Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 565: Mr. Pei

After eating, Zhao Wen and the others didn\'t stop here, knowing that Zheng Shan must have been tired from the long journey.

When Zheng Shan sent them away, Zhao Wen said, "Dashan, this time I might be a little awkward to say this, but..."

Zheng Shan interrupted him and said with a smile, "Of course I know, don\'t I believe you? Don\'t worry, I\'ll take care of these things."

After finishing speaking, he said to Bob: "You don\'t need to have any psychological burden, these are all normal, and the other point is that you have to learn a little bit in the future, business is business, don\'t mix too many human feelings, Otherwise you will be very tired."

"Okay, you all go back first, and I\'ll get together when I\'m done." Zheng Shan said.

"Okay, then I won\'t say more, let\'s go." Zhao Wen left.

"Say hello to my uncles and aunts for me, and I\'ll go see them when I\'m done." Zheng Shan said.

"it is good."

Zheng Shan returned to his room, and immediately called Moore and asked him to sort out the detailed information of Maple Leaf Company, as well as the various results achieved during this period.

Senior executives want shares, and Zheng Shan also needs to see how much benefit they have created for the company, especially in terms of technology.

If it\'s just the sales performance, then Zheng Shan really can\'t say whether he will give them shares, because in terms of sales, the various conveniences given by the Xishui Group are too great, and there is no way to truly reflect their contribution.

Then he also went to bed, got up early the next morning, and was going to visit Mr. IM Pei today.

As for Zheng Kui and the others, the fifth and fourth children directly asked for leave. It was not two days away anyway, and the school had already completed the final teaching task.

The exams are all over, so it doesn\'t matter if you go or not.

The old five and the family took a good stroll here, and Zheng Shan came to Mr. Pei\'s residence by himself.

It was almost noon now, and Zheng Shan knocked on the door.

"Who are you looking for?" A servant opened the door.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "I\'m from China, and I want to talk to Mr. Pei about something, please let me know."

Mr. Bei had been contacted by Zheng Shan before, so this visit was not unexpected.

Soon Mr. Bei came out to greet him in person.

Zheng Shan greeted him very politely. After being seated separately, Zheng Shan did not rush to design things, but talked about some everyday things.

"The domestic development momentum is very good now, and I believe it will get better and better in the future. The country has begun to reform and open up, especially Guangzhou, which is listed as a key city for reform and opening up. I believe that the next time Mr. Maybe they will not know each other." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Mr. Bei\'s hometown is in Guangzhou, and when Zheng Shan talks about this, the old man will naturally have some feelings.

"I hope the country will get better and better. I am also getting old and I have concerns here." Mr. Bei sighed.

"Yes, the country will definitely get better and better. I believe it will not take many years for our country to stand on top of the world again." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

While speaking, Mr. Bei suddenly said, "Have we met before? I see you look familiar."

Zheng Shandao: "The old gentleman and I must have never met before, otherwise I am absolutely impressed, as for the familiar face..."

"Maybe the old gentleman saw me in some media promotions."

"Media? Isn\'t Mr. Zheng from China?" Mr. Bei asked in surprise.

Zheng Shandao: "I am from China, but when I was young, my second grandfather took me to the United States. I only returned to China six years ago. I have made some money in the United States over the years. It can be regarded as a bit of fame."

Zheng Shan said this, and Mr. Bei suddenly thought of where he saw Zheng Shan.

After all, the Chinese are on the throne of the richest man in the United States. As a Chinese, Mr. Pei is naturally very concerned.

Not only Mr. Ieoh Ming Pei, but also all Chinese in Europe and America are basically very concerned about Zheng Shan.

It\'s just that I didn\'t think about it at first.

At this time, Mr. Bei looked at Zheng Shan with a bit of surprise, and finally sighed, "Mr. Zheng is willing to return to China at this time and contribute to the construction of the country, I might as well."

"Mr. You are too flattering for me. I\'m homesick too. The other thing is to do my part." Zheng Shan said.

"Home~ Hey!" Mr. Bei sighed deeply as if he had thought of something.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan quickly changed the subject, "Sir, this time I\'m here because I actually want to ask you for help."

Mr. Bei came back to his senses and said with a smile, "Want to build a tall building?"

"Old gentleman sees it clearly." Zheng Shan flattered.

Mr. Pei laughed and said, "I, Pei, are only capable of this. If you come to me to do other things, I can\'t do it."

"Tell me about it."

Mr. Bei did not refuse.

Zheng Shan said seriously: "This time I want the old gentleman to design two plans for me, one is the Magic City, which needs to be the tallest building in the world, and the second plan is in the capital, which requires the old man The gentleman designed a building complex for me, preferably a combination of East and West."

Zheng Shan handed over both architectural plans to Mr. Pei to do it.

Mr. Bei thought for a while and said, "I\'m too old now, and I may not be able to keep up with my age, so if it\'s all handed to me, it may take a little longer."

"It\'s okay, we can wait." Zheng Shan said.

"Just believe me?" Mr. Bei said with a smile when he saw Zheng Shan so happy.

Zheng Shandao: "You are an authority in this regard, of course I believe you."

"And you can rest assured that the budget is not a problem, as long as it is suitable, it doesn\'t matter how much money." Zheng Shan said in a big way.

"I still believe this. After all, is he the richest man, haha." Mr. Bei ridiculed.

Zheng Shan also smiled and said, "I only have this bit of stinky money left in my hand now."

"You are wrong about this~www.novelhall.com~ What is stinky money? If you don\'t want it, you can give it to me."

This matter, which originally required a meeting and various negotiations, was completed in a few words between the two.

First of all, it is also because of Zheng Shan\'s identity. After all, he is the richest man. No matter where he is, he has a lot of connections.

Mr. Bei doesn\'t need to think much about himself, but he also needs to think more about his students and his team.

Of course, these are secondary reasons.

The most important thing is that this is designed for China, and Mr. Bei is very willing to do it.

At noon, Zheng Shan stayed here for lunch and had a drink with the old gentleman.

Zheng Shan talked about some changes in Guangdong in recent years, and Mr. Bei listened very carefully at this time.

This is his hometown.