Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 566: Premium

Facing Zheng Shan\'s invitation, Mr. Bei did not hesitate, and agreed very happily, but it might take a little longer due to physical reasons.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t mind this very much, and I believe that the magic capital won\'t be so anxious. After all, this is Mr. Bei\'s work. In addition to Zheng Shan\'s financial resources, I believe it will definitely satisfy them. Slow work and meticulous work They still understand.

Zheng Shan didn\'t stay here too long, he went back soon, and also arranged to get in touch with Mr. Bei.

Zheng Shan definitely didn\'t have time to follow this project all the time, so he could only arrange for someone to come over.

After another day at home, seeing Zheng Kui and the others excited, Zheng Shan did not participate.

The next day, Zheng Shan came to Xishui Investment Company. Now several companies under Xishui Group have been completely separated, and they do not work together.

Moore had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw Zheng Shan coming over, he quickly greeted some executives to come in for a meeting.

The first is to report the results. Although Zheng Shan knows all these things, he should still listen.

Moore also picked up some important reports, and then talked about the Maple Leaf Company.

Moore\'s report was very detailed, and he also knew why Zheng Shan came today, and also said some of his own thoughts.

"Maple Leaf is indeed developing very well now, and there is no doubt about the ability of the founding team, but in my opinion, a large part of it is because of the good resources we provide.

They are indeed fruitful, but they are not particularly outstanding compared to our efforts. "

"Now they want to introduce new investors, and at the same time, they also want to make new capital injections, increase their own shares, and refuse our capital injections, which I disagree with," Moore said seriously.

Bob\'s founding team did not ask for shares for nothing, but used their own money for a new round of financing.

Now that Maple Leaf is developing better and better, in another two years, it may even consider going public. At this time, it is natural to think about taking more shares.

As for the introduction of new capital, Zheng Shan did not say anything about this, which is a very normal thing.

Unless Maple Leaf wants to become a vassal of Xishui Investment, it has no right to speak, or it will definitely introduce new capital to check and balance Xishui Investment.

Moore also understands that most of the unhappiness he showed was for Maple Leaf to increase his price.

To put it bluntly, it is also a kind of business negotiation.

Bob has no special idea about the control of the company. Instead, he thinks that if Zheng Shan has full control, he is still very happy.

But this is just his idea. He has an unusual relationship with Zheng Shan, and he is very grateful to Zheng Shan from the bottom of his heart.

Others don\'t think so. They are also grateful to Zheng Shan. They are grateful to Zheng Shan for investing money in them when they were first, so that they can really enter the industry.

In the next time, we will continue to inject capital, continue to give them resources to develop, and give them personal connections.

They are all grateful to Zheng Shan. If the company has always been weak, then these will not matter.

But now the company is bigger, and they think they have a lot to do, so they want more.

This is human nature, and there is no need to criticize anything.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t really think that everyone has to listen to him, and everyone has to make concessions for his interests.

After listening to Moore\'s words, Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "Tell me about their innovation in technology."

Moore didn\'t say much after hearing the words, and began to narrate in detail. After Zheng Shan heard it, he really found that these people had made a lot of achievements.

Technically, from optimizing various hardware combinations, it has successfully built its reputation, and negotiated cooperation with some manufacturers, but many of these are due to Xishui Investment.

It has to be said that these people are indeed very capable, and they also have a clear understanding of the development of Maple Leaf.

This is very rare, and Zheng Shan is also clear that if a company wants to develop, the founder is actually very important, not just the support of capital.

After listening to Moore\'s narration, Zheng Shan pondered for a moment and said: "So, you invite them to come over for a meeting tomorrow, this matter can\'t be delayed, it should be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it will also affect the company\'s development. "

Moore said: "Okay, but boss, we don\'t need to compromise with them, and we have most of the credit for their current success."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Really? But let you take control of Maple Leaf, can you do this? Or replace all their teams. Do you think you can continue to lead Maple Leaf forward?"

Moore stopped talking, he wanted to say yes, but if he didn\'t do it well, then he couldn\'t take the responsibility.

"Okay, it\'s arranged like this. The most important thing in doing business can\'t be done. Money will never be enough. What we need is win-win cooperation." Zheng Shan waved his hand.

When Moore heard this, he knew Zheng Shan\'s decision, and he didn\'t speak. Zheng Shan has absolute rights in the entire Xishui Group. As long as he decides something good, no one can object.

Even in the current Xishui Supermarket, some companies want to take the opportunity to share their rights, but it is still what Zheng Shan said.

In the same way, Lucas\'s methods are also extremely good, completely controlling the Xishui supermarket, not giving them many chances.


The next day, Bob brought his team to Xishui Investment. Bob was a little nervous. He was actually the most difficult person to do.

He didn\'t want Zheng Shan to be embarrassed, and he didn\'t want the team to be distracted, and he was always in the middle of the mud.

At this time, Zheng Shan seemed to have decided what to do~www.novelhall.com~ made him nervous for a while. He didn\'t value money and shares, and he valued friendship more.

It also has something to do with his growth.

"Everyone, sit down. I\'m not going to sell the lawsuit anymore. Everyone\'s time is very tight. I also heard about everyone\'s demands recently. Today I will give you an answer." Zheng Shan went straight to the topic.

In an instant, the entire conference room was quiet, and the needles could be heard, especially Bob\'s team members, who held their breath subconsciously at this time.

Zheng Shan looked around and said: "In principle, I agree with your request and am willing to release some shares, but these shares need to be at a premium of 20% of the market price, that is, the next financing, regardless of the company\'s What is the valuation, there must be a 20% premium.”

As soon as these words came out, Bob\'s team was overjoyed, and Bob was a little relieved, but he always felt a little sorry for Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan seemed to know what he was thinking, and smiled at him, indicating that it was all right.