Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 564: maple leaf

Zheng Shan doesn\'t have too high requirements for the fifth, but he obviously couldn\'t get into college in China before. He was too playful and wasted his talent, so he went abroad.

Now that the fifth child says he wants to take the test by himself, Zheng Shan is quite relieved, but he feels that if the fifth child is still the same as before, it will be difficult to pass the exam.

Zheng Shan asked the other three again, each of them had their own choices, not to study in the same school.

Yan Lele and Guan Fei not only wanted to wait for the fifth and the others to go to college together, but also made some preparations for their own dreams. Before, they did not have the confidence to be admitted to their ideal school.

From this point, Zheng Shan can feel that he sent a few of them out right, because they all have some goals of their own and some plans for the future.

Even Zheng Lan and the others felt the changes in the old five, and when they talked about their future, they all had expectations.

Such a state is something they do not have. Even now, they are still taking a step by step.

They are still confused about the future, because of the current national conditions, and of course their own problems.

"When the big girl and the second girl grow up, I will also send them out." Zheng Lan said with emotion.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "I\'m afraid you won\'t be able to bear it, and you won\'t be able to control them when you come out. Now these two girls are amazing. In the future, I don\'t think it\'s a fuel-efficient lamp."

Hearing this, Zheng Lan said angrily, "Who is it to blame? It\'s me? It\'s not your uncle who used to make them like this? Now that I teach them a lesson, they dare to talk back to me."

Zheng Shandao: "I\'m just concerned about what happened to my niece? I\'m good to my niece, aren\'t you happy?"

"Bum, I\'m going crazy with joy."

Just when the two were arguing, the doorbell rang outside, and the fifth hurried to open the door, "Brother Zhao, Brother Bob."

"You\'re here so soon?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

The people who came were really Zhao Wen and Bob. Zheng Shan also informed them both of them in advance when he came here this time.

"Didn\'t I miss you?" Zhao Wen exaggeratedly said.

"Fuck off, I\'m a family man." Zheng Shan scolded with a smile.

Zhao Wen pretended to be awkward and said, "So, I\'m one step behind? You said it earlier."

Seeing him like this, Zheng Shan was suddenly speechless, why is this guy getting more and more out of line now.

After laughing for a while, Song Bei also prepared dinner. Fortunately, the kitchen in the villa was big enough to seat so many people.

"Would you like to visit some of our companies this time?" Bob asked.

Zheng Shan waved his hand and said, "No, I believe in your abilities, and I have other things to do when I come here this time."

"Okay, but next time you have time, you must come over and take a good look. Now that the company has developed thoroughly, you should also check it. You must know that you are the largest shareholder of the company now." Bob said.

At this time, Bob was no longer as shy as before, and he didn\'t know how to speak when he saw strangers.

Although it is still a bit introverted, in many occasions, it is still possible to communicate normally.

Bob is regarded as the CEO of Technology Stream, which also affects his company. Now Maple Leaf has not just assembled computers, but has begun to build its own computer brand.

There is already set out towards the field of software, and has achieved certain results.

The company\'s technology is constantly updated and iterative, and it has not stopped.

Zheng Shan is also very satisfied with this, "You are doing very well now, and I am very relieved. For Maple Leaf\'s affairs, all I can do is support. With the team led by you, I believe that a better future will be created. ."

"Don\'t talk about these falsehoods, let\'s be practical. What are you doing with so many falsehoods? If people don\'t know, they think you are specially fooling people to work for you." Zhao Wen complained.

Before Zheng Shan could speak, Bob next to him hurriedly said, "Zheng Shan, don\'t listen to his nonsense, we have already got a lot."

Zheng Shan raised his eyebrows, "Did someone in the company say something?"

Bob said, "No, no, it\'s just some nagging."

"Hey, all brothers, what can\'t you say, and Bob, I feel you are too, these things need to be decided by a big boss like Dashan, you are now caught in the middle, in a dilemma, when something happens, It\'s not good for anyone." Zhao Wendao.

Zheng Shan looked at Zhao Wen, and Zhao Wen didn\'t hide it, "Actually, some senior officials of Maple Leaf, especially the people in Bob\'s team, want to increase some of their own shares.

After all, you took too many shares before. Now the company is getting bigger and bigger. Although they have the support of your funds and sales, they also think that they have put in a lot of efforts and have shown results, so they want to get more . "

"I\'ve heard about these things. Bob just kept pressing. I think if you don\'t deal with it, some people will be poached by then."

Zheng Shan pondered after hearing the words, and at the same time indicated that Bob didn\'t need to explain anything, "So, Bob, you go and tell them, I will consider the issue of shares, and in the past few days, I need to re-look at the specific details of Maple Leaf Company. It\'s up to the situation to decide."

This matter may really be Zheng Shan\'s mistake. He needs to be busy with too many things, and because he trusts Bob, he doesn\'t pay too much attention to Maple Leaf\'s affairs.

Maybe they really didn\'t deal with some things on Maple Leaf\'s side. Now, let alone the founder team, some people joined halfway. As long as they created huge benefits for the company, they also needed shares to reward them.

At the beginning of Bob\'s side, Zheng Shan\'s continuous investment caused them to lose too many shares, because they were all just kidding at the beginning. I didn\'t expect to make such a big step by step~www.novelhall.com ~ So now some people feel that they are at a disadvantage, or that their current rewards are not worth their efforts and achievements.

These are all human feelings. Because of his relationship with Zheng Shan and his gratitude to Zheng Shan, Bob thinks he has got enough.

But he is him, but other people don\'t have so much affection with Zheng Shan.

"Okay, that\'s it, Bob, next time you can\'t hold back on this kind of thing, do what you want to do? What? In your eyes, I am a capitalist who wants money to death?" Zheng Shan laughed said.

Bob scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly: "I didn\'t think so, I just feel that their requirements are too much."

"It\'s nothing too much, since they have made a request, then we can negotiate, and we can talk about it again." Zheng Shandao.

Seeing this, Zhao Wen breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, the main purpose of his visit this time was to break this point. He didn\'t want the relationship between Bob and Zheng Shan to become deadlocked because of these things.