Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 558: broadcast

Everyone who could be notified was notified, and the family began to discuss heatedly again. You must know that the filming that day was not only a follow-up filming of Zheng Shan, but the cameras that followed Zheng Shan the most.

The others were also followed by cameras, so everyone was discussing how their performance would be.

Yan Qingqing also had a rare interest, and discussed it with everyone. Zheng Shan held the baby and watched from the side.

"Hee hee, Dad." The little guy seemed very happy too, but he was still very hard when scratching.

"Little bastard, don\'t you see your father\'s handsome face, you have to catch the flower before you stop?" Zheng Shan laughed and scolded for fear of hitting the little guy\'s ass.

Niuniu was not afraid at all, but thought it was his father playing with him, and became more and more happy, grabbing Zheng Shan\'s face more and more hard.

However, when Zheng Shan\'s face was really caught with a small wound, Zheng Shan discovered that Niuniu\'s fingernails were really long.

He didn\'t ask anyone else to help, so he found a nail clipper and started to trim it, but obviously, his technique was too unfamiliar, just cut two nails, and Niu Niu burst into tears.

This made Zheng Shan in a hurry, and then he was scolded by his mother again.

"Little bastard, you don\'t know what\'s good or bad." Zheng Shan said angrily, this little guy is too disrespectful.

"Little **** every day, little **** screams, he is a bastard, what are you? Old bastard?" The mother scolded angrily.

Zheng Shan laughed, "Mom, you are also scolding yourself."

"Fuck off." Zhong Huixiu was about to beat Zheng Shan in response.

After laughing and making trouble for a while, those who should be dispersed also dispersed. By the next night, these people gathered at home again.

While eating, I was waiting for the TV to start broadcasting. At this moment, not only the Zheng family, but also the old neighbors, the new neighbors, my father\'s colleagues, Zheng Weijun\'s former colleagues, etc., have all received invitations from the Zheng family. Anyone with a TV turned on the TV and watched.

After all, it is also an acquaintance who is on TV, and everyone is very concerned about it.

Soon the documentary started. When the Zheng Shan family was introduced above, it was introduced by Mr. Zheng’s family who were in line with the reform and opening up, and even Zheng Shan’s specific name was not mentioned.

However, like Zheng Kui and Zheng Weijun, these are mentioned.

The house that Zheng Shan\'s family lived in was indeed very good, as long as everyone who saw it knew that, but now everyone can accept it, and it\'s just that the house is bigger.

In the documentary, a \'detailed\' introduction was made on how the Zheng Shan family conformed to the reform and opening up.

This detail is only relative, and Zheng Shan\'s old background will definitely not be revealed here.

In fact, in this regard, the core is Zheng Kui and Zheng Weijun, as well as Zheng Lan and his wife.

The first is Zheng Kui, who opened a car repair shop. In response to the call of the country\'s reform and opening up and self-employment, he voluntarily left the original unit and started his own business.

It\'s just not mentioned that in the early days of Zheng Kui\'s business, Zheng Shan bought a super-large shop, and gave enough start-up capital, and even gave it to customers.

It is equivalent to saying direct one-stop service. If this business is not successful, it is really either a fool or a fool.

Although Zheng Kui is not very smart, he is not really stupid, so he is relatively successful in starting a business.

Of course, in this one, there are also some polishes.

For example, Zheng Kui mentioned it himself, how hard he worked when he started a business, and how long he had to work every day.

Fortunately, I have the support of my family, the enlightenment of my parents, and so on.

When Zheng Shan heard this, he couldn\'t help but glance at Zheng Kui. He didn\'t expect his younger brother to be so thick-skinned.

Not only Zheng Shan, but also Zheng Weijun and Zheng Lan looked over.

Zheng Kui was a little embarrassed by them, and muttered: "I didn\'t say this before, this is what the other side told me to say, what can I do?"

"And big brother doesn\'t talk about second brother, big brother, how can you be better than me?"

Zheng Weijun pretended to hear it, "Ah, what did you say?"

"Be quiet and watch TV." Zheng Jianguo spoke, because he and Zhong Huixiu appeared inside.

The two talked about how to educate their children and how to support them.

"They are all young people, and young people all have their own ideas. Now the times are different, we can\'t use our own old ideas to imprison them."

"And they are also responding to the call of the country. Now the country needs them to start their own businesses and to do so, so we parents can only support."

"It is also that they have their own prospects. I am also very pleased that they can have the current results."

Looking at himself talking in the camera, Comrade Zheng Jianguo felt very satisfied. He touched his chin from time to time, wondering if he could have said this better?

Zhong Huixiu was also happy, she showed an enlightened mother to the extreme.

"There\'s not much we can do, help them take care of their children, cook and cook, so they don\'t have to worry about it, that\'s what we parents should do."

Seeing his parents like this, Zheng Shan almost couldn\'t help laughing, although his parents were really enlightened and really supportive.

But in the beginning, Zheng Kui wanted to resign and go it alone, but he remembered how his parents were so angry that they almost broke the fourth\'s thigh.

The picture soon arrived at Zheng Weijun, and on Zheng Lan\'s side, the two families also had corresponding shooting pictures.

Although Zheng Weijun is not very good at words, but at this moment, he is unusually able to speak, his mouth is babbling.

"When did you say that?" Lin Meihua was a little surprised, and she didn\'t show up when filming this.

"They told me to say it." Zheng Weijun firmly refused to admit that he wanted to say so much.

When it came to Zheng Lan\'s house, Zheng Shan was completely speechless. Whether it was Zheng Lan or Wen Jie, they basically kept their business in three words~www.novelhall.com~ This is to treat this documentary as an advertisement come to use?

Wen Jie was a little embarrassed to see Zheng Shan and the others, "That\'s what your sister asked me to do."

Zheng Lan ignored this and said aggressively: "What? Can\'t you? It\'s a pity not to advertise for such a good opportunity."

"Okay, okay, as long as you\'re happy," Zheng Shan said.

"Hey, you guys are full and don\'t know if you are hungry. Is it easy for our family? You wake up early and go to the dark to earn some money." Zheng Lan said.

Zheng Shan glanced at her and said, "It\'s almost done. If you still complain, some people are willing to be like you."

Zheng Lan was suddenly unhappy, "What? Are you despising your sister?"

Zheng Shan: ......

Don\'t talk to yourself, just watch TV honestly.