Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 560: Excited

When Zheng Kui arrived at Zheng Shan\'s house, he found that there were already many people in the house at this time. Zheng Weijun, Zheng Lan, Wen Jie, Li Yuan, Wei Chengjun and others all came.

Even Uncle Lu, who hasn\'t been seen for a long time, came, and Zheng Shan was sitting down with Uncle Lu at the moment.

"Don\'t be so excited. If you continue to be so excited, I\'m afraid your body won\'t be able to bear it." Zheng Shan said with a bit of a laugh.

He also guessed that these people could guess when the newspaper was published, so he had already made preparations, but he didn\'t expect that Uncle Lu was so excited that he almost fainted on the spot.

"Brother, is this really you?" Zheng Kui couldn\'t guess when he saw this scene, and his hand holding the newspaper trembled.

At this time, Zheng Weijun and the others were all in a trance, and they have not recovered until now.

Although there has been some speculation, when Zheng Shan really admitted that the richest man was him, Zheng Weijun and others still felt a little dreaming.

The richest man!

This is no ordinary person.

They all know that Zheng Shan has money and is not short of money, but no matter how open their minds are, they dare not think that Zheng Shan is the richest man, which is completely beyond their understanding.

At this moment, they also thought of what their mother said a few days ago that Zheng Shan was staying on Fragrant Hill for one night and had a long talk with the old man all night.

Now it seems that it should be the identity of Zhengshan\'s richest man.

Zheng Shan looked at him like this, nodded and said, "Yes, your brother is the richest man, how is it, are you happy?"

"Really?" Zheng Kui asked again, not because he didn\'t believe his brother, but because he couldn\'t believe his ears.

Zheng Shan ignored him, but looked at Uncle Lu with concern. At this time, Uncle Lu\'s spirit became abnormally dazed.

Since this year, Uncle Lu\'s health has actually been a little bit bad, although he has eaten well and slept well over the years.

Zheng Shan also sent some nutritional supplements from time to time, but Uncle Lu was old after all. In addition, he endured hardships when he was young, and the years he was tossed by his eldest son and son-in-law made his health not so good.

So Zheng Shan was a little worried about Uncle Lu\'s body.

"Hahahahaha." Suddenly Uncle Lu burst out laughing, causing Zheng Shan to shudder.

Zheng Shan looked at Uncle Lu and said, "Master, what\'s wrong with you? Let\'s go to the hospital to see if it really doesn\'t work."

Uncle Lu ignored Zheng Shan, laughed and coughed, "Cough, cough, haha, don\'t mention my current health... cough cough... very good, even if I die now, it\'s worth it, the richest man. , America\'s richest man, I heard that he is still the world\'s richest man, hahaha."

Seeing him like this, Li Yuan also came back to his senses, and hurriedly stepped forward and patted Uncle Lu on the back.

It was difficult to make Uncle Lu feel more comfortable and stopped coughing, but Uncle Lu was more and more excited at this time, which made Zheng Shan more and more worried.

"It\'s okay, I know my body. It may be difficult to live another ten years, but it\'s still possible within three to five years." Uncle Lu waved his hand.

"And under such a good thing, I can\'t break the chain and let the good thing turn into a bad thing."

Zheng Shan said with a smile, "It\'s fine for you to be clear. In the future, you can tell me where you want to play and what you want to eat. You don\'t need to save me money now."

Uncle Lu smiled and said, "I never thought of saving money for you."

At this time, Zheng Weijun and the others finally came to their senses, and Zheng Lan murmured: "So I am now the richest man\'s sister?"

"I am the elder brother of the richest man."

"Then I\'m the brother of the richest man."

The three Zheng family said one by one, Zheng Weijun\'s face was still a little dazed, the news was too sudden.

Suddenly until now, he couldn\'t believe it.

On the other hand, Wen Jie, Yuan Xiaohua and Lin Meihua were always in a trance.

Lin Meihua and Wen Jie are better. After all, when they married Zheng Weijun and Zheng Lan, Zheng Shan was still in the United States.

Not to mention the richest man, it is difficult to eat at home.

As for Yuan Xiaohua, that would not work. When she married Zheng Kui, Zheng Shan had already returned, and everyone in the Zheng family was doing well.

So the shock that brought her was the biggest at this time. She became the daughter-in-law of the richest man?

Although Yuan Xiaohua doesn\'t read much and doesn\'t understand the big truth, the concept of the richest man is still clear.

Is she climbing too high?

In the past, marrying Zheng Kui was a high-profile, but in general, it was acceptable. After all, the biggest high-profile was to directly change from a rural area to a capital hukou.

But now it\'s different, this is the richest family.

Her husband is the real brother of the richest man, so Yuan Xiaohua was in a trance at the same time, and the pressure was huge.

"Okay, don\'t think about these, there is no difference between me and our relationship, whether I am the richest man or not, whose brother or whose brother should I be, whose brother or whose brother should I be, what? Is it because of me? I\'m the richest man, so you won\'t recognize me?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

"Who is stupid, hum, even if we broke up before, after knowing that you are the richest man, I will shamelessly recognize this relative." Zheng Lan hummed.

Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun were slightly better than the others at this time, but that was the limit. At this time, they also understood why Zheng Shan had been not very interested in their partnership business before.

At the same time, he never cares about business affairs. As long as there are no problems with the accounts, Zheng Shan just smiles when he loses money.

It turns out that in their eyes, they have become a bigger and stronger business, but in Zheng Shan\'s eyes, it is probably nothing.

In addition, the suggestions that Zheng Shan gave them before were only for their own development. Zheng Shan didn\'t care about the furniture of the garden, and discussed the development of Guzhai.

There is also what Zheng Shan said, no matter what the future business looks like or how big it is, he will not interfere in anything in the company.

All the reasons are here.

"Brother~www.novelhall.com~ You are now the richest man, how do you feel?" Zheng Kui asked enthusiastically.

Zheng Shan said speechlessly, "I don\'t feel it."

"Why not, you are now the richest person in the world." Zheng Kui said anxiously.

Zheng Shan sighed, "First of all, the richest person needs a question mark, and Forbes\' statistics are not completely accurate. Let\'s just say, when they counted my property, there were a lot of leaks, and others must be the same. in this way."

"In addition, even if I am really the richest man, it is not that I suddenly become the richest man today, and their ranking will not increase my wealth, nor will it reduce my wealth, what do you think I can have? feel?"

Zheng Kui was speechless for a while.

At this moment, Zhong Huixiu and Fu Meiyi came over with their children in their arms, each holding one in their hands.

"What\'s wrong with you? Did something happen when you came here?" Zhong Huixiu asked in surprise.