Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 559: newspaper

This documentary puts Zheng Shan\'s video at the end, and Yan Qingqing is also on camera. The introduction to Yan Qingqing will be much more detailed.

British turtle, devoted to education, teacher at Peking University, and shouldering national research tasks and so on.

In addition, Yan Qingqing\'s appearance is here, making many young viewers in front of the TV a little jealous of Zheng Shan.


Such a beautiful and high-level intellectual turtle, why did she marry Zheng Shan? Doesn\'t it look handsome?

Especially the introduction to Zheng Shan in the back is much simpler, not even the specific name of the company, or even what to do.

It just looks like the company is not simple from the outside, the luxurious decoration, busy staff everywhere, as well as the temperament, and many foreigners, make many people guess what the company is doing.


After the one-and-a-half-hour documentary was over, the Zheng family all relaxed. They were all satisfied with their performance, mainly because of the good editing.

In fact, this special documentary is very adaptable to current events, and now the country is more and more firm about reform and opening up.

The Zhengshan family can be established as a model. Although this model is not typical, it is enough to bring confidence to some entrepreneurs.

Not to mention, after this documentary was broadcast, it brought a lot of repercussions. Some people who were hesitant, after seeing this documentary, also made up their minds.

In this era, many people are used to this kind of people who don\'t like it and don\'t dare to go out.

But in this era, there is no shortage of people who dare to fight. Such people can often have some extraordinary achievements in such an era.

Even this documentary was picked up by some other local TV stations and played directly.

Not just one year, but even three or five years later, you can still occasionally see this documentary from some TV stations.

This is also what Zheng Shan did not expect.

But just now, this documentary about the Zheng family has caused quite a stir, and many people still want to interview them, but they can\'t find the door.

Some people know where Zheng Shan\'s family lives, but they don\'t dare to reveal it at will.

Many people may not pay attention to Zheng Shan who appeared at the end, but those who do know understand that this is the real boss.


The fermentation speed and impact of the documentary have far exceeded Zheng Shan\'s expectations. He originally thought that everyone might just have a good time, but he did not expect many people to make decisions that affect their lives, and some people put their family together. as a goal.

Especially as the content of the interview with Zheng Shan was published in the form of newspapers two days later, it pushed all this to a climax.

Regarding the interview with Zheng Shan, the leaders above were also considering it before, but with Zheng Shan staying in Xiangshan, many things were taken out logically, and even some of the content that was not easy to publish before has been reviewed at this time. published.


Zheng Kui was busy working in the office at this time, and now with him forming a transport team, he really can\'t relax at all.

He didn\'t need to worry too much about the repair shop. With Fan Da Fan Er\'s help, he was basically stable.

And with the marriage of Fan Da Fan Er, Zheng Kui also gave them some shares.

Fan Da and Fan Er are married to Lingling and the others.

The matter of the transport team made Zheng Kui worry a lot. Although he still had Zheng Shan\'s help, Zheng Kui needed to worry about the handling of many things.

Now with the birth of his kid, Zheng Kui feels a little more stressed anyway, and can no longer be like before, just eat and drink enough.

When he was finally busy, Zheng Kui breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip of tea, and then picked up the newspaper and read it.

The habit of reading newspapers is also what Zheng Shan asked him to develop. Zheng Shan told him that many current affairs are related to business.

Zheng Kui\'s first sight is naturally to see the headlines on the front page, interviewing the richest man!

Zheng Kui is also interested, the richest man? And the richest man in America? Whoever it is must be very interested.

But looking at it, Zheng Kui felt something was wrong. Why is this name so familiar?

Isn\'t that his third brother\'s name?

America\'s richest man or a Chinese?

But the more Zheng Kui thought about it, the more wrong it became. How could there be such a coincidence? He also knows that his third brother also has business in the United States, and the business is not small.

It can be seen from some of the situation of the fifth of their own family. According to the fifth, they live in a villa there, and there are special people to cook for them, which is equivalent to a nanny.

This is all arranged by their third brother.

Could this be his third brother? This is the thought that popped into Zheng Kui\'s mind, and the more he thinks about it, the more it gets deeper into his mind, because it\'s too coincidental.

Zheng Kui also thought that some time ago, his third brother seemed to have a special personal interview. As for the interview, he didn\'t know.

Before, he wondered why he didn\'t see Zheng Shan\'s special interview on TV. Now that he thinks about it, if the richest man is Zheng Shan, then it makes sense. This is the interview that day.

There is also the previous documentary. It seems that Zheng Shan\'s name is not even mentioned, just called Mr. Zheng. Is this intentional?

Thinking of this, Zheng Kui was completely restless, picked up the newspaper and ran out.

"What\'s wrong? Did something happen?" Yuan Xiaohua was also startled when she saw Zheng Kui like this, and hurried out to ask.

Zheng Kui pulled Yuan Xiaohua into the car, "Look at this."

Saying that, he handed the newspaper to Yuan Xiaohua, but he drove directly to Zheng Shan\'s house. He wanted to ask if his third brother was really him.

Yuan Xiaohua was a bit baffled~www.novelhall.com~ but when she saw the content and the name, she was completely stunned.

She really didn\'t think about it at first. After all, this is the richest man, so it\'s probably just a duplicate name.

But when she saw her husband was so excited, it was hard for her not to think about it.

"You...you, you, you, you said this is the third brother?" Yuan Xiaohua stammered, she couldn\'t imagine that Zheng Shan, who was gentle to others and looked no different from normal people, was actually the richest man?

Zheng Kui said: "I don\'t know, but I guess it\'s almost the same. Otherwise, there is no such a coincidence. They are called Zheng Shan, and my brother also has an industry in the United States, and I heard that he is not small."

"But.... Coco, but, this... this, this..." Yuan Xiaohua couldn\'t speak for a long time, it was really unbelievable.

The richest man is still the richest man in the United States. Although the newspaper does not say he is the richest man in the world, in the understanding of ordinary people, the richest man in the United States is almost equivalent to the richest man in the world, right?