Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 561: drama addiction

Fu Meiyi hugged her grandson and watched, she also thought that something had happened, and was a little worried in her heart.

After all, there are so many people gathered all at once, and the state of each one seems to be a little wrong, how can you not worry?

At this time, Zheng Lan walked up to Zheng Shan and said solemnly to Zhong Huixiu and Fu Meiyi: "Two respected ladies, let me introduce you to you now."

Seeing her unrighteous appearance, Zhong Huixiu said angrily, "If you have something to say, hurry up, if you have a fart, let it go. What are you talking about?"

"Cough, lady, please pay attention to your current status and don\'t scold people." Zheng Lan\'s expression became more and more "serious".

Zhong Huixiu said, "What\'s my identity? I\'m your mother!"

Zheng Lan: ......

Why does this sound weird?

"Cough cough." Zheng Lan coughed twice, pretending she didn\'t hear it, and continued: "Have you seen this respected gentleman?"

As he spoke, he half bent over to introduce Zheng Shan\'s appearance.

Zheng Shan was addicted to seeing her sister\'s acting. It was a little funny, but also a little nostalgic. When she was a child, Zheng Lan liked to tease people and play people like this very much, but when she grew up, she never did it again.

At this time, Zheng Shan also cooperated with his sister, raised his chin high, and pretended to be arrogant.

Seeing him like this, Zhong Huixiu looked around, Zheng Shan saw this, got up in a hurry and said, "Mom, we don\'t bring beaters."

"This lady, please pay attention to your quality." Zheng Lan also panicked.

The others were watching the excitement, especially when Zhong Huixiu was looking for a broom, Zheng Shan looked panicked, and the strangeness they felt before disappeared instantly.

Zheng Shan is still the same Zheng Shan, and he has not changed in the slightest. Facing his mother\'s broom, he still panics.

"I think you\'ve been beaten by a ghost, and I\'m going to give you some bad luck." Zhong Huixiu said through gritted teeth.

Zheng Lan is no longer amused, and is also afraid that her mother will actually do it. Although she is still holding Zheng Kui\'s son in her hand, it will not affect her mother\'s action at all.

But in the end, Zheng Lan couldn\'t help but slap her skin, "This distinguished lady, please pay attention to your manners. The one in front of you now is the richest man."

"I think you deserve to be beaten." Zhong Huixiu finally found the broom and started to pick it up.

"Mom, mom, don\'t, calm down, what I said is true, Dashan is really the richest man, you see, this is all in the newspaper." Zheng Lan finally stopped pretending and said quickly.

Seeing this, Zhong Huixiu took the newspaper, and after reading it for a while, she was dumbfounded.

Yuan Xiaohua carefully took her son over when Zhong Huixiu took the newspaper. She knew that when Zhong Huixiu saw the news, she would definitely be shocked.

"This...is this true?" Zhong Huixiu stuttered involuntarily.

Like everyone else, she couldn\'t believe it when she saw the news.

"Mom, this is a newspaper, how can you deceive people, and you forgot that Dashan was invited by the old man to talk all night." Zheng Lan said proudly.

She is proud to have such a brother.

After returning from Zhengshan, her life has undergone earth-shaking changes. In the past, because her family was poor, she often brought some things from her husband\'s family back to help the family.

As a result, she suffered all kinds of hardships at her husband\'s family, and she could only endure it.

But since Zheng Shan came back, her family\'s life has been getting better and better, and her confidence has become more and more full.

Now she only needs to go back to her in-law\'s house, don\'t make a face, who dares to speak to her loudly from her in-law\'s house?

This is all because they seldom manage their in-laws\' family in recent years, and it is related to the reason why they have separated.

Although there will be no shortage of food and drink for the old couple, but there is no more concern, which has also caused the old couple to have some crisis, and they will no longer dare to stand against her.

So she has always been proud and proud of her brother, even more so now.

Fu Meiyi, who was beside him, also leaned in and looked at it. After reading the content, he was also completely dumbfounded.

Fortunately, the hand that kept the grandson still did not loosen.

Although Zheng Lan was talking, Zhong Huixiu\'s eyes looked at Zheng Shan, Zheng Shan smiled helplessly and said, "Mom, it\'s true."

"Are you really the richest man in America?" Zhong Huixiu still couldn\'t believe it.

Zheng Shan could only nod again, indicating that she was right.

"You...how did you become the richest man in America?"

Zheng Shandao: "I\'m Chinese, you can rest assured, it\'s just that my business is in the United States."

Zheng Shan didn\'t explain too much in detail, and immediately said: "And when I first came back, didn\'t I tell you?

I inherited the property of my second grandfather, and then started my own business, which is what I am now. "

Zheng Shan said it simply, but at this moment, Zhong Huixiu still had a feeling of dreaming.

The family actually became the richest family?

His own son became the richest man?

No matter how you look at it, it feels like a dream, and the money figures above make her unable to believe it. How much does it cost?

Fu Meiyi on the side felt this way, even stronger.

Her son-in-law became the richest man!

Her daughter is the richest man\'s wife!

She also became the mother-in-law of the richest man?

Thinking of this, Fu Meiyi looked at the little guy sleeping sweetly in his arms. Is this the heir to the richest man?

At this moment, Fu Meiyi subconsciously hugged her grandson in her arms. At this moment, she suddenly had an idea, that it was fortunate that her daughter gave birth to a son for the first time!

It\'s not that Fu Meiyi thinks too much, but it\'s normal to have such thoughts.


Zheng Shan looked at the silent family in the yard, a little helpless, "Mom, hurry up and cook some food, I\'m hungry too."

"Aoao, I\'ll go right now." Zhong Huixiu walked into the kitchen in a trance.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan hurriedly stopped, "Forget it, I\'m not at ease with you like this, I\'ll have someone send it over."

Zhong Huixiu didn\'t object this time, she needed time to digest this information.


When Zheng Jianguo came back in the evening~www.novelhall.com~, he found that something was wrong in the house, but at this time he drank a lot and didn\'t react for a while.

Tonight, when my colleagues treated guests, he had a good drink. When he was at home, Zhong Huixiu would mostly take care of his wine.

However, seeing the dishes on the table and the people who came here, Zheng Jianguo finally recovered a little.

He asked in surprise: "What\'s wrong with you? Is today a good day? Doing so richly?"

Because Zheng Weijun and Zheng Lan often come back, so in general, they seldom make such a rich meal, and most of them are enough to eat.

"Oh, it\'s your son who became the richest man in America, so let\'s celebrate." Zhong Huixiu said calmly.

"Damn, I thought what was going on... eh? The richest man in America? My son? Which son?" Zheng Jianguo suddenly came to his senses.