Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 551: Influence

The next day, Zheng Shan just got up when he saw Zheng Jianguo, Zheng Weijun, Zheng Kui, and even Zheng Lan brought their family over, all dressed neatly and with hairspray on their hair. As for Zheng Lan, she had her hair done specially. , looks very foreign.

"What are you doing?" Zheng Shan asked with a bit of confusion.

The people in front of him had become unknowable to him. He sat upright in the living room, drinking tea. If he didn\'t know, he would have thought they were guests.

"Cough, brother, didn\'t we hear that a reporter from a TV station is coming to our house for an interview, saying that he will be on TV again." Zheng Kui said with a dry cough.

Zheng Lan also said: "Yeah, I heard from Dad last night that I got up early to get my hair done, and it cost nearly a hundred yuan."

I didn\'t dare to think about this before, and I still spend money on hair? Hair is sold for money, why do you want money?

Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Jianguo. Zheng Jianguo only cared about drinking water, as if he didn\'t see it. He was so excited yesterday that he called his two sons, and one of his daughters told about it.

So early in the morning, a few families arrived, cleaned up neatly, and a few children dressed up like dolls.

Zheng Ming was also wearing a small suit and a small bow tie. Just by watching him move, he knew that he was not comfortable.

"Didn\'t Dad tell you the time for the interview?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

"Not today?" Zheng Lan asked in surprise.

Zheng Jianguo also looked over. He heard Zheng Shan say yesterday that it seemed like today?

"No, it\'s tomorrow, today is my personal interview, and the official recording will start tomorrow." Zheng Shandao.

This time, the few people who were originally holding them collapsed directly, each of them seemed to be relieved, just pretending to be too tired.

It is really very rare to be able to be on TV this year, and it is still CCTV.

Zheng Kui, Zheng Weijun, and even Wen Jie did commercials on TV, but after all, they were not personal.

Looking at a person who looked like a man just now, all of them are now revealed.

"Brother, why didn\'t you tell me earlier, it made me get up early in the morning." Zheng Kui muttered.

Zheng Shan said angrily, "You didn\'t ask me either."

"Okay, why don\'t you go? Come back tomorrow morning. Really, let\'s have an interview to see how excited you are."

Zheng Kui said: "This is an interview with CCTV. Maybe I will have this opportunity in my life, so don\'t take it."

Although the few people on the side didn\'t speak, they all meant the same thing.

Zheng Shan was too lazy to care about them, and went to have breakfast on his own. Soon Hao Lei and the others arrived. Seeing that Zheng Shan\'s family were all there, he was a little stunned.

"They are just idle, don\'t worry about them." Zheng Shan said casually.

After breakfast, Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "Come over tomorrow and change me into a normal attire. Don\'t make such a coquettish bag. Who can I show it to?"


The interview location this time was still in the study room. Zheng Shan sat in a chair casually and said, "Then let\'s start?"

"Mr. Zheng, do you have any different views on the questions we gave you yesterday?" Hao Lei asked.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s all normal, don\'t worry, if I don\'t want to answer, I will tell you directly."

"Okay, let\'s start now." Hao Lei took a deep breath.

"Mr. Zheng Shan, I\'m Hao Lei, a reporter from CCTV. It\'s an honor to interview you today." This is the fixed opening remarks.

Zheng Shandao: "I am also honored to be interviewed by CCTV."

"Thank you, how do you feel now? Forbes listed you as the richest person in the world, what do you think?" Hao Lei asked.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "How can you feel? Actually, it\'s nothing. They have no effect on me by making this list. Maybe it will increase my reputation, but for my wealth, it\'s as much as it should be, no Changed because of their list."

"Can you tell us about your current business situation?" Hao Lei continued to ask.

Zheng Shandao: "The companies under my name are basically showing a positive development trend now. They all have a dedicated management team to manage them, and they also have clear plans for the future of the company."

These are all clichés, and Zheng Shan won\'t say much in this interview, and it doesn\'t make much sense.

"Then do you have any opinions or suggestions on the current enterprises in our country?" Hao Lei asked.

This is the key question, and it is also the question for which Zheng Shan has made some preparations.

Zheng Shan became serious, "Most domestic enterprises are now state-owned enterprises, which has advantages and disadvantages.

In fact, in recent years, everyone has noticed that the country is also making great efforts to carry out reforms, but the effect is not very obvious now.

The difficulty here is very big, and we all know that because it involves too many people and things, the advice I can give is to try to make an enterprise self-financing. Of course, these enterprises I am talking about are not affecting the development of the country. in the case of strategy.

Even if some companies lose money, even if they know they won\'t make money, they still need strong support from the state. "

"But the general state-owned enterprises need the state to let go. This also puts some pressure on them. Similarly, it will also rejuvenate the truly capable enterprises and potential enterprises."

"As for the rest, maybe it\'s a good thing to be eliminated."

Hao Lei wrote down these things silently. She was only responsible for memorizing these issues raised by Zheng Shan, not for questioning them.

"Can you talk about the current private companies?" Hao Lei continued to ask.

Zheng Shandao: "Of course, now the country is committed to reform and opening up, which is very good, and the country should also unswervingly support reform and opening up. In this way, the first thing is to stimulate domestic economic development~www.novelhall.com~ and Not a big pot of rice.

In the future, there will be more and more private enterprises. The state should focus on establishing a sound enterprise system so that domestic private enterprises can develop well.

Private enterprises are an important part of the domestic economy and will add more activity to the market. "

"But some people say that in this way, we are not a socialist country. Do you agree with this statement?"

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Who said that? A country\'s system is not determined by one or two companies, nor is it determined by the economy."

Hao Lei began to gradually enter the state, and some questions were thrown out one by one, and Zheng Shan basically answered them.

As for these issues, not all of them can be published in the newspapers, and most of them will not even be published in the newspapers. Only a small number of them will be published after review.

And Zheng Shan\'s comments will definitely set off a lot of waves, and even have an impact on some of the decisions of the upper echelons.