve eaten, I\'ll come to see my great-grandson." Saying that, he reached the edge of Niuniu\'s cradle and watched the little guy sleep.

Zheng Shengli breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and somehow gave him some face.

"Now that the ancestral hall has been repaired, it will be more convenient to worship ancestors at that time. In addition, it is..." Zheng Shengli didn\'t just come here for drinking, but this time he also had a serious business.

Zheng Shan listened to his grandfather\'s arrangement and nodded from time to time to show that he was listening.

"Master, you can arrange it. I don\'t know about this. You can do it if you say it." Zheng Shandao.

Zheng Shengli snorted, "I don\'t think I can count on you, but Weijun, you can\'t learn from Dashan, you have to know all these things, you are the eldest in the family, and you will be needed for anything in this area in the future. hosted."

Zheng Weijun nodded, he actually knew it, so when Zheng Shengli said this just now, he listened very carefully.