Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 552: I am Chinese

This interview went very smoothly. Zheng Shan basically answered some of the questions that Hao Lei had prepared, which made Hao Lei feel much more relaxed and happy.

When the interview came to an end, perhaps seeing that Zheng Shan was so good at talking, Hao Lei suddenly said, "Mr. Zheng, I have a personal question I want to ask you, may I ask you?"

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Yes, you can ask, but if I don\'t want to answer a question, I won\'t say it. Don\'t say that I\'m not friendly."

"How is it possible, you are the most friendly rich person I have ever met." Hao Lei said with a smile.

Immediately, he turned serious and asked, "Why did you return to China? And as far as I know, you have returned to China six years ago and rarely go out. Are you planning to live in China for a long time in the future?"

In fact, not only Hao Lei, but many people who know Zheng Shan\'s real situation at this time have a doubt, that is why Zheng Shan chose to return to China.

Although I knew that Zheng Shan had some money before, but after all, there was no clear concept, even many of the people above were like this.

Some people even wonder if Zheng Shan can\'t get along in the United States anymore? Or something like that in America.

After all, some people now say that they can go to Western countries, and it is still the United States. A large number of people will choose to abandon everything they have now and choose to go to the United States.

Even if there is nothing there, even if there is only some work such as washing dishes, there are still countless people who will choose this way.

Many of them are high-level intellectuals. These people are all going to the United States. As long as they have the opportunity, they are willing to give up everything they have now, including property and relationships.

Under such a social background, many people do not understand that a rich man like Zheng Shan will return to the country to settle down.

Especially when the rich list came out and Zheng Shan ranked first, everyone was even more confused. Why did Zheng Shan do this?

You must know that with Zheng Shan\'s current status and wealth, in a capitalist society like the United States, he can definitely live a very nourishing life, and even possess a lot of power that is impossible to have at home.

And in this era, no one really thinks that the domestic one is better than the United States, and even in the imagination of many people, it is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

Therefore, Zheng Shan\'s choice is more and more confusing, and no one knows what he is thinking.

Hao Lei was also very puzzled. Before, such doubts could only be pondered carefully in her heart, but now seeing Zheng Shan so good at talking, Hao Lei couldn\'t help but ask the question.

Regarding this question, Zheng Shan said very easily: "First of all, let\'s go back to the latter question. I really plan to live in China for a long time. After all, my home is here."

"As for the previous question, it\'s very simple, because I\'m Chinese, I was in my past life, and I am in this life. I\'m not in the country, where else can I go? Here are my roots!"

Zheng Shan\'s voice was not loud and he said it casually, but Hao Lei was stunned.

For that reason?

Although in Hao Lei\'s opinion, this reason seems a little too idealistic and not real, but seeing Zheng Shan\'s demeanor and the tone of his speech, Hao Lei inexplicably believes it, this is Zheng Shan\'s real reason!

"Thank you." After a long time, Hao Lei just said this sentence.

After leaving the study, they met Zheng Shan\'s parents on the way. Hao Lei also became interested and began to communicate with the two.

Zheng Jianguo was excited when he saw that it was a reporter, and Hao Lei asked about Zheng Shan, and Zheng Jianguo started to talk about it.

For example, Zheng Shan was taught to be patriotic since he was a child, and he was told to do whatever he wanted.

Some things are true, such as patriotism, and some things are made up by Zheng Jianguo temporarily, anyway, how to reflect his father\'s goodness.

Zhong Huixiu on the side rolled her eyes when she heard the words, but when Hao Lei asked her, Zhong Huixiu was no different from Zheng Jianguo. She praised Zheng Shan first, and then took the credit to herself.

Zheng Shan was a little amused by what he heard on the side, but he didn\'t say anything.


When Hao Lei returned to the TV station, she didn\'t have time to rest at all, so she went directly to the conference room.

At this time, including the head of the station, and even people from higher-level departments, were all looking at Hao Lei.

Hao Lei took out the content of her interview and was dictating some things at the same time.

And those ideas about enterprise reform put forward by Zheng Shan are also the point that the higher authorities are most concerned about.

But when Hao Lei came up with the last question, Zheng Shan\'s fluffy sentence "I am Chinese" made many people stunned!

To be honest, we all know what the situation is now. Not one or two people want to go to the United States. They all try their best to pass.

Some state-owned enterprises even sent people to the United States for inspection, and when they came back, they could have fewer people.

But Zheng Shan, the richest man, returned to his own country for this reason that is not a reason, and he has also made great efforts for the development of the country.

"Mr. Zheng Shan\'s patriotism deserves the respect of all of us." The superior leader said in a deep voice after being silent for a while.

Others echoed, all praising Zheng Shan.

"I will take these interview materials back first, don\'t rush to publish them, and wait for our notice."



Another day passed, Zheng Shan looked at the normal people in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief, don\'t be like before, Zheng Shan would look a lot awkward.

But even so, Zheng Kui and the others were all uncomfortable. After all, there were several cameras around them, so they couldn\'t really relax.

Even when they were eating, no one was talking, and they were all very gentle.

"Where\'s your kid?" Zheng Shan asked.

I didn\'t see Zheng Kui\'s son today~www.novelhall.com~ Yuan Xiaohua also gave birth to a son. During this time, Zheng Kui was very happy.

But in the same way, Zheng Kui\'s pressure has also increased a lot. Fortunately, Hao Wu finally made some progress, and actually got him more than a dozen trucks.

At the same time, two truck drivers were also introduced. Zheng Kui also found drivers from some units, but only asked them to come to help, not to let them directly enter the company.

After all, the official employees of the current unit are still very popular, and few people will give up the official establishment of the unit because of a little immediate benefit.

Bai Yi also handed over some transportation business near Xishui Supermarket to Zheng Kui, at least so that he can have a job to support these cars and people.

"Put it in the room, don\'t worry, sleep soundly." Zheng Kui said casually.

Hao Lei and the others just silently watched the family eating and chatting in front of them. The more they looked, the more they realized that there seemed to be no difference between Zheng Shan\'s family and their family. Just like Zheng Shan said, they lived in a bigger place. Just eat better.