Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 550: interview

Zheng Shan didn\'t eat breakfast for too long. Knowing that Hao Lei and the others were not used to it, he ate it quickly and took someone to the study.

When she sat down in the study, Hao Lei first said, "Mr. Zheng, please forgive me for disturbing you this time."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "You don\'t have to be so polite. I\'m a very casual person, and I don\'t have those messy rules, so just order whatever you want."

Hao Lei nodded, as if she had written it down, but in fact nothing had changed. No matter what, the man in front of her was also the richest man, and he was the richest man of great significance.

"This time we want to do a separate interview with Mr. Zheng. I wonder if there is anything on your side that needs our attention, Mr. Zheng?" Hao Wen asked.

Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "You guys talk about your thoughts first, how do you do this interview?"

Hao Lei took a deep breath and said slowly: "After our meeting and research, we want to do a paper interview first, if possible, it is better to have a documentary interview.

Also, it would be better if Mr. Zheng you could be interviewed by TV news. "

These are suggestions based on what Liu Yi and others know about Zheng Shan.

It\'s just a suggestion, how to interview in the end, whether to interview or not, it\'s all up to Zheng Shan himself.

Zheng Shandao: "Forget the news first, I don\'t like to show up very much."

"Mr. Zheng, in fact, if this matter spreads out, it will give the Chinese people a lot of confidence, which is a good thing." Hao Lei wanted to persuade.

If this matter is publicized, it will definitely boost the morale of the domestic people.

The richest man in the United States is their own countryman. So many Europeans and Americans don’t earn as much money as our own people, and they still earn American money. This is enough to make this matter play the biggest role.

Zheng Shan shook his head and said, "Confidence cannot be improved by a person\'s success, and even if it is improved, it is vain. What we need now is to earnestly improve our ability and level, rather than relying on these false names. ."

Seeing what Zheng Shan said, Hao Lei didn\'t mention this matter anymore, but the above was a serious explanation. Once Zheng Shan is unwilling, there can be no coercion, let alone moral kidnapping.

Zheng Shan\'s patriotism needs no test for a long time. For so long, what Zheng Shan has done for the country has been seen by many people.

Many things are just not publicized. Some countries need instruments and lack of foreign exchange, and Zheng Shan has a lot of support.

Especially in terms of foreign exchange, because Xishui Bank and the National Team Bank have some share support, this kind of operation is much more convenient.

Now, the foreign exchange exchanged by Xishui Bank and the national team, as well as the foreign exchange loaned out, has exceeded 500 million US dollars!

There is no doubt that this is a huge number now, and the $500 million has solved a lot of trouble for the country.

Zheng Shan continued: "The other point is that I hope this interview needs to be kept confidential. Similarly, in the next few years, it will not be broadcast."

"As you can see, I like my current life and I don\'t want this kind of life to be disturbed."

Zheng Shan agreed to Hao Lei\'s request mainly because of the above reasons. Similarly, it could be regarded as a record for himself.

Maybe in the future, when you are old, you will miss the present life.

Hao Lei thought for a while and said, "Mr. Zheng, do you think this will work? Can we release the written interview? It won\'t mention where you live now, and won\'t reveal your personal information."

If nothing is released, Hao Lei always feels a little unwilling. This is such a good news material, can I just enjoy it silently?

Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "Alright, so be it. The written interview can be released at that time, and the camera interview can be kept for the time being. By the way, leave a copy for me as well."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zheng for your understanding." Hao Lei breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words. She also found out that the person in front of her was really good at talking.

There is no sense of oppression as imagined, and there are not so many rules.

"This is our written interview outline. As for the camera interview, we want to take a picture of your current lifestyle. Is there a big gap with our ordinary people?" Hao Lei said and handed over a long-planned interview. outline.

Zheng Shan took it over and looked at it for a while, then nodded slightly, "I\'ll take a look first, and I\'ll communicate with you if there are any questions."

"As for filming life? You can actually see that, except that I live in a larger place, I\'m no different from ordinary people. At most, I can eat better?"

"But it doesn\'t matter if you want to shoot, just don\'t shoot some privacy at that time."

Zheng Shan doesn\'t care about this either.

"Thank you, Mr. Zheng. After we finish filming, we will give you the purpose. If there are any inappropriate places, we will delete them all and will not keep them." Hao Lei said quickly.

Things were arranged like this. Actually, it wasn\'t a big deal. Hao Lei also quickly prepared.

On Zheng Shan\'s side, he said to his parents, "Mom, someone will come to our house for an interview in a few days. Don\'t be nervous then."

"Interview? On TV?" Zhong Huixiu asked.

"I shouldn\'t be on it for the time being. It\'s said that I will use some recorded materials first, and maybe it will be broadcast on TV in the future." Zheng Shandao.

Zhong Huixiu immediately lost interest, but still asked, "Why are we interviewing us?"

"Isn\'t it reform and opening up now? Many people are concerned about the social form and the issues of surname, capital, and society. Our family is considered to be rich first, so people also want to see what our life will be like after we become rich. Yes, has it really changed completely~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shandao.

This is also the meaning of the interview, but Zheng Shan doesn\'t want to be famous now. Of course, if he doesn\'t bring the title of the richest man, maybe Zheng Shan doesn\'t care very much?

But who knows, anyway, now Zheng Shan doesn\'t really want to appear on TV. He hasn\'t had enough of such a leisurely and beautiful life.

"What can change with money? Except that you don\'t need to worry about money, the rest is the same, what to do and what to do, look at your mother and me now, I don\'t cook, do laundry, help you take care of your baby, and even more Take care of your daughter-in-law." Zhong Huixiu complained.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "This is mom, you are too good, who asked us to spread your good mother."

"Go, go, don\'t keep pouring me ecstasy soup." Zhong Huixiu scolded with a smile.

In the evening, Zheng Shan also talked to Zheng Jianguo. Zheng Jianguo was very concerned about this matter. Although he heard from Zheng Shan that it might not be broadcast, at least it was a source of bragging, and it was still possible. If he is on TV, he actually has a chance to be on TV in this life, not to mention CCTV, let alone his excitement.